OF …Mat. 6:6-10/17-18…
First, we must recognize that the outcome of any endeavour is a function of the preparation that went ahead of it 2 Chr. 27:6/ Luk. 1:80. Therefore, to make the most of this Prayer and Fasting season, individuals must take note of the following: 1. Spiritual preparation as it relates to specific demands, we are out to make on the prayer altar, must be well defined, with scriptures to back them up for all our personal prayer sessions 1 Jhn.5:14-15 2. Everyone of us should make a priority of his or her Spiritual concerns, such as the issue of prayerlessness, lack of engagement and understanding of scriptures and living a life that displeases God. This is because, when it is well with us spiritually, it becomes well with us in all other areas 1 Tim. 4:8/ Rom. 8:6/28/ Jhn. 4:21 3. We must have at least, one or two items of Kingdom advancement issues such as Church growth, Fruitful outreaches, etc. Mat.6:9-10/33
4. Every of our prayer session must be
accompanied with thanksgiving to secure
God’s attention on the prayer altar, and to
ensure that there is no form of murmuring
and complaining, because, whatever the
case maybe or look like, if God were not
there with us, it should have been worse
Phi. 4:6/ Psa. 103:1-3/ Psa. 124: 1-3
5. We must also take time to pray for those
who minister the Word of God to us:
Ø First, for more free flow of Revelation
2 Thes. 3:1.
Ø Greater boldness in declaring the Word
Eph. 6:19
Ø Continuous grace to stay the course
Act. 26:22/ 2 Tim. 4:6-8.
6. Every of our Prayer sessions must have one
or two individuals or families, either from
our natural family circle, neighbors,
colleagues at work, customers, or clients
whose needs we are aware of, to take up
such issues in prayer for divine intervention
on their behalf Psa. 41:1-3/ Pro. 28:27
Furthermore, everyone is admonished to
break down the fasting season to slots of
three days with well-defined prayer targets
Hos. 6:3
Finally, remember, whatever good thing any
man does, the same shall he receive of the
Lord. Eph. 6:8
Be blessed, as you engage accordingly in the
name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Jesus is Lord!