Open Heaven January 2021
Glory to God! Open Heavens 2021 is finally here! At long last! We can now draw from this glorious well again and again, and keep enjoying every refreshing moments as we are ushered into the realm of God, knowing His Mind and Will by reading the well-known Open Heavens devotional. So, tell everyone you know, Open Heavens 2021 is here!

Open Heaven 2021 Friday January 1 Topic: IN THE BEGINNING, GOD SAID
Memorize: And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
Genesis 1:3
Read: Genesis 1:1-5
When God speaks, it is done. This is because there is power in His word (Hebrews 4:12).I congratulate you today because the Almighty who knows no impossibility (Luke 1:37) is saying to you on the very first day of this year that you will never suffer again. Everything He has planned for you shall come to pass this year in Jesus’ name. However, you must become a member of God’s family for His word to impact your life positively. To have the Light of God in your life throughout this year, you must repent of your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord. It is impossible for your “New Year Resolutions” to withstand the test of temptations without the power in the blood of Jesus that was shed for the remission of sins (Matthew 26:28).
After inviting Jesus to become the Lord over your life, you must ensure that you continue to dwell in Him permanently. He is the only Light that can keep you out of darkness and see you successfully through this year and beyond John 8:12).
Darkness is the opposite of light and it represents all forms of evil. Thus, when God commands light into anyone or anything it simply means that darkness has been ruling over that person or thing. From the Bible reading of today, you will see that the world was deep in chaos, darkness and was without form. However, God spoke, as He is speaking to you on this significant day.
He said”…let there be light” and there was light. Today, command light to shine into your life and repel every form of darkness, in the mighty name of Jesus. The Lord has promised us that as we walk in the Light, we will fellowship with Him, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son will cleanse us from all sin (1 John 1:7). Remain faithful to your decision to follow Jesus throughout this year and your mouth will be full of testimonies of God’s goodness in the mighty name of Jesus. if anybody asks you why you are so sure, tell the fellow that it is because God has said it. Hallelujah
Happy New Year!
Hymn 6: Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Prayer point: Open Heaven 2021
Father, thank You for bringing me into another year. Please, let the power in your word bring to pass your promises in my life and family, in the mighty name of Jesus.
Bible in one year: Genesis 1-3
Open Heaven January 2021 Saturday January 2 Topic: JUST GIVE THANKS
Memorize: in everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you
Thessalonians 5:18
Read: Romans 8:28
Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
Psalm 100:4
The above passage says that when you are coming to God, you are to come with thanksgiving- not with grumbling and complaining but with thanksgiving. This means that if you don’t come with thanksgiving, then he can decide not to open his gates for you. Many people prayers do not get answered because all they do is complain and murmur to God. You are complaining you have no car when someone else has a car but cannot rise from his sick bed. You are complaining that you have no shoes when someone else has no legs. Just give thanks. No matter what you are going through, there are millions of people around the world going through worse situations. Make a habit of always thanking God for what you have. There are some little things we often take for granted. One day, my wife called to check on a sick person we had been praying for. After the phone call, she told me the fellow said “Help me thank God that I was able to wear my clothes by myself today. Even I the General Overseer had never thought of thanking God for the ability to dress up by myself. Don’t put your attention on the things that you don’t have, rather, put it on all the great things that God is already doing for you. God enjoys being with people who are full of thanks and praises of His name, but He detests murmurers. In 1 Corinthians 10:10, the Bible says that when the Israelites murmured, they were destroyed:
Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer.
Joseph for instance, never murmured against God, even while in slavery and in prison. Thus, he fulfill destiny and prospered because the Bible says God was with him (Genesis 39:2-3).
You want God to help you through all your challenges in life and lead you to a glorious future? Thank him at all times.
Hymn 31: Now Thank We All Our God
Open Heaven 2021 Action Point: Spend at least thirty minutes thanking God today. Don’t ask for anything, just thank him.
Bible in one year:
Genesis 4-6
Open Heaven January 2021 Sunday January 3 Topic: IF ONLY YOU KNEW
Memorize: A thousand shall fall at thy side, and thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.
Psalm 91:7
Read: Psalm 91
There are lots of battles God fights for us that we know nothing about. Many of such battles take place when we are sleeping working or even relaxing. It is a big error for anyone to think that he is alive by his own power or not to thank God every day for all that He does.
One day God decided to give me a glimpse of the battles He fights for me that l am not aware of. I was a lecturer at the University of llorin at the time. In those days, I used to leave the campus after my morning lectures and drive home for lunch since my house was not too far away from the school. I would also rest a little before returning to the campus to take my afternoon classes. One afternoon, I came home as usual, finished my lunch and lay on the couch to rest for a little while. I did not intend to sleep but I closed my eyes because I was already a Pastor then and my sitting room was always busy with people going in and out of the house. If they saw my eyes closed, they would know I was resting and not disturb me. Suddenly, I felt someone looming over me. The person held my hands and legs then drew closer to kiss me. At first, I thought it was my wife, and then it suddenly occurred to me that whoever could hold my hands and legs at the same time had to be really tall and strong, so I opened my eyes and the person disappeared. After this incident I felt a cold sensation run through my body but I soon forgot about it and went for my afternoon lectures. Immediately after my lectures I started vomiting and stooling. When I drove back home, I had to practically crawl out of the car to get into the house. I was in the toilet when I cried “Daddy, what is this? I am your son, how can this be happening to me?” He replied Son, I just wanted you to have a little taste of the unseen battles I fight for you constantly.” After that the stooling stopped.
You may not know it but God loves you so much that He is fighting for you day and night. He is not only fighting for you; He is fighting for your loved ones as well because He knows that whatever affects them will affect you. Therefore, give Him thanks daily. Praise His name with all your heart. Stand tall with the confidence that God is on your side and you are more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37).
Hymn 19: Praise Him, Praise Him, Jesus Our Blessed Redeemer
Prayer point: Open Heaven 2021
Father, thank You for all the battles you are fighting for me.
Bible in one year
Genesis 7-9
Open Heaven January 2021 Tuesday January 4
Memorize: Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a Way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.
Isaiah 43:19
Read: Ephesians 5:15-17
A new year is a new dawn; it is a fresh opportunity to get things right. Every new year and on every birthday of mine, I consider how far I have come in the assignments God has given me and I have candid conversations with God as to things yet undone. Today, I challenge you to also spend time reflecting on how far you have come and see if you are really where God expects you to be at this time. If you are lagging behind then you must take advantage of this new dawn to put everything in its proper place so you can fulfill God’s expectations for your life.
Remove everything that has been holding you back and grab those things you know will help you move forward Look back at the mistakes you made in the past and learn from them; determine never to make them again. Believe me; the fact that you made it to this year means God is giving you another opportunity to be closer to Him than ever before. This year can mark a new dawn for you spiritually. Decide today that this year, you will live for Him and Him alone. Decide that this year, you will not miss any day of the Open Heavens Devotional as it will help you commune with God daily. Determine that this year, you will spend and be spent for God. Make a commitment to God that in this year you will please Him by preaching the gospel to every sinner you come across. Promise God that you will fast and won’t let your flesh control you. Anew dawn also means the arrival of joy as we see in the Bible passage below:
For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning
Psalm 30:5
The year 2020 may have been very challenging and tough for you. Perhaps you lost a loved one, perhaps COVID-19 pandemic affected your means of livelihood and things just didn’t go as you had planned. I have good news for you; It is a new dawn. You have wept Last year, but this year, you will experience joy. As long as you live holy and serve the Lord, this will be your season of Joy.
Open Heaven 2021Hymn 10: I’m pressing on the Upward Way
Key Point:
Live for God this year and you will experience joy like never before.
Bible in one year: Genesis 10-12
Open Heavens devotional, by Pastor E A Adeboye, is one of the most profound daily devotional you can find anywhere. It has been tested and is trusted. You know, when people are trying to get daily devotional (or even any general religious literature), we advise that they should be very careful before making a choice. This is because, there are some books that contains stuff that is dangerous (talk about doctrines of the devil, talk about things that might make one lose his or her faith in God, etc).
Hence, it is always important to be prayerful before submitting to any vessel of God (to be sure such is of God). And this is one of the reasons we are grateful for Open Heavens devotional. It has been around for a long time now, and is a devotional that keeps giving God Glory.
Tuesday January 5 Open Heaven January 2021
Memorize: Thou shalt be blessed above all people: there shall not be male or female barren among you, or among your cattle.
Deuteronomy 7:14
Read: Genesis 1:26-28
When the Lord asked Adam and Eve to be fruitful and to multiply in today’s Bible reading, He was not offering a piece of advice, rather He was issuing a command to be obeyed from generation to generation. Thus, we can conclude that failure to bear fruit is a direct transgression of this divine decree. I pray for you today: The Lord will cause you to experience all-round fruitfulness this year in Jesus name. Beloved, not only is God interested in your spiritual fruitfulness, He is also interested in your physical and material fruitfulness. God desires that His children should live in divine prosperity. Jeremiah 17:7-8 says:
Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is. For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters…her leaf shall be green…neither shall cease from yielding fruit.
If you have not given your life to Christ, before anything else, you need to first bear the fruit of repentance. This was the same thing Jesus told the Sadducees in Matthew 3:8. If however, you are already saved by grace, there are two categories of fruit you must bear this year. The first is the fruit of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, longsuffering Gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance (Galatians 5:22-23). The second category is the fruit of souls. You must be a committed soul-winner. It is already dangerous for anyone not to be fruitful; however it is a lot more dangerous for a child of God. This is because Jesus Christ says in John 15:2 that He will take away every branch in Him that does not bear fruit. I pray that you will not be taken away because of fruitlessness in the mighty name of Jesus. One advantage of soul-winning is guaranteed answers to prayer John 15:16). The reason the Lord has spared your life up until now is that He is hoping to see you bear fruit. My prayer is that you will not disappoint God this year. As you bear fruit, He will answer all your prayers speedily, in the mighty name of Jesus..
Open Heaven 2021 Hymn 25: There Shall Be Showers of Blessing
Action Point: Father, please cause me to only bear fruits pleasing to you this year and beyond, in the mighty name of Jesus.
Bible in one year:
Genesis 13-16
Open Heaven January 2021 Wednesday January 6
Memorize: For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.
Luke 8:17
Read: Luke 12:1-3
Many years ago, a man who had a chronic illness was advised to see me for prayers. I prayed for him but nothing happened, so I asked God why that was so. God told me to ask him about something he did at a particular stage of his life. When I did, the man was shocked and he opened up on a secret he thought was well kept.
Several years before, he had committed a crime and was due to be convicted due to the testimonies of some witnesses. He knew this, so he hatched a plan. Since the witnesses were to come to court by boat, he arranged for their boat to capsize and they all drowned. He then made sure that all the people he sent to wreck their boat were also killed. He was eventually acquitted of the initial crime and he lauded himself for covering his tracks excellently. It came as a shock to him seeing the incident spring up again. Obviously, he did not know of God’s word in
Proverbs 11:21 which says:
Though hand joins in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered.
He thought the crimes had been covered, but there he was suffering the repercussions. Everything you do today is a seed that will produce fruits in due time. It does not matter how much you try to bury it, one day, it will spring forth and everyone will see the harvest of your secrets. Stop stealing, stop committing adultery/fornication, stop watching pornography and put an end to every ungodly habit in your life today. No matter how hard you try to hide these sinful acts they will be revealed someday. Indeed, there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. In any case, the people you are pretending for don’t have the power to send you to Heaven or hell. Whatever they think of you does not affect your eternity. The One who will judge you at the end of time knows even the thoughts of your heart, so stop pretending and disciplining yourself to do the right thing always. I would rather expose my sins to men and make Heaven than look holy to men and end up in hell. Since I cannot hide my sins from God, I would rather not commit any sin at all. Make up your mind to stay away from sin from today.
Open Heaven 2021 Hymn7: Have You Been To Jesus
Reflection: What will you gain if everyone thinks you are holy on earth and you end up in hell?
Bible in one year; Deuteronomy 1-2
Open Heaven January 2021 Thursday January 7
Memorize: Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.
Isaiah 43:19
Read: Isaiah 60:1-3
Prayers Open Heaven 2021
1. Father, please give me the grace to praise you like never before and fill my life with great testimonies this year.
2. Lord, give me fresh anointing and understanding. Please, renew my strength for greater exploits this year in Jesus’ name.
3. Father, please don’t let me struggle this year. Let your favour distinguish me in the mighty name of Jesus.
4. Father, please let everything I lost in the past year be restored speedily in multiple folds.
5. Father, please help me to live a life of holiness. By Your mercy, please keep me far from sin.
6. Father, please give me the grace to obey all your instructions this year, in the mighty name of Jesus.
7. Father, please give me the wisdom not to walk in the counsel of the ungodly. Help me to do your will alone at all times.
8. Lord, lift me higher than all my enemies, silence the mouth of all mockers and remove every garment of shame from my life this year.
9. Father, this year, let my life overflow with your help on every side in Jesus’ name.
10. Father, please give me a great passion for soul- winning. Let me win more souls for you than ever before.
11. Father, help me to apply my heart unto wisdom; so that I can live wisely in this year and beyond.
12. Ask God for that special thing you want Him to do for you this year.
Hymn 24: Take My Life, And Let It Be
Thank You Father, for keeping my family and me from all the evil that happened in 2020. Thank You Lord Jesus.
Bible in one year :Deuteronomy 3-4
Open Heaven January 2021 Friday January 8
Memorize: Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin neither say thou before the angel, that it was an error: wherefore should God be angry at thy voice, and destroy the work of thine hands?
Ecclesiastes 5:6
Read: Genesis 35:17-18
Sometimes, our emotions overwhelm us so much that we say things we don’t mean to in the heat of the moment. In today’s Bible reading, Rachel called her Jacob last child ‘a child of sorrow Because of the intense pain she went through to deliver him. Thank God Jacob changed that name. You need to be very careful of what you say when you are sad, excited, angry or frustrated because whatsoever you say may Have permanent consequences. Esau sold his birthright to his brother when he was hungry. Be careful of the agreements you enter into when you are desperate, so that you don’t live to regret them.
Samson was head over heels in love with Delilah and because of this, he divulged the secret of his power to her. You may not know it but the devil is watching you. He is taking note of your moods and emotions. Once he notices that you always talk without restraint, he will set you up to say the wrong thing at the wrong time.
Judges 11:30-31 says:
And Jephthah vowed a vow unto the Lord, and said, If thou shalt without fail deliver the children of Ammon into mine hands, Then it shall be, that whatsoever cometh forth of the doors of my house to meet me, when I return in peace from the children of Ammon, shall surely be the Lord’s, and I will offer it up for a burnt offering.
In the passage above, the devil had seen the fear and doubt in Jephthah, so he suggested that Jephthah should promise God a sacrifice of anything he saw first upon his return without thinking, Jephthah made that promise. On getting home however, the devil arranged for his only daughter be the one he saw first. If only he had thought deeply about the vow before saying it don’t become a victim of your own words; think carefully before you say anything. If you find yourself at a family Function and you have the opportunity to talk to your relatives, think carefully before you speak. Don’t assume all of your family members are your friends; remember, Joseph was sold by his blood brothers because of the dreams he shared with them (Genesis 37:5-28). God will help you.
Open Heaven 2021 Hymn 11: I Need Thee Every Hour Thanksgiving
Action point
Make it a habit to always think carefully before you talk.
Bible in one year: Deuteronomy 5-7
Open Heaven January 2021 Saturday January 9
Memorize: But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.
1 Corinthians 2:152020 By Pastor E.A Adeboye
Read: Judges 16:4-21
An old woman once gave her daughter-in-law piece of bread saying “Eat and use it to block your womb”. The lady ate it wondering what kind of statement that was. Years later however, this lady could not conceive. One day, she heard that we were coming to hold a crusade in the town where she lived so she decided to fast in preparation for the programme. While still fasting and praying, she dreamt that a man removed a very long rope from her stomach and at its end was a piece of bread –the same one her mother-in-law had given her years ago. True to her words, it had really blocked her womb. To the glory of God, she was set free that day.
In the Mighty name of Jesus, I decree that you are set free from any bondage in your life.
You have to be spiritually sensitive if you would not become prey to the devil. When the devil attacks the businesses of some people, they try to give a logical explanation to it – either blaming the economy, competitors, government policies and the likes. Some think it is the weather when their children fall sick continually. It Is time to arise and tell the devil enough is enough. If you keep tolerating the devil, he will keep on tormenting you. You cannot continue to take spiritual issues with levity; you have to rise and pray! Rise and send the devil packing from your life. Embark on a fast and tell God “Until this reproach is over, l am not leaving this mountain'”.
Genesis 18:2 says:
And he lift up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood by him: and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself toward the heaven
Don’t miss life-changing opportunities because of ignorance. Only God knows how many more years Abraham would have had to wait for his promised child if he had not been sensitive enough to host those angels passing by his house. Imagine if Jacob had not wrestled with that angel in Genesis 32:24-32, he may never have become a mighty nation. You must be spiritually sensitive to know when Jesus is passing by so you can grab what you want before it is too late. When I say that being at a programme is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, some think I am merely encouraging the congregation; however, those who are sensitive attend with an expectant heart and get their testimonies. You have to be sensitive to spiritual things so you too can live in victory.
Hymn 4: Conquerors And Over comers Now Are We
Prayer point: Open Heaven 2021
Today, I break loose from any bondage I have entered into due to negligence or any, other reason, in the mighty name of Jesus.
Bible in one year: Deuteronomy 8-10
Open Heaven January 2021 Sunday January 10
Memorize: Yet because this widow troubleth me, will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me
Luke 18:5
Read: Luke 18:1-8
A few years ago, I told some Pastors that God answers all prayers. Some of them were shocked and I could see it on their faces. In the Redeemed Christian Church of God, when the Pastor in charge of a parish cannot solve a problem, he escalates it to the pastor charge of the Area. If the problem continues to do defy all solutions, it will continually be passed up the Chain of command until it reaches the General Overseer. Now who does the General Overseer take the problem to? There is no one can run to but Jesus Himself, I stay with Him in the place of prayer until the problem is solved. If you would pray persistently, soon your testimony would also be “God answers all prayers”
John 16:24 says:
Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.
Some people unknowingly stop praying just before their breakthrough. Why do they stop Perhaps they think they are disturbing God. Is it not God Himself who said we should ask that our joy may be full Is it not Jesus Himself who told the story of the widow and the wicked judge in today’s Bible reading? Why then should you stop praying when your prayer has not yet been answered? In my early years as a Minister, there were prayers made for many years before l saw answers. I prayed for fifteen years so that would be able to heal the sick by mere waving of the hand. I did not stop praying after a few years, I persisted and received my answer. What is that long-awaited desire of yours for which you have stopped praying? lt is time to start praying again, that your joy may be full. You may wonder why God can’t just answer you are praying once or twice. Well, He is sovereign. He will choose when to answer you. Also, some requests do not yield results with ‘two-minute’ prayers. You have to press in the spirit to be able to shift such things in the physical some other times, God may be using that situation to build your Faith (1 Peter 1:7). Whatever the case may be don’t get weary when you don’t receive an answer instantly; keep praying
God promised in Matthew 7:7-8 that when you when will receive, when you seek you shall find knock, doors will be opened unto you.Open Heaven 2021
Persist in prayer until He answers. He is a prayer answering God.
Open Heaven 2021Hymn 12: In Christ Alone
Key Point:Don’t stop asking until your joy is full.
Open Heaven 2021 Bible in one year: Deuteronomy 11-13
Open Heaven 2021 PREFACE
All glory to God for the privilege to see another year! I congratulate you for making it this far in your journey of life and pray that you will fulfil your divine mandate here on Earth, even as the Lord helps you to live righteously, in the mighty name of Jesus.
While it is true that the Lord showed His greatness to the entire world in many ways last year, I can assure you that this year, He will manifest His glory much more, especially in the lives of His children. T
There are however a couple of questions you must answer sincerely: Are you a child of God? Are your ways aligned with His? If your answer to these questions is “Yes”, then certainly, you shall benefit greatly from His glory this year, 2021 Open Heaven. Otherwise, I beg of you by the mercies of God, repent of all unrighteousness in your life and forsake them, so that you may have the guarantee of His blessings and security all through this year 2021 and beyond. You will not be a victim of any evil in this year 2021, in the mighty name of Jesus.
I encourage you to strive with all your heart to daily live righteously, as the benefits of doing so, especially in this year, shall be great. In the same way, I encourage you to flee every appearance of evil, as the recompense for continued disobedience to God would be grievous.
As long as you remain steadfast in the Lord in this year 2021, I assure you: You shall rise to the top, in the mighty name of Jesus. Let somebody shout Hallelujah!
Open Heavens is actually a daily devotional meant to help you grow spiritually. It is a daily journey, available everyday of the year. So, the Open Heavens 2021 Devotional is a daily affair, available everyday of the year 2021. You can read and study the one of that particular day. They are already available for you.
Each day comes with its own goodies. There are several and different sermons contained in the Open Heavens Daily Devotional. Each day is unique. So, each day, you go through something unique. The sermons, daily declarations, etc. This is so powerful! So, you are already covered for all the days in the year 2021. Just try to be disciplined and consistent, and don’t miss the one of any day.
It is advisable that you engage it in the morning before stepping out of the house for the day’s activities. It is important to be equipped with the Word of God before going out there into the world. It is important to be empowered at the place of prayer before stepping out of the house. Each day is filled with different stuff.