THE EFFICACY OF PRAYER – Thursday February 20th 2020
Hospitality is the duty of every Christian and in fact, should be our way of life. See every encounter you have with people as an opportunity to show forth the love of God. Hospitality is not limited to giving out material things. It could also be shown through warmth and friendliness to people-a word of encouragement or just a smile. You will not chase your blessing away in Jesus name. #openheavens2020

Today’s Open Heavens Thursday February 20th 2020
Memorise: Confess your faults one to another and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. James 5:16
Read: Mark 11:24 (KJV)
Bible in one year: Leviticus 22-23,
Hymn: Sing hymn 24
REMEMBER – TOPIC RESPOND WITH LOVE – Open Heavens Wednesday February 19th 2020
There is a mistake common to some children and enemies of God – they underrate the efficacy of prayer. Prayer is the control tool in the spiritual realm. While it may appear that nothing is happening in the physical, the truth is things are shaping up in the spiritual.
Someone could argue that prayer does not put food on the table, but that’s not true. Sometimes ago, one of my spiritual daughters abroad delivered a set of twins. Unfortunately, not long after, they lost their means of livelihood and life became very difficult. One day, there was nothing to eat and the husband was not home. So, the woman resorted to praying, and petting the twins who were crying in hunger.
Meanwhile, a Christian group in the neighbourhood was evangelising from door-to-door. According to their schedule, they had finished from the day, but the leader of the group said “Let us go to one more house.” Incidentally, they went to my daughter’s house. When he had finished preaching, she apologised for not having offered him anything to drink, because there was nothing at home. He was surprised. He asked for her husband and she explained that he had no means of income but was out of the house at the moment. Immediately, the evangelist left for the supermarket to get food for the family and their babies. When he returned, he asked my daughter to tell her husband to see him in his office the next day. The husband went and got a new job. Imagine if my daughter had not prayed; the family could have gone hungry that night and their conditions may have persisted.
Prayer does not give you the liberty to stop working and working does not mean you should stop praying. It simply makes you work fruitful. Instead of excessive worrying, get on your knees and pray. Before you talk to that person you think can be of help, talk to God.
“Pray without ceasing.” 1st Thessalonians 5:17
Pray always. When you do so, nothing will be impossible for you to achieve.
Key Point: God answer prayers and He will answer yours in the mighty name of Jesus.
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