The sacredness of human life is emphasised in today’s passage. Because human life is sacred, killing a person should never be treated with levity but attract maximum penalty. This is because every human being, unlike animals and other living things, is made in the very image of God and God’s image cannot be tampered with and destroyed without grave consequences.
But the sacredness of human life has been eroded in our dear nation, Nigeria, due to several factors. Foremost of these is the jihad being waged by radical Islamist militias who rape, maim and kill with total impunity. This evil cannot continue without attracting the judgment of God because life can only come from God and no one has the power to take it, except under God’s divine authority.
QUESTION: How much do you value your life and the lives of others?
PRAYER: Oh God, please intervene to restore and protect the sacredness of life in our dear country, in Jesus name, Amen.
Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) Food For The Day 2023