







King of Kings, Lord of Lords; The Alpha and The Omega; The Beginning and The Ending; The One who is, The One who was, The One who is to come; The Unchangeable Changer – We bless Your Holy Name.

You are our Redeemer, You are our Healer, You are our Deliverer, You are our Provider, You are our “Source of Joy”, You are our “Hope of Glory” – Accept our worship in Jesus Name.

My Father and my God, we come before You with all Humility and we ask that from this moment onwards; this Worship Center will become a Miracle Center – If they bring the Sick here, let the Sick be Healed; if they bring the barren here, let the barren become Fruitful; if the Poor comes here to Worship, let the Poor begin to Prosper; if they bring the dead here, let the dead rise.

Every Prayers Prayed here Father; answer them by Fire and let the Miracles begin now.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Alright, let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

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Wave to one (1) or two (2) People because of Protocol and say: It is going to be well with you – Amen.

God Bless You and then you may Please be seated!

Someone said that Congregation is like Chewing Gum – That you chew it and after a while you throw it out.

Well, if that is true; I think my Beloveth Sister (Reverend Mother Esther Abimbola Ajayi, alias Iya Aladura) Founder of The Love of Christ Generation Church, C&S) will have a lot of Chewing Gum to chew because there are so many People who will like to say: Congratulations and they will keep on saying Congratulations because this is Beautiful!

And also Congratulations to my Brother (Reverend (Dr.) Ademuyiwa Ajayi, Popularly called Brother Muyiwa).

They used to say that: Behind a Successful Man, there is a Woman. But now we can say: Behind a Successful Woman, there is a Man.

… Congratulations – God Bless You (Amen).

I want to salute all the Great Men and Women of God who are here – Thank You very much for being here today. The Almighty God will honour you too in Jesus Name – Amen.

I want to salute all our Traditional Fathers – Thank You for coming. In your various Kingdoms, there will be Peace, there will be Prosperity, there will be Joy.

And because you came here today; in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, your Kingdoms will be secured – Amen.

And of course, I want to Thank the Great Politicians too who are here – Starting with my friend of many Years even though he is much Older than I (Chief Aremu Olusegun Obasanjo – Former 2-Times President of Nigeria: 1976-1979 and 1999-2007).

Thank God for you, Thank God for all the Politicians who are here.

My Prayer is that through your efforts; it will be well with Nigeria!

I will not be taking too much of your time but a Day like this comes Probably once in a Lifetime.

Bible Text: John 14:6: Jesus saith unto him, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no Man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.

When I was Younger – I am still Young and only Seventy Nine (79) Years Old.

In those days, in the 1950’s and so on – Particularly when we were in the Grammar School; there is something which is very common among us. It is what we call alias, Nicknames, Pet Names.

You know that your father decided to name you Ayo or Ade but you think that is not big enough and so you want to add something to it to make it sound Big – Particularly, in those days when we were under the British Colony.

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So, your father says that your name is Ade; you call yourself “Adesco” – You know that is bigger.

For example, there was a friend of mine whose “Real Name” is Rufus Agunloye but he thought that is not Good enough, so he calls himself “Aruffy Agolo”.

But the one who seems to win among us and I could tell you several of those beautiful names, was one whose name was Solomon Bamigbose but he calls himself “Sokoloko Bambose”.

And the truth of the fact is that when you want Ade to do something Special for you; you don’t call him Ade, what do you call him: “Adesco”.

So one day, Someone came to Jesus Christ and said: Some People call You Teacher; some People call You “The Lamb of God”; Your Father calls You Emmanuel – What will you like to be Called?

Tell us: What is Your alias?

And He said: I am the Way, the Truth and the Life – John 14:6.

… Three (3) Powerful Names!

Unfortunately, we don’t have the time to go through the three (3) names because each name has tremendous Powers behind it.

So, in the next few Minutes that I’m allowed, we are going to talk about: “The Way”.

… Jesus Christ said: I am The Way!

1. Now, He is “The Way” out of Problems; He is “The Way” out of Sickness.

For Example: How is He “The Way” out of Sickness? – Because He made all Things.

John 1: 1, 3 and 14 says:

1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

3. And by Him: All things were made by Him (Including You); and without Him was not any thing made that was made.

14. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his Glory, the Glory as of the Only Begotten of the Father,) full of Grace and Truth.

… So, Jesus Christ was “The Word” – Jesus Christ was the One who made you; Jesus Christ was the One who became Flesh and dwelt among us.

So, in the Past; whenever Somebody was Sick and they cried to God; God will turn to Jesus Christ and said: Go and take care of that situation.

So, Psalms 107:20 says: He sent His Word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.

And when you are sick and there is nothing that could be done about the Sickness – Maybe the Problem is due to Old Age; if you take the matter to Jesus Christ, because He made you, He can supply you with Spare Parts because every Manufacturers of anything always keep Spare Parts.

For Example in John 9: 1-7 – There was a Man who was born blind.

In his own case, he was such in a hurry to get into the world and so didn’t wait for eyes. And for forty (40) Years, he was walking about in darkness until he met Jesus Christ.

And Jesus Christ spat on the Ground, made some mud and say that this is how I created you originally and then put some muds where the eyes were supposed to be, told him to go and wash and he washed and came back seeing.

So, Jesus Christ is “The Way” out of Sickness!

So, I want to encourage Somebody who is here today or reading now who wants to go home Healed, to shout Jesus – JESUS!

ALso see; rccg-71st-annual-convention-2023-day-1-evening-session-workers-and-house-fellowship-leaders-meet

2. He is “The Way” out of Trouble (And I could talk about Other Troubles but no time) but He is also “The Way” into Everything that is Good.

For Example: He is “The Way” into Joy!

In John 16:24; He said: Hitherto have ye asked Nothing in My Name: Ask, and ye shall receive, that your Joy may be full.

And I want to Prophesy to Someone – And I know that this is a dangerous thing to do because we are in the Presence of Prophets and I’m an “Ordinary Pastor”. But I am sure that they will Pardon me today.

I want to Prophesy to Someone that: From now on, you won’t weep again – Amen!

Because in Luke 7: 11-15 – The Bible tells us that a Widow lost her only son and was going to bury that boy.

… So, you should be sure that, that Widow was really, really sad.

But then she met “The Way” out of Sorrow into Joy – She met Jesus Christ on the Way and Jesus Christ said to her: Widow, weep No More!

And within minutes, the boy that was dead was brought back to Life.

So, I am saying that in the Name of that Person who can move you from Sorrow to Joy; that whatsoever is it that is causing you Sorrow – Because you came today or read it up on the DMC Label; shall be removed in Jesus Name – Amen.

3. Now, He is also “The Way” into “True Freedom”.

There are lots of People who are in Bondage – Bondage to Forces of Darkness, Bondage to Witches and Wizards, Bondages as a result of Curses Pronounced on their Generation and so on as so forth.

But you see Jesus Christ is “The Way” into True Freedom because the Bible says in John 8:32 – It says that: You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free.

And then it went on to say in Verse 36 (John 8:36); it said: And if the Son shall set you Free, you shall be Free indeed!

I can give you several Examples in the Scriptures but let us just take one in Mark 5: 2-20.

It talks about a Man who had a Legion of demons in him; hopelessly bound but he met Jesus Christ and worshipped Him.

And within Minutes, all the demons were gone.

I have Good News for Someone who came here today or reading now on the Label of DMC with all manners of Bondages: In the Name that is above every other names, you are going to be Free – Amen.

So, if there is Someone here today who wants Jesus Christ to move him out of Problems into Solutions; that Fellow should shout Jesus – JESUS!

4. Now, He is “The Way” out of Trouble, “The Way” into Solutions and also “The Way” Forward.

When you find yourself boxed down; when you find yourself in a situation that you don’t know what to do next; if only you can bring in Jesus Christ; suddenly you will begin to move again.

At least in Lagos, I knew quite a few People who had been in Lagos for more than twenty (20) Years – They have been working like Elephants and they are eating like rats.

And you say that when you know that things are not moving, why don’t you go back home?

They said that if I go back to the Village; they will say that you have gone for twenty (20) Years; what have you brought back?

Now, I’m talking of Lagos because I know that you live here but if you go Abroad, you will be amazed.

I mean the other day; we were talking of Someone – He was a Bank Manager here, then he decided to travel Abroad (Got a Green Card or whatever and he ended up becoming a Night Guard.

Then we say that if situation is like this, why don’t you go back home?

Ha, what will I tell them at home? – At least secret is covered here.

When you find yourself boxed down and you want to know the Way Forward, you bring in Jesus Christ.

For Example; in Acts 3: 1-8 – There was a Man who was born Lame and he has been sitting before the Temple for more than forty (40) Years.

But one day, his day came – And I believed that the day of Someone is coming today – Amen.

And when the Man of God saw him there, and he was there begging for Alms; the Man of God said that I have no money to give you but in the Name of Jesus Christ, Rise Up and Walk.

From that day onwards, he was Walking, he was Leaping and he was Praising God.

Whenever you have to deal with God; you will discovered that God is always saying – Move Forward, Move Forward.

When the children of Israel got to the Red Sea and the enemies were coming from behind and the Sea was Infront and there was no where to turn to; God said to Moses: Tell the children of Israel that they should Move Forward.

And so, if there is Someone here today or reading now on the Label of DMC, who believed that from now on your Progress will begin – Let me hear you shout Jesus – JESUS!

5. Now, He is not only “The Way” out of Trouble; not only “The Way” into Solutions; not only “The Way” Forward – He is “The Way” Upwards.

You know that the Bible says in Psalms 75: 6-7 – It tells us in Summary that Promotion comes from God (Not from the East, not from the West, not from the South but from God).

And the Bible tells us in 1 Samuel 2:8 that God can Pick a Beggar from the dunghill and begin to lift him up until he begins to sit with Princes.

… God is a Promoter.

Now, do you know that the “Real Promoter” is Jesus Christ?

He said in John 12:32 that: If I be Lifted Up, I will draw all Men to Myself.

Jesus Christ is always drawing People Up – You want to go Higher, He will draw you Up if you will let Him to do so.

But there will be some of us who will say: No, we know Human Beings who can Promote!

I have always told you: If it is Human Being who can Promote you; it is Human Being who will bring you down.

If I take my Notebook now and I lift it Up – How high it can go is determined by how tall I am.

If I want it to go very far; I can go on my toes. But after some time, my toes will begin to Pain me and then I will go back down and the Notebook will come down a little.

After some time, my hands will be weary and I will want to rest my Hands.

After some time, I will want to sit down – As I’m sitting down, the Notebook will be going down.

If Human Being is the one Promoting you; they will also bring you down – You should know that!

But God Promotes you because the Bible says that His Arms were Everlasting Arms – Once He is Promoting you, He will Promote you Everlastingly!

I will just give you a little bit of Story:

Some Years ago; my wife and I went to one African Country and we were going to hold a Crusade there (Holy Ghost Service).

And we said that we will love to say hello to the President if he wants and they said he says you can come but maximum 15 Minutes – I said that is more than enough.

We got there – Ha, Pastor; I have heard about you, you are most Welcome to my Country et cetera et cetera.

Then he began to talk: 15 Minutes, 30 Minutes, 1 Hour and it is very difficult to say to a President – Your Excellency …

When it was going to 2 Hours, I have to say: I’m sorry sir; your People are waiting at the Stadium.

He said: Let them wait. He said that they have People they can talk to but I have no one that I can talk to and I don’t know when you will be here again – Let me tell you all that I have to say.

Finally, almost 3 Hours later, he managed to come to: Pray for me!

On my way back to the car; I told my wife: Who am I but for Jesus Christ!

The son of a farmer – So Poor that Poor People call him Poor, from a Village that only recently got on the Map of Nigeria.

When I wanted to go home by Helicopter sometimes ago; the Pilots looked at the Map of Nigeria and they couldn’t find my Village on it.

But the Point that I’m making is this: Standing before you is the son of a Nobody; himself was a Nobody, born in a Place that is Unknown but he met Jesus Christ and that Changed everything!

If there is Someone here or reading now on the Label of DMC who wants to be going Higher day by day; let me hear you shout Jesus – JESUS

6. And then He is not only “The Way” out of Problems; “The Way” into Solutions; “The Way” Forward; “The Way” Upward – And I like this one very much: He is “The Way” where there is No Way!

When you have a situation that humanly speaking, there is no Hope; bring it to Jesus Christ.

Why? – In Exodus 14: 1-end; when God said to Moses: Tell the children of Israel to move Forward; the question Moses could have asked God is: Move Forward to where? The ocean was of course there Infront of us.

But why He said: Move Forward was because He knew that He is going to create a Way where there was no Way before.

Now in John 11: 39-44; Somebody had died:

I. He wasn’t in coma but dead.

II. He wasn’t just dead, he has been buried.

III. He wasn’t just buried, he has been there for four (4) days.

When you talk about a Hopeless situation; that is a Classical Example.

But when they brought Jesus Christ into the Scene, when He said: Roll away the Stone; the Sister of the dead Man said: Lord this one is too late. We know that You are a Powerful Man of God, we know that You can Perform Miracles but don’t disgrace Yourself – This one is too late.

But you know the rest of the Story – He stood out there and said: Lazarus, Come forth!

The Man who has been dead for four (4) days by now must have started rotting, the flesh is already going, the blood is already turning to “Blackish Water” and you know that these insects for one reason or the other – Wherever there is anything that is sinking, they seems to come from nowhere and they were already doing their business – Eating up whatever they could find.

But when He spoke: Whatever the insects ate were vomitted; when He spoke blackish water blood came back to blood; the skin came back to skin and the one that they said can no longer lived came leaping out of the Graveyard.

When the People of the world says to you that your case is Hopeless; bring in Jesus!

I will give you just one illustration.

I was visiting a Country outside Nigeria and I got to the Airport and I looked around – There was one of my children who will normally be Number One (1) to receive me and he wasn’t there.

Ha, Ha; where is my son? – Sorry sir, he is in the Hospital, he is dying.

So, I said Okay; before you take me to the Hotel, can we Pass by the Hospital.

I got there – The issue was that there is something they call it PSA (Prostrate Specific Antigen) in Human Beings.

DMC NOTES: Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) is a substance Produced only by certain cells within the Male Prostate Gland. Biochemically, it belongs to the Protease family of kallikrein and is also known as human kallikrein 3 (hK3).

They say it’s (PSA) supposed to be between 0 and 5. By the time that thing is getting to 20 something, they suspect that you have Cancer. By the time it’s getting to about a 100, they begin to say sorrow o.

When he (my son) got to the Hospital and they tested him; his PSA was over 4,000 – So, the Doctors looked at him: You mean you walked in here? – And he said Yes.

In that Hospital, they have Special Wards – Anyone that they know is Hopeless and is going to die, they Put them in that Ward. If you go into that Ward, you are not going to come out leg first – They are going to carry you out.

… That is where my son was.

And I went in there and he told me the Story and I said we Thank God. I’m here and by the Grace of God, Jesus Promised me that wherever I go, He will go with me.

To cut the long Story short, I Prayed for him. But there were other People in the Ward; but you know in some Countries Abroad – You don’t Pray for People unless the fellow asked you to Pray for him. Otherwise, he can sue you for “Spiritual Harassment” (God have Mercy – Thank God for Nigeria).

That was Saturday – By the following Wednesday, my son was discharged Completely Whole.

But that wasn’t just the Miracle – Everyone in the Room that day were discharged on that same Wednesday.

… He is “The Way” where they say there is No Way!

I. So, if you have a situation that is considered Hopeless.

II. If they told you that you are “Too Old” to have a Child.

III. If they tell you that your Eyes are gone because of Old Age.

IV. If they tell you that there is No Hope for you.

If only you believed that there is a God who can reverse the Irreversible and you believed that your Hope is going to begin today; let me hear you shout Jesus – JESUS!

Let me conclude because on a day like this; if a Pastor forgets himself, he won’t let others do what they have to do.

7. He is not just “The Way” Out of, not just “The Way” Into, not just “The Way” Forward, not just “The Way” Upwards, not just “The Way” where there is No Way but He is “The Only Way to Heaven”.

He said in that Bible Text that we read – John 14:6: I am The Way, The Truth and The Life. No Man comes to the Father but by Me.

… No Other Way!

Oh, there could be some People who will argue with you on that – They will say that there are many Ways that leads to Heaven.

… They will be surprised on that Day!

He made it abundantly clear when He was talking about Heaven – He says: In my Father’s House (That is what He called Heaven); there are many Mansions there.

No other Prophets had ever said: Heaven is my Father’s House!

Now, if the son of the Landlord tells you that there is only One Way into my father’s house and you say that how can he say that? – There are other Ways, we must find other Ways; then you will be surprised.

The Problem is that by the time you discovered that you are wrong, it will be too late.

Oh, there is a Way that goes to Heaven – He is the Only Way

Acts 4:12 tells us that there is Salvation in no other – There is no other name given among Men whereby Man can be saved other than the Name of Jesus.

Acts 4:12 – Neither is there Salvation in any other: for there is none other name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Of course, there are Ways – One Way goes to Heaven; the Other Way goes to Hell.

He Himself told us – He said: Narrow is the Way that goes into Eternal Life; Broad is the Way that goes to Perdition.

He said that many will go through that way (Broad Way) but a few will find their Way through that Narrow Road into Eternal Life.



That is why I am appealling to you: If you are here today or reading now on the Label of DMC and you have not yet one hundred Percent (100%) surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ; you better do so now because Nobody knows tomorrow, Nobody knows when the End will come.

Death is not a Function of Age; death does not wait until you are Old – There are some of us here; many of the People who are our Classmates are gone. You don’t have Control over tomorrow but you have Control over today!

That is why the Bible says that: Today is the Day of Salvation; not tomorrow because if you leave it till tomorrow, it might be too late.

I will tell you one more Story and I will Close – The Choice is yours after that one.

I’m sure that God sent me here and it might be just for one Person – So that you can be saved, so that whenever you leave this world, you might make it to Heaven.

I was Lecturing at the University of Lagos; I sat down to write some “Learned Papers” – I have spelt out the Problems, I spelt out how I was going to solve the Problems; when all of a sudden I heard from God loud and clear: Son – Yes Lord.

Write to Chief So, So, So – Tell him that I love him, that inspite of all the evils that he had already done, I’m willing to forgive him, I’m willing to save his Soul.

Tell him that if he will surrender his Life to Me; I will give him a Brand New Beginning.

Quickly, I took Note of what He said before I said Lord, I have heard that name but I don’t know his Address.

Oh, He (God) said that is not a Problem – Write Chief So, So, So House; So, So, So Town and He said he will get the Letter.

And I’m talking of those days when if you write a Letter with the “Correct Address”, you have to Pray before it arrives in three (3) Months.

Three (3) days – Because I wrote in the Letter that if you want to know more, send for me. But if you think this is a Letter from a Prophet who is looking for your money, throw it into the basket.

Three (3) days later, his driver came – Chief So, So, So got your Letter and he said: Don’t come, he will come himself.

Ha, I said God must love this Man.

He came, I explained to him just as I have done to you – There is Only One Way to Heaven: That Way is Jesus Christ. No other name. Surrender your Life to Him (Jesus Christ) and he said but I’m a friend of Jesus.

I said: Sir, we are not talking about a friend of Jesus – You can be my friend, we can be living in the same house, you could attend my Birthday Party, you can join me when I’m celebrating anything – Dedicating my house but the day I say to you: You want to go out and I say you can’t go out. You will tell me: You are not my Husband; we are just friends!

Jesus Christ is asking you to surrender your Life to Him; He is asking you to say: I Do to His Proposal; He is asking you to be His Bride.

… He said that He is coming back Only for His Bride and not for His friends.

Surrender to Jesus Christ – He will give you a Brand New Beginning; His Blood will wash away all your sins; He will give you a Brand New Start!

… He (Chief So, So, So) said that I will think about it.

For two (2) Years; every fortnight I kept on Pursuing him because the Spirit of God won’t let me rest – And when he sees me coming, Ha Pastor you have come.

At a Stage, he will take me to his bedroom – I will explain, I will answer questions and at the end of it all, he will say: I will think about it.

Then one day, he had a Stroke – He was well in the Morning and all of a sudden, he had a “Massive Stroke”; the kind of Stroke that will take away the Voice.

But before he launched into Unconsciousness, he was able to tell the People around – Send for Pastor Adeboye.

So, I got a Phone Call – Ha, your friend is dying and I rushed to the Place and I cried to God: Father, give him just one more Chance. Let him recover so that I can give him just one more Invitation to surrender his Life to You.

Brethren, in less than one (1) Hour, there was no trace that he was sick at all – He was Completely Whole!

So, I said to him: Chief So, So, So; God has given you an opportunity that He doesn’t give to many – Will you surrender your Life to Jesus Christ now?

He said: I will think about it!

From that moment onwards, I never Paid him a visit and infact it wasn’t long after that, that he died.

You are here today or reading now on the Label of DMC Beloveth – Somebody asked me yesterday (Saturday 4th September, 2021) that we found out in the Media that you are going to Preach at Such and Such a Place? – I said Yes!

He said that we didn’t believed – I said that you better believe!

He said Why? – I said because God asked me to go. And when God ask me to go like that; it could be because there could be just one Fellow who is being given a “Last Chance”.

You might be the One – I beg you: Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ now and then you will remember this Day for the rest of your Life as the Day the Tides turned for the better for you!

I am going to ask for Permission to ask those of you who wants to surrender your Life to Jesus Christ – Not friends of Jesus Christ now. You want to become married to Him – Whatever He says is the Final from now; you want Him to become not just your Saviour, you want Him to become your Lord.

I am going to count from one (1) to ten (10); before I say ten (10), if you want to really, really want to surrender your Life to Jesus Christ, Please come and Stand here so that I can Pray for your Salvation.

Please, don’t let Pride hold you back – An opportunity like this only comes once in a Lifetime.

… I am counting now!

Now, go ahead: Talk to the Almighty God – Ask Him to save your Soul, be Merciful to you and Please Lord, be your Lord and Saviour; ask Him to give you a Brand New Beginning.

I say: I Do to you now – From now on, Your Words will be my Command. Wash me Clean with Your Blood, write my name in the Book of Life and I will serve You for the rest of my Life.

And the rest of us who are sure of our Salvation; then stretch your hands to these our Brothers and Sisters and intercede for them – Pray that the One who save your Soul will save their own Souls also.

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Pray for them!

Thank You Father, Glory be to God.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.



Saviour, I want to bless Your Name.

Thank You because there is Power Mighty in Your Blood and that Blood cleanses from all sins.

Please Lord God Almighty; these Your Children who has come forward, kneeling down before You – I Pray that You will save their Souls, that Your Blood will wipe away their sins, that You will write their names in the Book of Life, that You will receive them into the Family of God.

And I Pray Lord God Almighty that when the Time comes to leave this world, you will remember today and receive them into Heaven.

Please Lord, anytime they cry unto You, answer them by Fire.

Thank You Almighty God.

Father in a moment, I’m going to ask Your Children – All of us who are gathered here or reading now on the Label of DMC to ask You for a “Dedication Day Miracle”; Please Lord whatever they ask from You today, before the Sun Sets let it becomes a Miracle, let it becomes a Testimony.

Every Prayers that is Prayed here today, Father answer by Fire.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Now, I want to rejoice with those of you who has come forward – I want to assure you that God helping me, that from now on, I will be Praying for you.

And so, I will ask the Counsellors to Please contact you – They will give you Cards now. Which you will fill: Your names, your Address and your Prayer Request. And I Promised you that I will be Praying for you.

But while they are doing that; the rest of us – I Pray a Prayer just now that if you ask God for a Special Miracle today, that will be a “Memorial Miracle” that you will remember this Day by; that if you ask Him anything today, before the Sun Sets today that thing will become a Testimony.

So, I’m going to ask you to Please Stand and I will ask you to forget everybody – Forget the Fellow on your Right, on your Left. It is between you and God now.

You will close your eyes and cry to the Almighty God and tell Him exactly what you want Him to do for you – Something Big, something Only God can do.

And just say Lord God Almighty – On this “Very Special Day”; give me this Miracle.

Go ahead and talk to the Almighty God for about 3 Minutes or 4 Minutes and then we will continue.

… He is here and will grant your Request – Amen!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.


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Open Heavens Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.

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