Open heaven January 2021 Saturday January 16
TOPIC: MCY: LUST I (Open heaven January 2021 Saturday January 16)
Memorise: Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
1 John 2:15
Read: 1 John 2:15-17

The fifth element in our equation for Resistance in “Mathematics of Christ in You” (MCY) series is L and it stands for Lust. For today however, we only focus on the lust of the eyes. Our Bible reading today says the world and all that is in it will pass away. When you have a strong desire for material things, Christ cannot dwell and operate mightily in you. Many people will miss Heaven because of their love for this World. Some people cut corners just because they also want to buy new car like their colleagues. Thank God for cars, but a Car can be a moving coffin if gotten through sinful means World. Open heaven January 2021 Saturday January 16
I had been preaching to a friend since the 1980s. I got the opportunity to talk to him about Christ again in 2014. As soon as I started, he said “Hold on Pastor, you don’t need to worry anymore. When you were talking to me some thirty years ago, I wasn’t listening because of my ambitions, but now I have seen it all and I know it is vanity”. He also added “Whenever I want to drink alcohol or do some things I enjoy, you will say it is not allowed. Now, even if someone gives me a hundred million dollars, it will have no value before me. l am ready to give my life to Christ so my life can have real value. I didn’t have to preach Anymore to win that soul for Christ.
If you keep lusting after the material things of this world, you will soon discover that they are not worth the stress. The only thing worth having is the joy of knowing that you are serving the Lord. The fact that you are a Christian however, doesn’t mean that you cannot enjoy life. Rather, it means you will enjoy life to the fullest, only that you have to prioritize spiritual things.
3 John 2 says:
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy
Soul prospereth. God wants you to prosper, but it must be even as your soul prospers. Open heaven January 2021 Day 1-31
Any prosperity that will cost your soul will destroy you (Matthew 16:26). You must first seek the
Kingdom of God and live a righteous life, then you will never lack any good thing (Matthew 6:33). This has been my experience with Christ. I focus on pleasing Him every day, and He supplies all my needs. I remove every hindrance to me accessing all round prosperity.
Open heaven January 2021 Saturday January 16 Hymn 7: Have You Been To Jesus
Key Point: Focus on the prosperity of your soul, leave the rest to
Jesus to handle.
Bible in one year: Genesis 31-33 Open heaven January 2021 Saturday January 16
Today Open Heavens Daily Devotional is talking about the Lust of the eyes. The open Heavens Daily Devotional is written by Pastor EA Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God. If you have read today Open Heavens Daily Devotional, you should have been encouraged to have nothing to do with the lust of the world that can cost your soul. The Bible made us realised that what shall it profit a man who gained the world but lost his soul. There is nothing a person can give in exchange of the soul. Hence, you should stop lusting after things not of Christ, for it is so unhealthy and dangerous. Rather, align yourself with God and His Will, and He will deeply enrich you beyond your expectations. Thank you for reading today Open Heavens Daily Devotional. You can share with others so they can be blessed too. If you want to share your thoughts about today Open Heavens Daily Devotional, you can make use of the comment section to express yourself. Prepare to be blessed by tomorrow’s Open Heavens Daily Devotional too, and don’t forget to read it too. Tomorrow’s Open Heavens Daily Devotional, which is a continuation of today’s, is also very powerful