I believe by this time we should be on our feet to give Glory to God!
He is the King of the whole Universe; the Lover of our Soul – The same Yesterday, Today and Forever.
The God of our Perfect Jubilee. The One Who has visited us in a very Special manner, The One Who has Touched us Powerfully.
Just wave your hands to Him and just worship Him. Bless His Holy Name and just Honour Him. Appreciate Him for all that He has done, and for what He is yet to do. Glorify His Name.
He is Worthy! The God of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG). He is worthy for all that he has done for us in the last Seventy (70) years.
For His Faithfulness upon our lives; the One Who has decided to identify Himself with this Particular Church. Let’s Bless His Name!
He is the Strength of our lives, He is the Lover of our Soul, He is the never failing God. He is ever Faithful. Glorify and Adore Him!
Let Him know that you are Grateful for everything. Blessed, Blessed, Blessed be Your Name Oh God. May Your Name be exalted forever!
In Jesus’ Glorious Name we have Worshipped – Amen.
Let the Lord hear your voice well – AMEN!!!
The Bible says in Revelation 5:9-10: And they sung a New Song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the Book, and to open the Seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy Blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and People, and Nation; And hast made us unto our God Kings and Priests: and we shall reign on the Earth.
As a Denomination, we can say categorically that the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) is a Group of People that has been redeemed by the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ – Out of every kindred, every tongue, every People and Nation.
And this Particular Church is represented in over one hundred and ninety (190) Countries of the world – Hallelujah!
So, as they sung a Song on that Particular day, I want you to pick a Song and sing it to the Almighty God in Praise of His Name. For all He has done for us all these Decades – Just go ahead and sing to Him.
Thank You Papa! Be Thou exalted forever Lord! Thank You Lord.
… Let’s round up our Praises!
We are Grateful Oh Lord (Hallelujah)
We are Grateful Oh Lord
For all You have done for us (Hallelujah)
We are Grateful Oh Lord.
Eternal Father, we bless Your Name. The God of all Grace, we appreciate You. The Living One, we exalt You. The One who was, the One who is, the One who is who will forever be!
Our Strength, the Glory of our lives, the Lifter Up of our head. Our Shield, our Protector, our Preserver. The One who has shown this Denomination exceptional Love.
Accept our Thanks and Praises, in the Name of Jesus!
Just as we are, we have come to say Thank You today in the Grand Finale of this Great Program – The Perfect Jubilee Convention.
Father axcept our Thanks and Praises, in the Name of Jesus!
And as we look into Your Word for few Minutes: Minister to our hungry Souls, in the Name of Jesus.
Release that Oil that has been flowing upon the head of a father-in-the-Lord – Release that Fresh Oil again upon everyone, in the Name of Jesus.
Thank You Father! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we Pray – Amen!
… And everybody will say – AMEN!
Just greet those who are around you and welcome them.
Tell them: You are welcome in the Name of the Lord Jesus!
I rejoice with you, that you are Part of this Great Gathering, and for all that God has been doing in our lives.
I want to take this opportunity to thank our father-in-the-lord and our mother-in-the-Lord, for the Great Privilege to bring the Concluding Message of this Awesome Convention.
We lack words to describe the Great and Mighty things that the Lord has done for us in this Church through your Leadership.
And beginning from the first Convention on this Campground till today; without any doubt, we can say that the Oil that the Almighty God has released upon your Life has remain forever fresh!
And it will continue to remain forever fresh in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
We are speaking very briefly on: FRESH OIL FOR GREATER EXPLOITS.
I will be reading 1 Samuel 10:1 and 1 Samuel 16:13
1 Samuel 10:1:
Then Samuel took a vial of oil, and Poured it upon his head, and kissed him, and said, Is it not because the LORD hath anointed thee to be Captain over his Inheritance?
1 Samuel 16:13:
Then Samuel took the Horn of Oil, and anointed him in the midst of his Brethren: and the Spirit of the LORD came upon David from that day forward. So Samuel rose up, and went to Ramah.
The Oil in synonymous with the Spirit of the Lord.
When Samuel released the Oil upon Saul something happened to him – From that moment; infact, Samuel told him, ‘from now on you will become a different Person entirely.”
In 1 Samuel 10:6, he told him: And the Spirit of the LORD will come upon thee, and thou shalt Prophesy with them, and shalt be turned into another man.
And in 1 Samuel 10:10: And when they came thither to the Hill, behold, a company of Prophets met him; and the Spirit of God came upon him, and he Prophesied among them.
We want to rejoice with our Beloved Brothers and Sisters who have been Anointed today with Fresh Oil; and who have become “Full Pastors” in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) today.
This is a Unique Privilege that the Lord has given to you and I want to tell you categorically: You are not Ordinary Pastors. You Are Perfect Jubilee Pastors and that means a lot!
Many People who come for Ordination feel it is a Promotion.
No doubt, it is a Promotion but it is much more than that – It is a great responsibility. Because the Lord is putting a lot upon you; and He is expecting a lot from you, too. OPENHEAVEN.NET
Many People come for Ordination and they are interested only in the Photographs.
In fact, when some of them leave this Auditorium you will see them setting up a Party.
In our Region, we have warned them categorically and specifically – No Party after Ordination!”
You have got to understand the amount of responsibility that God is placing upon your Life.
When the Oil flowed upon the Life of Saul, he became a different Person – He began to Prophesy.
And one of the things God will want you to do by the Virtue of what He has done in your Life today is, to Place a demand on this Fresh Oil that He has released upon you today – By manifesting the Gifts of the Holy Spirit! All the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are free for you to manifest.
God wants you to Place a demand on this Fresh Oil from this moment on.
God wants you to know that from now on, He has decided to distinguish you from others. He has decided to do something New in your Life, that will make People to look up to you.
Because you are carrying something that is meant to be a blessing to your Generation and to Generations to come – Place a demand on that Fresh Oil.
And I believe that as you do that, you would begin to experience the Power of the Living God the way you have never experienced it before, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
When that Fresh Oil came upon Saul, and he began to manifest the Power of the Holy Spirit; there was a day he was coming back from farm – According to 1 Samuel 11:5: And, behold, Saul came after the herd out of the field; and Saul said, What aileth the People that they weep? And they told him the tidings of the men of Jabesh.
They received a bad News, and they sent a Message to Saul and Saul said, “I am coming, help is on the way!”
God wants you to know that as He has Placed this Fresh Oil upon your Life, you are to wipe away the tears of People. He wants you to know that wherever you hear crying, wherever you see People weeping; He wants you to know that – That is the reason why He has Anointed you. He has Anointed you to Change People’s narratives; to Change their Stories.
May you be found Worthy of that Expectation, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
When the Spirit of the Lord came upon David, David became a different Person entirely.
David revealed to us, according to 1 Samuel 17:32, 34, 36: And David said unto Saul, Thy servant kept his father’s sheep, and there came a lion, and a bear, and took a lamb out of the flock:
After the Power of the Lord has come upon him; by the Fresh Oil – Lion came to carry away one of his lambs, Bear came to carry away one of his lambs. He said, “I rose up against them and I killed them.”
… Lions are always around, Bears are always around;
Somebody wants to carry away Members of the Congregation. God wants you to know from this moment on, He has put you in Charge – To deal with every Lion, every Bear, everything that is Negative in your Congregation.
Don’t allow any nonsense in your congregation – Hallelujah!
God wants you to know from now on, whenever anything is threatening the Life of anyone in your Congregation, deal with it decisively.
God wants you to know, whatever will not allow your Congregation to grow: like Goliath – Who was withstanding the children of Israel:
I. God wants you to know, the Anointing upon your Life can kill any Goliath.
I want you to tell your Neighbour – This Fresh Oil can kill any Goliath!
Please say it very well – This Fresh Oil can kill any Goliath!
II. I want you to understand the fact that this Oil can become Stale and Ineffective.
Several thousands of People have been Ordained in this Organisation (RCCG) for several years; But for several People, the Oil upon their Life has become Stale and Ineffective.
III. I want you to know, the Anointed can become a Figurehead.
It is my Prayer for you today – You will not be a figurehead (Amen)!
… Say that Amen very well – Amen! OPENHEAVEN.NET
1. Saul became ineffective through Disobedience;
2. Saul became ineffective through Arrogance;
3. Saul became ineffective because he loved the Praise of men more than the Acceptance that comes only from God;
4. He became ineffective because he became envious of the Grace of God on the Life of a Younger Minister (David).
I want you to know that God has raised you up to a Leadership Position. God has raised you up to Mentor Younger Ministers.
From time to time, you will give opportunity to Younger Ministers, and they will Preach, they will Perform Excellently well – Celebrate them!
I. Don’t become another Saul, who will be drawing spare against Younger Ministers.
II. Don’t become another Saul, who will raise an Army of Soldiers against Younger Ministers.
Saul raised three thousand (3,000) Soldiers against David – Against a small boy, because that one was carrying Fresh Oil.
From time to time in your Ministry, you will come across People that the Lord has Freshly Anointed – Celebrate them!
… It doesn’t matter how Young they may be; it doesn’t matter how they are!
That is the reason why God has raised you up! – Never become envious, never become Jealous of another Person’s Anointing.
At the end of the day Saul died in the midst of his enemies without anyone to help him.
Compare the Story with that of David – David was a different Story entirely!
Apart from killing Goliath, David became a man who raised several giant-killers.
In his lifetime, People who were to devastate the Nation of Israel (after Goliath).
The People that David raised killed them! – That is the essence of being Anointed with Fresh Oil.
God has anointed you with Fresh Oil so that you will be able to raise other People – Who also will be Anointed with Fresh Oil. Because, this battle cannot be fought by you alone. This Assignment is bigger than a man.
That was the reason why, since our father-in-the-Lord came in as the General Overseer, he has been increasing the number of People that are Ordained every year because this is an Assignment bigger than any of us.
You must raise giant-killers!
David expanded the frontiers of the Kingdom of Israel according to what God has told Joshua. So that at the end of the day he became the father of the King of kings.
Bartimeaus arrested the attention of Jesus one day by calling him “The Son of David!”
By the time David passed, he was celebrated! From that moment and up till today, David is still celebrated because he was a man who raised other men.
The greatest thing that can happen to your Life is to raise other People.
As you have received this Fresh Oil upon your Life, and as God is releasing us to the community; as He is releasing us to Nations – What God wants from us is to go forth and Raise other men, and build People for Harvest.
There are several Souls out there that are expecting the touch of the Living God; that is the reason why this Fresh Oil is released upon your Life.
I. You must understand that this Fresh Oil is not for show.
II. This Fresh Oil is not to become Commercialized.
I. This Fresh oil is to make Impact;
II. This Fresh Oil is to Win Souls;
III. This Fresh Oil is to heal the Sick, delivered the Oppressed and make a difference wherever you go!
The Bible says in Psalms 133:2 – It is like the Precious Ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments;
In those days, when the Anointed has received the Fresh Oil upon him; when the Oil has been Poured upon him, and the Oil will run down. And as he leaves the Place of Anointing (to go back to his house) everywhere that he Passes, there is a trace of the Oil on the Ground.
And the People that are coming – They will see the Oil on the Ground, and they will say, “The Anointed has just Passed his Place.”
That is exactly what God wants from your Life from today – That wherever you go after now, People must be able to say “A man who carries Fresh Oil has just Passed here!”
May that be your Testimony in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
As I am rounding up this Particular Message – I know that there may be Someone here who is saying, “How can I be a Partaker of this Fresh Oil?”
You also you have got to start right!
You have got to start by handing over your life to Jesus Christ.
You have got to know that this Fresh Oil is too Precious, it doesn’t land just on any head.
The Anointing that Jesus has made available to us throughout this Particular Convention, is available to you only if you would hand over your Life to Him. Only if you would allow Him to Possess you entirely.
… That is the essence of this Particular Message.
Shall we rise on our feet! OPENHEAVEN.NET
Wherever you may be (even as you read this Message on the Label of OPENHEAVEN.NET) and you want this Fresh Oil upon your Life; you want to hand over your Life to the Lord Jesus: wherever you are, do so now!
This is the Final opportunity we have during this Jubilee Convention, to hand over our lives to Jesus. The Lord Jesus is here and He is never tired to do something New in a certain Life that is willing to surrender on to Him.
As you have come to this Convention of Perfect Jubilee, you must not go without receiving a Permanent Impact upon your Life.
That is the reason why if throughout this Convention you haven’t handed over your Life to Jesus Christ, this is the time to do so!
Wherever you are, rise on your feet and surrender to Him now!
God bless you!
Thank You Heavenly Father! We Bless Your Name. We Worship You Father. We Worship you!
God Bless You!
If you are clapping for the Lord do so very well. The Lord Bless You!
Thank You Lord!
Those of you who are ready to willingly surrender to Jesus begin to talk to the Lord now – That He will save your Soul today.
Speak to the Lord – Jesus; I open my heart unto You Jesus, come Into My life, save my Soul, make me a New Creature.
So that even as I am leaving this Campground, I am leaving with a New Song, with a New Life! Something is already happening in my Life.
… Pray that Prayer for yourself!
Brethren, let’s stretch our hands toward them and begin to Pray for them. Let’s ask the Living God to do something New in these lives even today.
Blessed Father we give You Glory!
We Appreciate You for the Power that is in Your Word. We Thank You for what You have done in these lives already.
And we Thank You my Lord and my God, even as they are going to Call up on You now:
We ask Heavenly Father, save their Souls, in the Name of Jesus!
Heavenly Father, we Pray that every sins that they have ever committed, You will wash clean by the Blood of Jesus.
You will make them New Creatures, in the Name of Jesus!
Thank You Heavenly Father! Blessed be Your Name. OPENHEAVEN.NET
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we Pray – Amen!
Congratulations! Our father-in-the-Lord will be Praying for you from now on. He will need your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.
God Bless You!
In the meantime, shall we all rise: because we are going to Pray one (1) or two (2) Prayers.
Are you ready to Pray? Yes!
I want you to ask your neighbour: “Are you ready to Pray?” OPENHEAVEN.NET
1. You are going to say: Heavenly Father; release Fresh Oil upon my Life that will achieve Greater Exploits.
Pray that Prayer now!
Thank You Father! Blessed be Your Holy Name! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we Pray – Amen.
2. You will say Father; don’t let my Oil be Stale forever! Let it remain forever Fresh:
Don’t let me end like Saul – Let me be effective till the end of my Life.
… Cry to the Living God!