OPEN HEAVENS MARCH 2021 Saturday March 20
Memorise: A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24

Read: 2 Kings 4:3-4
I know that the widow of one of the sons of the prophet, whose story is told in today’s Bible reading, lived in a predominantly poor area. However, I also know, from their response to her request for empty vessels, that she was friendly with her neighbours. There are a few lessons you can learn from this story, as a believer.
First, you must acknowledge that you are living in the midst of opportunities. You don’t always have to relocate for you to make progress. God will open your eyes and like that widow, you too will see the opportunities available around you in Jesus name. You must also be friendly with people around you. Imagine what would have happened had the neighbours refused her request for containers because she had quarrelled with them all.
She would have had nothing with which to collect the object of her miracles. You must always be at peace with your neighbours, whether they are believers or not, without soiling your faith. Hebrews 12:14 says:
Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:
There are some people around you who are wealthy but do not have salvation; reach out to them and watch God do wonders. I recall a young lady who was able to win a rich man to Christ. This man became so filled with the joy of salvation that he decided to do something for this sister; he got her a brand-new car in appreciation. What God did for that sister, He can do for you too. Just like the story in Matthew 17:27, there is a river in your neighbourhood that harbours a particular fish; this fish has a golden coin in its belly. All you have to do is catch the fish, open its mouth and claim the gold coin that will enrich you for life. Evangelism brings material and eternal rewards. As you go out today, be a good neighbour to everyone around you by offering them messages of love, hope,
Salvation and deliverance. Show the love of Christ by evangelising to lost souls, then wait patiently for he bountiful harvest of your labour of love. It will certainly come.
OPEN HEAVENS MARCH 2021 Hymn 28: What A Friend We Have In Jesus
Prayer Point: Father, please help me to be at peace with my neighbours, so that I can be an effectve weapon for soulwinning, in the mighty name of Jesus.
Bible in one year: Romans 1-3
Read Open heaven for 21st March 2021