Home » RCCG Fasting Prayers » RCCG 2020 Fast Monday 24th February DAY 45: PRAYER FOR ALL SOUL WINNING

RCCG 2020 Fast Monday 24th February DAY 45: PRAYER FOR ALL SOUL WINNING

RCCG 2020 Fast Monday 24th February


Let-go-a fishing is another name for major crusades that takes place during major international events to win souls to the kingdom of God. It is expected to hold in all nations by members of this church. Many souls have been won through this crusade in the past.



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1. Let sing praises to God and worship His holy name. Psa 145:21
2. Kindly thank God for the salvation of your soul.
3. Give praises to God for the souls saved in the past Go-a-fishing. Psa 106:47
4. Thank God for establishing those won into the kingdom in the past Go-a-fishing
5. Father send faithful labourers to all our parishes for the harvests in all nations. Matt 9:38.
6. We arrest every power In all location that has been holding the unbelievers captive in Jesus name. Eph 4:18
7. Let’s command the blindfold on the understanding of the unbeliever to roll away now in Jesus Name.
8. Let us pray that the Spirit of God will gather all that are ordained to be saved in this crusade at right crusade point in Jesus Name. Matt 22:10
9. Father let there be great manifestation of the power of God at each crusade ground.
10. Let’s prayer for healing, deliverance and miracles that will convince the unbelievers and edify the body of Christ. Acts 19:11
11. Father let there be bumper harvest of souls at every location in all nations in Jesus name. Acts 5:14
12. Let us pray that the usual momentum that greets our lets go a fishing programme in the early days will return. Acts 4:32
13. Let us pray for committed and faithful workers, who are willing to sacrifice by giving themselves wholly for the work of the kingdom. 2 Tim 2:2
14. Father let every soul that will be saved be established in your kingdom forever in Jesus name.
15. Father, release a fresh spirit to follow up to the church, that the church will not rest until all the converts are established in Christ. Isa 62:1

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Open Heavens Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.

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