OPEN HEAVENS MARCH 2021 Monday March 15
Memorise: Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. Psalm 1:1
Read: Proverbs 1:10-18
The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the dead. Proverbs 21:16

Ask yourself “What company Am i comfortable with?”
The passage above talks about the congregation of the dead. There are congregations and there are congregations. There is a congregation of the dead and there is a congregation of those who are alive the children of God. Be sure that you don’t find yourself in the congregation of the dead. With whom do you feel comfortable – the children of God or the children of the world?
When I moved to Lagos from Osun State, I loved to attend parties. The parties were usually held by the road. My friends and I would sit beside the gutter, eating and drinking until very late in the night and then light mosquito coils to ward off insects. I thought that was fun; I didn’t know that I was in the congregation of the dead. In those days we talked about all manner of unprintable things. Then I met Christ, and I was no longer comfortable spending time with such people. I was now alive and thus had no place amongst the dead anymore. They were also not comfortable in my company because they were not willing to join the congregation of the living. Luke 24:5 says:
.Why seek ye the living among the dead?
The living is not to be found amongst the dead. If you still feel comfortable with friends who smoke, drink and have all manner of dirty conversations, you need to examine yourself to know whether you are alive or dead.
What kind of television shows and music do you enjoy Check: what kind of congregation are you comfortable in?
Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.
1 Corinthians 15:33
OPEN HEAVENS MARCH 2021 hymn 28: What A Friend We Have In Jesus
Reflection: Make a list of your friends: what percentage are truly born again
Bible in one year: Exodus 32-34
Open Heaven for 16th March 2021 CLIKC HERE