BIBLE TEXT: EXODUS 14: 13-14 AND 21-28
Why don’t you go ahead and Praise the Almighty God – Give Him Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration. He is Worthy to be Praised and Adored.
Magnify His Holy – Praise the King of Kings, Praise the Lord of Lords, Praise the Ancient of Days.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Given Thanks – Amen!
You are Worthy
Oh Lord
You are Worthy
You are Worthy to be Glorified
You are Worthy
Oh Lord
You are Worthy
You are Worthy to be Glorified .
Angels are Singing
You are Worthy Oh Lord
You are Worthy Oh Lord
You are Worthy Lord
You are Worthy Lord
You are Worthy Lord
You are Worthy Lord
Father, You are Worthy – You are Worthy of our Praise; there is no one like You.
Thank You for Your Goodness, Thank You for Your Mercy, Thank You for January, Thank You for February, Thank You for March, Thank You for April, Thank You for May, Thank You for June, Thank You for July, Thank You for August, Thank You for September, Thank You for October, Thank You for November and Thank You for December. Father, Please accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
In the few Minutes left in this Old Year (2022) my Father and my God; I Pray that all the enemies left in our lives will be completely dealth with.
Oh Father, within the few Minutes left; every Problems left in our lives; Father deal with them all.
Thank You Almighty God. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: The Next time that I will shake your hands; it will be in a New Year – Amen!
And then you may Please be seated.
1. Tomorrow (Sunday, 1st of January 2023); will be the Sunday for our Annual Thanksgiving Service.
The “Coming Year” is a very Peculiar Year – It is starting on a Sunday and starting on a Thanksgiving Note.
So, the Service will start at 10am – It is one of the reasons we will finish quickly tonight so that you can get some Sleep and be ready for Service tomorrow by 10am.
2. On Monday, the 2nd of January 2023; which incidentally is a Public Holiday; we will have the First Divine Encounter of the Year 2023 and it will be followed by the First Shiloh Hour for the Year 2023.
And believing God for Great Things!
3. The First Holy Ghost Service for the Year 2023 will be on the first Friday of the Month of January 2023 – 6th January, 2023.
*The Theme is going to be “WONDERFUL^ – So, we will be looking at “WONDERFUL (PART 1).*
*I’m sure that you know the meaning of “Wonderful” – That “Wonderful” is a Combination of two (2) words: “WONDER” and “FULL”.*
*I have a rough Idea that the “Coming Year” (2023); is going to be Full of Wonders for some People – Amen!!!*
Exodus 14: 13-14 and 21-28 (You can read this on your own).
*We are talking about “The Greatest Cross Over”.*
Exodus 14: 13-14:
13. And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the Salvation of the LORD, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever.
14. The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your Peace.
Then if you go through the Verses 21 to 28 – You will see what happened.
Moses stretched out his hands over the Sea, the Sea went back by a “Strong Wind” All-Night long. By the following morning, there was a Way where there was no way before.
The children of Israel Passed through on Dry Land, the enemies followed them and drowned.
*You see, when we talk about Cross Over; many of us think just about 31st December.*
*That is a Good Day to consider as a Cross Over but that will be a Cross Over from one Year to another!*
*There are however several other Cross Overs – And infact in a Single Cross Over, many things can happen!*
For Example – When a Lady stands beside a Man before a Pastor in a Church and the Pastor asked the Man: Will you take this Woman as your Lawful Wedded Wife? And the Man said: I do.
And then the Pastor turned to the Woman and said to the Woman: Will you take this Man as your Lawful Wedded Husband?
Oh God, the Pastor is asking the Woman to make a very serious Cross Over.
Because the moment she says: “I do” and the Man of God says that I hereby Pronounced you as Husband and Wife; suddenly the Woman has Crossed Over into a New Name, Crossed Over into a New Accomodation, Crossed Over into a New Responsibilities et cetera et cetera.
If 10 Minutes later she says that I’m no longer interested and I want the Marriage Nullified – It could be done but things can’t return to how it used to be before. The Woman now can no longer be called “A Maiden”; she will be called a Divorcee.
… She will be a different Person even if they cancelled the Marriage.
*Tonight, Somebody is about to Cross Over – Amen. And in the Cross Over, whether you like it or not; things will never be the same again – Amen!*
1. In the Example that I read to you in the Bible Text:
I. When the children of Israel Crossed Over the Red Sea; they Crossed Over to “Permanent Freedom”.
They tried later on to say that we want to go back to Egypt but it wasn’t Possible because the Red Sea had closed behind them.
*Somebody is about to Cross Over to Permanent Freedom tonight – Amen!*
*They Crossed Over forever – Free from Generational Problems. The enemies they saw a Night before, they never saw them again forever.*
*The enemies that you have up till this moment, I’m decreeing in the Name of the One who is called “The Son of God”; you will never see them again!*
Why? – The Bible says: Whosoever the Son has set Free, shall be Free indeed!
*I’m bold enough to say to Someone that: After tonight, you won’t weep again – Amen!*
You say: Sir, how can you be bold? Because it is written: Weeping may endure for a Night, Joy comes in the Morning.
Many atimes, we think that the Morning means 7am when the Sun rises – No, the Morning begins at Midnight. That is when we begin to talk of “Am”.
*By the time we are saying “Happy New Year” today; it will be the Morning of Joy beginning for Somebody – Amen!*
II. When the children of Israel Crossed Over the Red Sea, their Mountains were drowned.
There are some Choruses that we sing; some of us may not Pay attention to some of them (Pay attention to the Lyrics).
There is this one that says:
Oke nla nla (Big, Big Mountains)
Oke Kekere (Small Mountain)
Ko si eleyi to le duro niwaju re (There is None of them (Big or Small Mountains) that can Stand before God).
*You know, some of the Mountains are enemies that Pretend to be friends!*
*You see, in the New Year (2023) that we are about to enter; let me hint you – One of the things that you will discovered is that if you want certain Wonders, then you need to Pray for them!*
If you read Exodus Chapter 14 – Before God began to speak to Moses, the first thing that He told him was that: Moses, why are you crying to me?
That means that there has been some crying!
*Tonight, we are going to Pray!*
There are some Prayers that you need to Pray because it is written: If you believed and you doubt not; you shall say to this Mountain – Mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the Sea.
It didn’t say that you will beg the Mountain to Move – You are going to command that Mountain.
*May I beg you that with all your Heart to make a decree right now and say: In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ; every Mountains in my Life you will not follow me into the New Year (2023) – Amen!*
III. The children of Israel Crossed Over into a New Song.
Moses was a Shepherd Boy – He wasn’t a Musician. But after the children of Israel Crossed Over the Red Sea; all of a sudden, Moses began to sing.
*He sang a Great Song and you will find it in Exodus 15: 1-19.*
You know that the Song was so beautiful that the Bible tells us that when we get to Heaven, we will sing the Song of Moses.
*When the Almighty God brings you over; normally He will put a New Song in your mouth!*
Psalms 40: 1-3 says: He brought me out of the Miry Clay, after He has Set my feet on the Rock to stay.
He will put a New Song in your mouth.
Somebody said to me – I thought they told me that you Studied Mathematics? I said Yes.
I have never heard of Mathematician composing a Song? I said that well if they get Born Again, anything can happen.
*In that Wonderful Name that is above all names – Jesus Christ; very very soon, less than 1 hour from now, you will sing a New Song – Amen!*
2. You will find another Cross Over in Joshua 3: 7-17.
That is the Story of where the children of Israel Crossed Over River Jordan – Just like Moses Crossed Over the Red Sea. The Red Sea parted into two here and River Jordan parted into two too.
*And one of the things that God said to Joshua in Verse 14 – He said: Joshua, today I will begin to Magnify you!*
What do you mean by Magnify?
*You know what a “Magnified Glass” does? – You use a “Magnified Glass” to look at another Object and that Object becomes Bigger and we can see the Full details. The Lines are Sharper, and everything becomes Clearer!*
*In the Year (2023) that is coming; God is about to make you Bigger; He is about to bring those Great Things about you that People cannot see ordinarily out, He is about to make you Clearer – Amen!*
*God is about to bring those Talents that are hidden in you out and to bring them to the Open – Amen!*
Read 1 Samuel 16: 11-end – When God decided to Magnified David:
I. First of all, He brought a Shepherd Boy and turned Him to a King.
II. Next, when the former King became Mad, and needed Help; Somebody told him that there is a boy who is a Good Musician.
Nobody knew that before and Nobody talked about that before.
And because God decided to Magnified David, the boy who was sleeping with the animals in the field; suddenly became Somebody who is living in the Palace.
… You need to read some of these things with Understanding!
Where does a Shepherd sleep? – In the bush, with animals on the Floor.
Suddenly, this boy began to sleep in the Palace – Nobody sleeps on the Floor in the Palace as there are enough beds for everybody.
*I think that it is the Holy Spirit speaking through me to Somebody now – Saying: That Place that you never thought you can reach; as you Cross Over tonight; within a Short Period of Time, you are going to reach there – Amen!*
And it was not long after that, that God spoke to Joshua and said: Cross Over River Jordan. And after that, the Wall of Jericho fell down.
*As you Cross Over tonight; all the Obstacles will begin to fall – Amen. All you need to do is to shout a Great Hallelujah – HALLELUJAH!*
3. Let’s consider another Cross Over in 2 Kings 2:8.
Elisha and Elijah Crossed Over River Jordan – To the Other Side.
I. That Day, they Crossed Over to “Open Heavens”.
Because by the time they arrived at the Other Side, the Heavens opened – Forces of Fire, Chariots of Fire came down from Heaven.
*In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ – In the “Coming Year” (2023); the Heavens will be “Wide Open” over you – Amen!
*As a matter of fact, beginning from Sunday (8th of January 2023); I’m starting a New Series on: “TO WHOM THE HEAVEN OPENS”.
That is going to be for you – Amen!
II. Elijah Crossed Over to “Victory over Death”.
As soon as he Crossed Over River Jordan; it became established that he will never die!
*As long as the Lord lives, anybody expecting you to die before your time; you will attend their Funeral – Amen!
4. In the same 2 Kings 2: 13-15 – This time around, Elisha alone Crossed Over River Jordan.
I. He Crossed Over to Destiny.
He was on the Wrong Side of River Jordan before; he received a “Double Portion” but where his Ministry was, was on the Other Side.
II. He Crossed Over to Supremacy.
His Colleagues began to bow down before him.
*In the New Year (2023); Somebody is going to become Supreme – Amen
III. He Crossed Over to Uniqueness.
There has never been anybody before or after Elisha whose dead bones raised the dead!
*There is Somebody listening to me today or reading now on the Label of open heaven.net – In the Coming Year 2023; your Journey to Uniqueness will begin- Amen!
Now let me Close:
*I won’t be fair to you if I don’t tell you that: Nothing goes for Nothing.
*The Year that is Coming (2023); is going to be a “Beautiful Year” for many of us – Amen. It is going to be “A Year of Double Portion” – Amen!
But like Somebody said: “Double Portion Blessings” means “Double Portion Hardwork” and “Double Portion Prayer”.
I mean for Example – When the Red Sea opened, there could be some People who could say: I’m not going to Cross Over.
Moses said to the children of Israel – Move Forward!
*Anyone who says that: I’m not going to move Forward; when the Red Sea closes again, he will still be there together with the enemies.
*But as for me and my Household, every doors that shall open unto me; I will walk through Straightaway – Amen!
When God spoke to Joshua and said: That the Wall of Jericho there I will Pull it down for you but I want you to do the following – Go round the Wall of Jericho silently once a Day for six days and on the 7th Day, go round 7 times silently before you shout.
If they had started talking by the 5th Day, the Wall of Jericho won’t fall.
*In the Coming Year (2023); God is going to require “Total Obedience” from you!
*He is not going to do anything for Someone who is going to argue with Him.
*If God loves you as I believed that He does, He won’t take Nonsense from you!
*How many of you want to be the Favourite of God? – The Entire Openheaven.net Family Members!
*Elisha got a “Double Portion” because he served his Master beyond “The Call of Duty”.*
2 Kings 3: 11-12 tells us that he was Pouring water in the hands of Elijah.
The Year we are entering into (2023) is going to require from you:
I. Serving God beyond “The Call of Duty”;
II. Obeying Him to details.
III. Praying instead of wasting time joking.
Let me give you a “Little Hint” to what is coming in the New Year (2023) – It will be a “Year of Mighty Multiple Opportunities”.
But will you grab the Opportunities? – That is up to you!
In case you are here and you have not given your Life to Jesus Christ! And you have heard of Crossing Over to Blessings, Freedom et cetera et cetera and you are saying that I claim it. It is only for Children of God.
*What is coming in the New Year (2023) for those who are not Children of God; I don’t even want to mention it!*
So, if you are truly not a Child of God and you want to be; you better run forward now – Run to the Altar, let’s cry to God with you that God will save your Soul and then you can qualify for all the Blessings.
And if you get to backslide in the course of the Year 2022 and you want to return to God before the Cross Over into Year 2023; you better run to God now!
Now, those of you already infront and those on the Way – Cry to the Almighty God: Ask Him to be Merciful unto you, Promise Him that you will serve Him, that from now on, you will stay away from sins and you will do His Will. Ask Him to become your Saviour and your Lord.
And the rest of just, just for 2 Minutes let us intercede for this our New Brothers and Sisters – Intercede that the One who saved our Soul will save their own Souls also.
Go ahead and talk to the Almighty God.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Saviour, I want to say Thank You – Thank You for Your Words and Thank You for these People who are Crossing Over from the Kingdom of Darkness into the Kingdom of Light.
Please receive them in Jesus Name, let Your Blood wash away their sins in Jesus Name. I’m asking that You will save their Souls tonight, and receive them into the Family of God.
I Pray that they too will never run back to the world again.
And I Pray Lord God Almighty that from this moment onwards; anytime they cry unto You, You will answer them by Fire.
Thank You Almighty God.
For in Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
1. First of all, thank the Almighty God.
2. Then you cry to Him and say: Lord, I sincerely want to Cross Over.
I am tired of family enemies, Years of Bondage, Darkness, Sorrows, Sickness, Pains, Mountains blocking my Way.
And I want to Cross Over Completely to everything Good that You have to Offer – Peace, Joy, Health, Success, Progress, to everything Divine that cannot be Reversed.
Go ahead and cry to Him with all your Hearts to Him.
The Altar is Free – Come and Cry to Him!
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
The Almighty God will grant your Requests and your Cross Over will be Total.
Your enemies in the Year 2022 will not follow you into Year 2023.
And this Year (2023) will be a Year of Miracles to you!
So shall it be!
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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