Open Heavens 2020 Word for today E.A Adeboye
There are immense benefits of living a life of righteousness. 1. No matter the kind of trouble a righteousness person faces, it will never overcome him/her. 2. The righteous is always ahead of everyone else because he/she knows God’s secrets(Proverbs 3:32). 3. Blessings are also transferred to the seed of the righteous. You must know that righteousness benefits you and not God. The grace to live a righteous life, God will give you in Jesus name.
Today in the name that is above every other name your request is granted.
Those of you trusting God for the fruit of the womb go ahead and get your baby’s clothing because right now there’s a release for you in Jesus mighty name.
Open Heavens 2020 Word for today E.A Adeboye
God expects us to obey constituted authority provided those authorities are obeying God.

In the name that is above every other name before the end of this year all of you considered barren shall be carrying your own children.
Anytime any constituted authority asks you to do something that will lead to sin, you must refuse.
#EAA78 #LetThereBeLight3
You cannot fight against God’s anointed and win because God already decreed this.
If you are truly born again, then your old friends will stay away from you because your ways will now be radically different from their ways.
Whenever God decides to fight for someone, the battle is always very short and victory is assured.
The amount of anointing that flows in a conductor(the anointed) is determined by the level of impurities present, the purer the conductor, the more the anointing that flows through the conductor – Pastor EA Adeboye |
From the themed “Anointed Forever” you’d notice that there’s a possibility of one to be “An-ex anointed” as well as the possibility of being anointed forever – Pastor EA Adeboye
When you become too busy to pray as you used to, watch out! That is the Devil trying to make you vulnerable so he can touch you, never let your prayer life get cold. May you receive divine help in the mighty name of Jesus.
In the spirit realm, certain people are termed ‘untouchable.’ These ones have a wall of fire around them that make them too hot to be touched – even by the devil. The moment you become a child of God; you have access to this group.
“Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the LORD in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the LORD.” – Numbers 31:16
If you would not be vulnerable, you must have no business with the devil. Check your prayer life.A prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian. Each day without prayer makes one cold and the devil will be waiting until such a person has grown cold enough so he can touch him/her
God is powerful but He also likes to delegate, He always wants man to participate in what He’s doing.
A wife who shows more care to a domestic male servant or driver than her husband may be walking in the same spirit as Potiphar’s wife.
When a man who is actually a ravenous wolf begins to show exceptional care for a young girl beyond what her parents can afford, he is actually seeking to devour a precious part of the innocent girl’s life.
If you catch the revelation that Jesus is God Himself wrapped up as a gift just for you, your perspective will change from asking for petty things to desiring more of Him in your life.
You must constantly meditate on God’s word because what you meditate on and for how long you meditate on have an effect on your lifestyle.
Every Christian needs to know that dependence on worldly knowledge can lead to failure, but Godly knowledge guarantees success.
If social media is the means through which immoral thoughts get into your mind, then you must be ready to delete those social media apps from your phone.
It is foolish for you not to have mercy on those who offend you because you are only withholding mercy from yourself.
Only the fellow manifesting the mind of Christ will be able to give anything the Lord requests of him or her
If you have the mind of Christ, regardless of the number of signs, wonders and miracles God has done through you, you will be unable to boss people around, virtually expecting people to worship you.
If you are fully focused on yourself and hardly think of others, you have been overtaken by the bug of the last days.
I must add that hospitality is not limited to giving out material things. It could also be shown through warmth and friendliness to people – a word of encouragement or just a smile.
The central message of Christianity is love, so much when Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was, He answered: “…thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment.
Imagine, he hosted angels! (Genesis 18:1-16) Many Christians have missed their blessings because they were not as hospitable as they should have been. That sweaty fellow you did not offer a bottle of water could have been the key to your prayers being answered.
Many of us are hospitable to our guests, which is good, but we can actually do better. Have you considered the widow on your street, the beggar on your way home and other disadvantaged people around you?
My sons, don’t marry a girl who is worldly. If you do, you have carried what you’ll worship for the rest of your life.
– Pastor E. A. Adeboye
Now, if the peacemaker is a child of God, then whose child is the troublemaker?
When you always choose to quarrel over peace, who do you resemble?
Praise is a powerful instrument. It attracts God’s presence. If you have been struggling with a problem, try praise. It can change your life because as you praise God, the earth releases her increase and you will be blessed.
My sons, don’t marry a lady who cannot cook. She needs to know how to do chores and cook because you cannot afford to be eating out all the time.
he God who is sovereign and can promote will arise on your behalf and promote you rapidly in mighty name of Jesus Christ.
In the name of Jesus Christ biologically and otherwise I decree fruitfulness over you.
The very one God has ordained for you before this month ends he/she will show up in the mighty name of Jesus.
Father if you’re giving victory to only two people here today, please Daddy let me be one of them in the mighty name of Jesus.
Today in the mighty name of Jesus Christ you’ll leave the company of the poor forever.
Those of you who should be married by now and aren’t married yet, be encouraged God has not forgotten you and He makes all things beautiful in His time.
Please Lord give us victory complete and total in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Whenever you find it difficult to obey those over you, whether you like it or not, you are guilty of pride.
One of the ways the Holy Spirit will help you is that He will warn you of impending danger.
There is a huge difference between “victory” & “total victory”. Join me and other anointed men of God tomorrow at the Agege stadium lagos for a Super Sunday Service as we navigate through the biblical principles for total Victory. God bless you.
Every risk that could be taken was taken by Jacob in order to get the blessing.
Very soon when God blesses you people will marvel and say this is the Lords doing and it is marvelous in our sight.
Help will come to you from the four corners of the earth and from heaven above in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Father, you always reserve the best till the last please tonight give me your very best in the precious name of Jesus Christ.
The power that is in the Father’s blessing;
1.) It gives you miracles that are not yours.
2.)The Fathers blessings can propel you into tremendous breakthroughs.
Genesis27:38-40, Genesis32:3-6
I decree in the mighty name of Jesus you’ll touch miracles, you’ll see miracles, you’ll experience miracles, you’ll carry miracles and you’ll carry the power of God to walk in miracles.
A lot of people have heard testimonies but never experienced miracles as the Lord lives this very day you’ll have a miracle.
When Moses had an encounter with God several things happened;
He saw a miracle.
In the name of Jesus Christ the son of the living God this day the light of God will shine upon you.
In that name that is above every other name by reason of your divine encounter this evening your wilderness experience is declared over.
Every mountain between you and your joy shall be removed this very day in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Anyone trying to stop you from reaching your goals this very day I declare their days numbered.
Again beloved brethren let’s worship our maker, our redeemer the one who is worthy of all praises and adoration.
When you begin to hear from God you’ll begin to succeed because He will guide you into what to do per time.
When you’ve an encounter with God, the days of your enemies become numbered.
We had an amazing time in the presence of God yesterday evening. Get ready for another time of refreshing this evening live from the Redemption Camp as God is set to visit you and your family. You can watch live via Dove tv and also follow
for timely updates.
The first divine encounter anyone can have is to encounter the saving power of Jesus Christ at salvation.
In the name that is above every other name whatever your request may be right now I decree it is done.
God is a rewarder
When it comes to divine encounters with God age is irrelevant because our God controls times and seasons.
For one miracle you’ll ask God for today He’ll give you seven (7) instead in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
I decree into your life God will move you from glory to Glory in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Everything in your life that isn’t making your joy full this very day my Father will deal with them in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Whatever represents a ‘but’ in your life till date this very day my God will put a permanent end to them in the name of Jesus Christ.
The story is told of Naman, a great, rich, famous and successful general “but” he was a leper but one day he had an encounter with God and he was cleansed.
God can make incomplete complete
I prophecy into your life, God will make you greater.
Very soon it’ll be said of you;
He was great, then he grew forward and waxed even greater and became exceedingly greater in the name of Jesus Christ.The story of Isaac was a man God made very great.
Brethren let’s bless the name of our God, worship Him, adore Him, our saviour, the kind, merciful and gracious God.
Bless His holy name.
Whatever miracle you’ve been trusting God for till date will be released to you today.
According to Psalms75:6-7 we’re told that God is the promoter.
He can take you to greater heights.
Please come and surrender your life to Jesus and that’s the first step in the direction of victory.
Victory over sin is essential to a lifetime time of victory without a fight.
The God who promotes will accelerate your promotion this year and you’ll enjoy sweat-less triumph in the mighty name of Jesus.
In the mighty name of Jesus, for those of you believing God for a life partner, this year the wedding bells will ring for you
Everyone of you trusting God for the fruit of the womb by this time next year you’ll be carrying your own children in the mighty name of Jesus.
I’m speaking on the authority in the name of Jesus Christ;
Be free from every captivity and bondage!!!!
Every door erstwhile shut against your life and destiny this very day they open to you of their own accord in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Every chain binding you drops off today in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
From the day Solomon was born He loved him and we later discover in scriptures that He set him up for prosperity.
Another possibility is when God fights for you then your victory is certain.
That’s when you get what we call victory without a fight.
Deut28:7 Your enemies will he smitten before your face
If God is neutral you’ll loose
God wasn’t fighting against Samson, He merely stood neutral.
Prayer Points: Open Heavens 2020 Word for today E.A Adeboye
1. Thank God who has kept our lives till this moment, it’s been by His mercies.
2. Father Let there be light and keep sorrow far away from my family.
3. Father, Let there be Light and give me full restoration.
4. Father, Let there be Light, shining through the origin of my family.
5. Father, Let there be Light and let every siege against my family be broken.
6. Father, Don’t let my sun set yet.
7. Your Individual requests.
Let there be light could mean I don’t want to die yet I’ve not finished my assignment.
It could mean I’ve not yet reached my goal sun don’t set yet.