July 31 2022
Unit 2: Basic Training
Study 1: Life Isn’t Always Fair
Text: 1 Sam 19:1-17; Psa 59:1-17
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Key Verse: 2 Pet 2:9
The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished. (KJV)
Life isn’t fair always. We are not always accorded the right honours or quality treatment we deserve. However, as Christians, we hold to the belief that one day God will make everything right- that He will rightfully settle every account and accord us all that we deserve. Yet, we know, as the old expression goes, “life is not a bed of roses; even if it is, roses do possess
thorns.” We acknowledge by that expression that we will face unfair and unjust situations in this life. But our faith in God to help us when we call on Him, and the faith that one day He will right every wrong, and address every injustice, can see us through such situations (2 Pet 2:9).
Today’s study will look at a time in David’s life when he was treated unfairly. Rather than becoming bitter, David called out to God for help, being confident that God will work in his life. Through this study, encourage your students to remain confident in God as they cry out to Him when life isn’t fair:
for He is always mindful of us, regardless of the circumstances; and He will certainly deliver (Psa 91:14-16).
>>The Basic Message: Explain to students…
Life isnt fair, but we can always rely on God no matter the Circumstances.
Unfairness and injustice in life can tempt us to lose faith and confidence
in God.
Call out to God for help (rather than becoming bitter or angry) when life
treats you unfairly.
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>>Activity Option: FREE THROWS
Bring to class one large basket, one small basket, one small ball, and one
larger ball. Divide the class into two teams, giving each student three
chances to shoot a basket (1.e., throw the ball into the basket). Allow one team to use the smaller ball with the bigger basket; while the other team uses the bigger ball with the smaller basket (make sure the bigger ball will fit into the smaller basket but with much more calculation to realize an
accurate throw). Award 20 points for the first basket a student makes, 30 points for the second, and 50 points for the third.
At the end, discuss with the students the fairness of the activity they just did. Then ask them:
1) How would history be different if people always gave in to pressure when they were mistreated?
2) What good things can come from leting God have His way, even when we are mistreated?
>>Guide: Explain that life is not always fair. Being a Christian does not make a person immune to the unfairness and injustices of life. Since it’s likely that all of us will be treated unfairly at times in our lives, we need to
determine how we are to act when it happens.
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>>Study Overview
Explain that today’s study considers:
• How each of us will likely encounter times when we are treated unfairly even if we do our best to treat others fairly.
• How we are to respond when treated unfairly.
• How our response to unfair treatment can affect our relationship with God.
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>>inform and Discuss
a. You Will Be Mistreated
Read or ask a volunteer to read 1 Sam 19:1-17. Jealousy can result in a variety of actions. Saul had become very jealous of David. Because of David’s popularity and military success, Saul feared that the kingship might pass to David. He was aware that the LORD was with David but had left him (18:12). On top of all this, Saul was disturbed by the love and affection David received from members of his own household, particularly from Jonathan (the crown prince) and Michal, whom Saul gave to David in marriage. This is why Saul ordered that David be killed (19:1).
1. If you are aware of a situation in which people are having trouble getting
along, what might you do to help them resolve their differences? (1 Sam 19:2-7) [Hint: Jonathan acted as a mediator- he talked to both sides about the situation; he gently challenged his father’s actions against
David, helping him realize that David had not purposely done anything to injure Saul and he brought David to Saul to assist them in restoring
their relationship.]
2. When have you been mistreated? How did it make you feel? Why? (1
Sam 19:8-17) [Guide: Help students realize that it is not wrong to feel hurt when mistreated, but we must be careful to not allow bitterness or other negative emotions to overcome us.]
>>Note : No matter how much we try to get along with some people, we may still end up being mistreated. Yet, even when thus mistreated, we should never forget that injustice cannot defeat us; God’s justice will ultimaley prevail.
b. Call Out to God for Help
Read or ask a volunteer to read Psa 59:1-10. David wrote this Psalm to cry out to God when he was being mistreated by Saul. As can be found in many Bibles that include introductions, the introduction to this Psalm points to when Saul sent men to watch David’s house with the intention ot killing him.
David did more than just flee from Saul’s men, he cried out to God for help.
1. How might injustice and unfairness tempt us to lose faith and confidence in God? [Hint: Some may see trying times as a sign that God no longer loves them. Others may get oftended with God, thinking that being a Christian, God should not let anything bad happen to them. Some may fail to look to God for help, preferring to try to deal with life’s
problems in their own strength.]
2. What are some of the things we can learn from David in Psa 59:1-10? [Hint: Obviously, David was very upset by how he has been treated unfairly, but his faith in God wasn’t shaken. He called out to God to deliver him, to look on his plight, and to judge those who would wrongfully take his life. In other words, he turned the case over to God- the ultimate Judge.]
>>Note: Psa 59:1-10 affirms that our faith and confidence in God is not
misplaced; for He is our Strength, our Fortress, and our loving Father.
3. Read or have a volunteer read 2 Pet 2:9. How does this verse inspire us to call out to God for help when faced with unfair or unjust
circumstances? [Hint: Since God knows how to rescue godly people from trials, we can trust that He will help us through such trials. Also, we can be assured that God will settle every account in His time)
c. Stay Confident in Him
Read or ask a volunteer to read Psa 59:11-17. David didn’t pray for God to immediately kill his enemies, but to make them wander about until they were consumed by God’s wrath. He equally acknowledged that his
problems had not gone away. However, he expressed his continued
confidence in God, stating that each morning he would sing of God’s love; for he knew that God was his fortress, his refuge in times of trouble.
1. Do you think it strange that David didn’t pray for God to immediately kill
his enemies? Explain. [Guide: Responses may vary. Bring out the point that we often want God to make our problems go away at once. But there can be much more gained when we learn to trust God to take care
of us daily.]
2. What can we do to stay confident in God each day, especially when going through unfair and unjust treatments? [Hint: We can call out to
God for help each day; we can accept support from others, who can encourage and pray with us, and we should never deny that the situation never exists, but by faith live each day in the belief that God will see us through.]
Split the class into groups, and have students read and discuss in their groups how these verses: Lam 3:19-24; 2 Cor 4:7-11; and 1 Pet 2:18-21 can help them daily remain confident in God, regardless of what they face. At the end of the activity, have students pray for those in their groups who are going through tough times.
>>Involve Them: DEALING
Distribute papers and pens or pencils, and have students respond, as honestly as possibly, to the following self-evaluation questions to help understand how they have been affected by injustice and unfairness in the past:
1) Describe two or three incidents in your life when you feel you were
treated unfairly.
2) Are there negative feelings or attitudes developed on your part as a result of these situations? lf so, what are they?
3) Have you fully dealt with these feelings? If not, what principles from this study can help you bring solutions to these situations?
4) What do you think will happen to you if you allow bitterness to fester in your life?
5) Why is it not accurate for a Christian to habour bitterness, no matter how unfairly he or she has been treated?
>Note : Students won’t need to share these responses. Conclude the
activity by praying for students, asking God to help them deal with any lingering anger or bitterness that might exist in their lives.
>>Inspire Them
Remind students THE BASIC MESSAGE of this study (pg 019), explaining WHAT the Big Idea behind the study is; WHY it matters; and HOW we can live the lesson captured in this study
>>Ministry Activity: BURDEN OF BITTERNESS
Encourage students to consider an unsaved friend or relative who is living with the burden of bittermess over past wrongs. Remind them (your students) that they shouldn’t try to answer the “why” questions, but to gently encourage the peop!a to whom they are ministering to look to God for help, offering to pray with them.
>>Conclude the study by explaining that life isn’t always fair. There are times when we can do everything right and still suffer. But rather than becoming bitter or angry and lose faith in God, we need to call out to God for help. He will help us- sometimes by a miraculous deliverance, or He may choose to help us by giving us just what we need to get through today. Either
way, we can stay confident in Him.
>Teacher Hint: Ask Yourself..
1. Do students accept the truth that life isn’t always fair?
2. Do students realize the need and privilege of calling out to God for help when life is unfair?
3. Can students identify things they can do to keep their faith in God strong when life treats them unfairly?