BIBLE TEXT(S): Matthew 6:9-13, Matthew 25:34-36; Matthew 18:21-33 and John 18:36
The Kingdom of God is where God rules and reigns. It’s a Peaceful Kingdom devoid of any evil. It’s our duty to Pray for the Kingdom to come early as this is the only Final Solution to world chaos and troubles.
1. Father I Thank You for Your Word and Your Kingdom – Psalms 98:1
2. Father whatever I have done that will make me not to be Part of this Your Kingdom, Please have Mercy and forgive me in the Name of Jesus – Psalm 98:3
3. Father give me a Generous Heart and the Grace to do Your Will at all times in Jesus’ Name – Ezekiel 36:27
4. Father let Your Kingdom come and Your Perfect Will be done on Earth in Jesus’ Name – Matthew 6:10
5. Father deliver me from every work of the flesh in the Name of Jesus – Romans 8:6
6. Father give me the Grace to forgive all that have offended me; and cause all those I have offended to forgive me as well in Jesus’ Name – Matthew 6:12
7. Father make me an addicted Soul Winner to keep Populating Your Kingdom in Jesus’ Name – Proverbs 11:30
8. Father I cast out every root of bitterness in me in Jesus’ Name – Job 7:11
9. Father, Please draw more People to Your Kingdom in Jesus’ Name – Acts 14:3
10. Father take away from us everything that will make it impossible for us to
enter into Your Kingdom in Jesus’ Mighty Name – Luke 18:24-25
11.Father help Your Church to understand that Your Kingdom is not meat and drink; but in Righteousness and Peace in Jesus’ Name – Romans 14:17
12. Father give us the Grace to serve You Wholeheartedly in Jesus’ Name – Deuteronomy 6:5
13. Father we abort every Plan of the enemy to depopulate Your Kingdom in Jesus’ Name – Isaiah 54:15
14. Father cause my Life to always bring Joy to Your Kingdom in Jesus’ Name – Isaiah 60:15
15. Thank You Father, for alAnswers to Prayers – Psalms 33:21
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