…. Deut. 2:3/Deut. 1:11/Mic. 2:10 …
While I stood before the Lord concerning His 2023 Church growth agenda for us, I heard God said, and it shall be more than double But I have learnt over the years that we serve the God of specifics, Who hardly response to ambiguity Mat. 10:46-52 For example, when He spoke about Wonder Double in 2015, He did it and we had more than double of all we had in 26 years of our Church growth labour He spoke about planting 5,000 new Churches in 2019, He made it happen and we saw more than double of what we had in 32 years of our Church planting endeavours to the glory of God.
However, the following must be in place for faith to deliver: ü Any vision not believe and run with cannot see the light of day Hab. 2:1-4/ Jam. 2:18 ü We must respond to the demands of growth as unveiled in scriptures, which include, the fact that no church grows without a people on the go after souls, offering compelling invitation for people to come and meet with Christ in Church, commitment to following up our new converts by praying fervently for their establishment, among others Jhn 15:16 / Luk. 14:17-23/ Eph. 6:18 ü We also must understand that every praying Church is a growing Church and every growing Church must remain a praying Church to keep growing Isa. 66:7-8/ Act. 2:46-47/ Act. 6:3-4/7 ü We must be thankful for every addition, so as to turn it to multiplication Eph. 5:20/ Jer. 30:19/ Jhn 6:6-12 Therefore, with our faith at work, it is no big deal to secure a 4-level dimension of growth ordained for the year 2023 in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen Isa. 66:7-8/ Act 9:35-36/ Act 13:44 Jesus is Lord! 2023 FOUR LEVEL DIMENSION OF CHURCH GROWTH David O. Oyedepo
From scriptures we understand that we serve a God of increase, addition, multiplication and great multiplication Act. 2:47/ Jer. 30:19/ Act. 6:7 vOur God has the capacity to multiply any congregation a thousand times and many more Deut. 1:11/ Mak. 9:23 vAs we all know, we serve a God of strange works and strange acts Isa. 28:21-22/ Luk. 5:26 vGod who created the universe in six days can make anything happen at His time Gen. 1:1-31/ Heb. 11:1-3/ Gen. 21:1-6 vHowever, it is important for every one of us to beware of mocking prophetic moves, it can be costly Luk. 2:34/ 2 Kgs. 7:1-2/20/ Mat. 12:31 vBut faith is a non-negotiable requirement to bring the hand of God to bear on any divine task for delivery 1 Kgs 8:15/ Isa. 53:1/ Hab. 2:4 vThis is why whatever God can do faith can make happen Jer. 32:17/ Mak. 9:23 In the same vein, as we look forward to the delivery of four time the size of every local assembly, we must also be set for minimum twice the number of Home Cells to accommodate the new members, noting that all new members are eligible to host WSF in their homes as it was in the early church, where in every house there was a fellowship in spite of the fact that they were new converts Act. 5:42 2023 FOUR LEVEL DIMENSION OF CHURCH GROWTH David O. Oyedepo
God spoke again of planting 10,000 new Churches in 2020, in spite of the COVID 19 saga, we it delivered by the Hand of God as we had more than double of all we had in 33 years. God again spoke of establishing double the number of existing home cells, that is, Winners’ Satellite Fellowship operations. He surprised us in a number of our Churches with more than double, while here at Faith Tabernacle, we saw above 21,000 new home cells planted, which is more than double what we had in 28 of our cell ministry as a Church. Again, God spoke of entering into 75 nations in our foreign mission Church planting endeavours and we saw how God gave us triumphant entry into 83 nations in 2022 more than double of all we had in 27 years of our mission work across the nations Following the above trend, I then demanded what specific figure to target in the more than double Church growth agenda, then I had a witness of the Spirit to go for fourlevel dimension of growth, that is, four times the current size of every local assembly in this Commission in the year 2023. Therefore, the same way we saw all the above brought to pass by the hand of God, it is no big deal for our God to diver Four times the size of every local assembly in this Church this year in line with the matching order Ha has given us Mat. 4:10/ Luk. 1:36God spoke again of planting 10,000 new Churches in 2020, in spite of the COVID 19 saga, we it delivered by the Hand of God as we had more than double of all we had in 33 years. God again spoke of establishing double the number of existing home cells, that is, Winners’ Satellite Fellowship operations. He surprised us in a number of our Churches with more than double, while here at Faith Tabernacle, we saw above 21,000 new home cells planted, which is more than double what we had in 28 of our cell ministry as a Church.
Again, God spoke of entering into 75 nations in our foreign mission Church planting endeavours and we saw how God gave us triumphant entry into 83 nations in 2022 more than double of all we had in 27 years of our mission work across the nations Following the above trend, I then demanded what specific figure to target in the more than double Church growth agenda, then I had a witness of the Spirit to go for fourlevel dimension of growth, that is, four times the current size of every local assembly in this Commission in the year 2023. Therefore, the same way we saw all the above brought to pass by the hand of God, it is no big deal for our God to diver Four times the size of every local assembly in this Church this year in line with the matching order Ha has given us Mat. 4:10/ Luk. 1:36