Open heaven January 2021 Monday January 25
Yesterday – Open heaven January 2021 Sunday January 24
Memorize: He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. 1 John 4:8

Read: Matthew 18:1-7
In today’s Bible reading. Jesus’ disciples were asking Him “Who will be the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven? He answered by putting a little child in front of them. He went on to say that anyone who wants to enter the kingdom of Heaven at all has to be like a little child.
Matthew 18:3 says:
And said, Verily I say unto you, except ye be
Converted, and become as little children, ye
Shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
What makes children good models? First, children do not understand bitterness; they do not keep malice. If you offend a little boy and he says he will not play with you anymore, five minutes later, you would most likely see him running all over you again. The heart of a little child is full of love and that’s exactly what God expects of His children.
Jesus says in Matthew 22:37-39:
…Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy
Heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy
Mind. This is the first and great commandment.
And the second is like unto it,
Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
If you want to enter Heaven at all, you have to love like a little child. Little children love irrespective of status, they do not care whether you are a pauper or the President; they play with everyone the same way. They do not keep records of wrongdoings; if you wrong a child now, few minutes later, he or she would have forgotten about the matter. Open heaven January 2021 Monday January 25
Do you love like a child? Do you show love to even those who offends you? Do you discriminate against the cleaner in your office just because the fellow is junior to you? How do you speak to your house help? All these things will show if you are like a child or not. They will determine whether you will enter the kingdom of Heaven or not. As for me, even if you step on my toes from now until tomorrow, I will not allow you to send me to hell so I will continue to show you love. We may not be friends because Jesus didn’t say we should be friends with everybody, but will still love you. I will forgive you even before you offend me. I will not wish you evil or withhold benefits from you just because you offended me. Open heaven January 2021 Monday January 25
If you want to make Heaven, love like a child.
Open heaven January 2021 Hymn 20 Praise To The Lord The Almighty
Prayer point: Father, please help me to
Love and forgive like a child.
Bible in one year: Genesis 40-42
Open heaven January 2021 Monday January 25 – LESSON
GLORY to God for another open Heavens Daily Devotional that is here again. The open Heavens Daily Devotional is written by Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye who is the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God. This is another blessed one that is drawing our attention to something very important as children of God. You know, as children of God, we must be always ready to embrace the advices given by our LORD in the Bible meant to ensure we get to Heaven at last. In today’s Open Heavens Daily Devotional, we saw the need to learn wisdom from children. Just as Daddy Adeboye has rightly explained, children don’t really have issues. If you offend them now, when the next minute comes, they have moved on, and everything is fine between you and them again. We must live this way if at all we want to please the LORD and get to His Kingdom after now. Thank you for reading Today’s open Heavens Daily Devotional. You can take to the comment section to share your thoughts on the lessons learned from today’s Open Heavens Daily Devotional. Express yourself and be a blessing to others too. GOD bless you in Jesus Name Amen