Open Heavens: Why You Should Always Read Open Heavens 2022
Open Heavens Daily Devotional by Pastor Enoch Adeboye, is one of the prominent daily devotionals
you can find anywhere. It is written by Pastor Enoch Adeboye, the General Overseer of the RedeemedChristian Church of God.

Open Heavens Daily Devotional is read by multitudes all around the world. God has been using Pastor
E.A Adeboye for this ministry, for many years now, and the devotional has been blessing many people
from different places in the world.
Here are some very good reasons you should ensure you always read open heavens daily devotional.
1. Redeemed Christian Church of God open heavens daily devotional will help you grow in the things
of God. The author (Daddy Adeboye) is a vessel of God Most High, and God has been using Him
greatly. He writes the mind of God, and we all know the Word of God is powerful.
As a Christian, you grow in the things of God as you engage the things that are truly of God. When you
make it an habit to always study open heavens daily devotional, you will be helped to grow in your
knowledge of God and the things that matters greatly to Him. This of course is beneficial to you at all
Why You Should Always Read Open Heavens 2022
2. It feeds your soul right
Man is a spirit that has a soul, and is living in a body. Your soul can be a gateway to the health of your
spirit. Note that if your spirit is not healthy, it means you are not really healthy. This explains why you
must always give great priority to the things you feed your soul with.
Indeed, you should not allow rubbish stuff into your soul. The reason the lives of many people is in a
cadre of unpleasantness is because they kept feeding their soul bad and ungodly junks.
The thing is, there are many things from the realm of darkness today that are corrupting the soul. Talk
about movies, songs, the way people are dressing, etc.
Therefore, to keep your spirit sane and clean and pure, you should ensure you keep feeding your soul
with the things from God Himself. And since the content of the open heavens daily devotional comes
from God, then you should give attention to it very well. If you can feed your soul with things like this,
particularly every morning before you go out, it will be productive.
Why You Should Always Read Open Heavens 2022
3. It feeds your spirit right
As stated already, you as a human, is a spirit. You are not the body you are seeing, but you are really
the inward man inside. You are a spirit. Hence, your spirit must be hale and healthy if you are going to
be really sound in life, and if you are going to be who and what God has destined you to be.
There are things from God that helps feed our spirit and enables us to remain hale and healthy. The
Word of God, which is the wisdom of God, is so powerful. Devotionals like open heavens are helpful
because the author is drawing the wisdom of God.
When your spirit is doing well, you are really doing well. When your spirit is doing well, you have the
ability to know what God is saying about you per time. God is your Source, and He is always speaking
to you. He is your Father, and He always have things to inform you, so you can grow.
But the reason why many people are in an unpleasant state is because their spirit is not functioning
properly. They can't really pick up spiritual signals from the realm of God. The story changes when
your spirit is sharp and sound. If your spirit is alive, you can always know God's Will for you per time,
and your life will always flourish.
Now, the words of God are spirit and life. And when brought from the realm of God, like it is through
the medium of open heavens daily devotional, it will be beneficial to your spirit.
Why You Should Always Read Open Heavens 2022
4. The source is safe and fireful
It's good to read Christian books and materials. However, it is wisdom to try knowing the source of
something before you start consuming it. It is necessary to know that one has to be careful about the
type of Christian materials you consume. There are several books out there that are not from God nor
of God. Some are drawing their words from the wisdom of man, while some, from darkness. Sure,
they can harm the average Christian.
Hence, you should be selective as touching the types of books you read. But you see, the open
heavens daily devotional is being written by Pastor E.A Adeboye, who is a tested and trusted man of
Daddy Adeboye has been around for many years now. He has a reputation for being God's own
servant, and he has been consistent with God for many years too. He is a lover of God and a God
chaser, and you can be always sure that the things written in the open heavens daily devotional are
things of God.
Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye is an anointed man of God who is interested on nothing but seeing
that God's Will alone is established on the surface of the earth. Hence, you can confidently study the
open heavens daily devotional everyday.
In conclusion,Why You Should Always Read Open Heavens 2022
The devotional should not replace the study of scriptures at all. You should make sure
you keep studying the Bible and feeding on God's Word. Always remember that devotionals are
meant to help you in your walk with God, and should not take the place of the Bible.
Please, don't just be a reader of these things, but much more, a doer. Ensure you are living as a
Christian should, and be well pleasing to God. Love God. Finally, don't just be the only one studying
this daily devotional, but you should ensure you share with others too.