UNIT 3: Gospel Of Mark (The Servant Messiah)
LESSON 14: April 7, 2024.
Memory Verse: Mark 1:27 – They were all amazed, insomuch that they questioned among themselves, saying, “What thing is this?” what new doctrine is this? for with authority commandeth he even the unclean spirits, and they do obey him.
Lesson Bible Text:
Mark 2:1-12,23-28; 3:1-5; 11:27-33.
Lesson Central Truth:
Jesus Christ has all authority in heaven and the Earth.
When someone has authority, that means they’re on top of other people. They have responsibility beyond the norm. They are able to determine things, to decide things, to render judgments, to wield certain rights and privileges. And we say in the home there is authority, resting with the Father, with the parents. In the government there are authorities: the police and those who govern us. In the schools there are authorities. But there is One who has authority that surpasses all other authorities. In Matthew chapter 28, verse 18, Jesus said this, “All authority is given unto Me in heaven and on earth.” “All authority is given unto Me”– that is an amazing claim to privilege. That is an amazing claim to power, to permission, to right. Jesus has authority over all and He demonstrated that very well in His ministry.
Today’s lesson looks at incidents in the ministry of Jesus that proved His authority. If we live in submission to His lordship, we will find fulfilment and purpose.
A. Faith Rewarded – Mark 2:1-5
B. Authority Demonstrated – Mark 2:6-12.
A. Questionable Behaviour – Mark 2:23-28
B. Questionable Healing – Mark 3:1-5.
A. Jesus’ Authority – Mark 11:27-28
B. Jesus’ Authority Rejected – Mark 11:29-33.
Mark 2:1-12

With this challenge, people with different sickness weren’t able to enter to see Jesus. There was a lame (paralytic) man whose friends believed that Jesus could heal him and they found a way to get their friend before Jesus by opening the roof and letting him down by ropes attached to his bed. When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralysed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Jesus’ Words are in response to the faith of paralytic friends. Note that God uses individuals with faith to bring people to Jesus.
In many ways, any time we preach the Gospel, we are like individuals carrying a paralytic on a stretcher to Jesus. The reward of these paralytic friends is the forgiveness of sins their friend got from Jesus. Our responsibility as believers to bring sins to Christ Who has the matchless power to forgive their sins.

Both statements would be impossible for anyone but God. If Jesus had authority to make the lame walk by merely uttering the word, then He also had authority to forgive sins because the power to do either was in God’s domain, not man’s. Jesus has the authority to heal both physical and spiritual issues of our lives. Note that Jesus did not mean that the paralysed man was sinful or that his paralysis was directly caused by sin.
Instead, He addressed the man’s greatest need and the common root of all pain and suffering–man’s sinful condition. Jesus demonstrates His authority to forgive sins and His power to heal disease. Jesus said to the man, “Arise, take up your bed, and go to your house.” The man was immediately healed. The power of Jesus to heal and the authority to forgive sins were immediately vindicated.
Mark 2:23-28; 3:1-5

In the eyes of the religious leaders, they were guilty of Sabbath violations. To defend His disciples’ actions, Jesus pointed out that David and his companions, when they were hungry, ate the showbread, which theaw stated was only to be eaten by the priests. Jesus used that incident to teach the religious leaders an important point about Sabbath: It was given for man’s benefit, not man for Sabbath’s benefit. Human need is more important than religious rituals. Any application of the Sabbath Law, which operates to the detriment of man, is out of harmony with God’s purpose. God made Sabbath to be a day of rest to renew people after six days of work and to cause people to recognise God as the One who provides for their needs. As the Son of Man, Jesus asserted His Lordship over the Sabbath. He had the authority to declare what was in keeping with the spirit of the Law regarding the Sabbath.

This fulfils the purpose of the Sabbath as a day to rest from our pursuit of profit and take time apart to worship and glorify God together with other believers. Jesus explained that doing “good” by healing someone captures the intended spirit of the law. Keeping the traditions and ignoring human needs or destroying life by refusing to heal is “evil” and is a misuse of religion. Jesus’ critics were mute and refused to accept their wrongs. The Pharisees’ attitude angered Jesus, who was “grieved for the hardness of their hearts.” They were more concerned with the keeping of their rules than about the welfare of their fellowman. Jesus’ compassion for the man remained, and He healed him. No man’s traditions or critics can stop God’s works and healing in our lives.
Mark 11:27-33

Sensing their insincerity, Jesus responded to the question from the religious leaders by promising to tell them about His authority of they first answered His question. Jesus’ question put them in a bind by asking in essence, “Did God authorise John to baptise people or not?” These men were stuck in a precarious position. The truthful answer would show them to be wrong. The wrong answer would turn the people against them. So they chose the safe response: “We cannot tell.” If they were unwilling to answer, neither would Jesus answer. This was another opportunity to accept Jesus’ divine authority, but they as well rejected it. No matter questions and rejections coming from different angles in our world today, none can stop the matchless power and authority of Jesus Christ.

God has put all things under the authority of Christ, and He gave Him this authority for the benefit of the church. We are victorious through the authority of Jesus Christ.

Father, we praise Your Name for all authority in heaven and on earth belong to You. Mighty are the works of your hands. Honour and glory to you alone. Amen!
Remain blessed as you join us in our Sunday school both online and at any Assemblies Of God Church close to you as we study together under the Feet of the Master.
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