Well, let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
If you are sure that you will see the New Year; let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
My Assignment when we go A-Fishing is to come to you and Pray for you and then go to the Next Place!
Today (Day 1 of The RCCG December 2022 Lers-Go-A-Fishing); I’m visiting five (5) Places and they are all far apart.
But because we are coming to you first, we can’t hurry too much – So, we shall talk to you a bit before we Pray.
In John 3:16; the Bible tells us that: God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son.
The Elders will tell you – That the one who gives you a child has done the Supreme Goodness to you – Eniti to ba funni n’omo o pari ore (Yoruba Translation).
God not just give you a Son, He gave you His Only Begotten Son!
There is Nothimg better than that; that anybody can do for you than that.
And in that Gift, He said that anything else that you want, you can take it in that Gift!
For Example:
1. In Philippians 4:19; the Bible says: My God shall Supply all your Needs according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus.
In other words, anything that you can ever Need is in that Gift called “JESUS” that He gave you.
That is why I’m so sure that those of you who already have Jesus Christ and those of you who will receive Him today – Whether the devil likes it or not; you are not going to die Poor (Amen).
2. He says in Philippians 4:13 – He said that: I can do All Things through Christ that Strengthens me.
In other words, He said that in this Gift called “JESUS”; there is no Possibility of Failure.
I. And that is Good News for those of us who are Students – That in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ; you will never fail again (Amen).
II. And it is Good News for Traders – When Jesus Christ is in your Life, you can’t start a Trade and fail (Amen).
III. Good News for those who has started a Project – There is no way that Project can fail (Amen).
As a matter of fact – I’m saying to you now in the Name of Jesus Christ; you will never know Failure again (Amen).
3. Then He says in John 15: 1-5 – That if you are connected to this “JESUS”; you will bring forth much Fruits.
Which is why I can confidently Decree to you – That beginnimg from now, in all the Kingdoms Represented here; anything called Barrenness will no longer be mentioned (Amen).
4. He said in John 8:36 – He says that if the Son (That is Jesus Christ) shall set you Free, then you shall be free Indeed.
As many of you that has Jesus Christ; every forms of Bondage – Whether from the father’s Side, or from the mothers Side, or in the Place of work, or in husband’s house. Every forms of bondage will be broken today – Amen!
Every Curses that has been holding you in Bondage so that when you are Struggling – You find out that you are working like an Elephant and end up eating like an Ant. In the Name of “JESUS” – Not in my name, not in the name of anybody but in the Name of Jesus, that Bondage will be over today (Amen).
5. And the Bible says that in this same Gift called “JESUS” in Colossians 1:27 – It says that as long as this Christ is in you, the only thing that you can Hope for is Glory.
Many People are afraid of tomorrow – Saying we don’t know what tomorrow will bring. But if you are in Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is in you; I can guaranteed you that your tomorrow is going to be alright – Amen.
As a matter of fact; I can Prophesy to Somebody right now – That by this time Next Year, you will look back and you will say: God has been God to me – Amen!
So, when God gave us Jesus Christ, He gave us “A Pefrect Gift” – There can be no better Gift than Jesus Christ!
But you see; the Problem with Gifts is that I can give you a Gift and you can refuse it – You can tell me that you don’t want it.
There are several People in the world today that they have heard about Jesus Christ but they say that they don’t want Him.
That is why we have to Pray a Big Prayer today – That my Head will not refuse something Good.
I was in the University as a Lecturer – And we Lecturers then: Young, Young boys. We thought that because we were highly Educated, that we know everything.
Until I have a Problem and all my PhD cannot solve the Problem. But Somebody offered me Jesus Christ.
Fortunately for me, I accepted Jesus Christ and He Changed my Life around. He Changed everything about me and you can see me now completely different from what I was.
God has brought Jesus Christ to you now in Irele Town, Ondo State – Will you accept Him or will you refuse Him?
The Choice is yours!
So, any of you who has not tasted this “JESUS”; that you don’t know how Sweet He can be; come and give your Life to Him today, come and surrender to Him; say bye bye to the world, bye bye to devil and come and give your Life to Jesus. He Changed my Life for the better and He can Change your Life too.
Nobody knows my father – I came from a Village that was not even on the Map of Nigeria before. I gave my Life to Jesus, He Changed my Life.
Come and give your Life to Him.
Cry to Him and say: Jesus, Please save my Soul, come into my Life, Change my Life completely and I will serve You.
Go ahead, and talk to the Almighty God!
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
My Father and my God, I want to bless Your Name. I want to Thank You for these People who has come to receive You.
Please Lord, receive them; have Mercy on them; save their Souls; forgive all their sins; receive them into the Family of God.
From now on, anytime they Call on You, answer them by Fire and let it be well with them.
From this moment onwards, Please draw them Close to Yourself and don’t let them backslide again.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Now, those of you who has come forward, I want to rejoice with you. I want to assure you that from now on, I will be Praying for you.
So, I will need your name, your Address and your Prayer Requests.
So the Counsellors will help me to attend to you – They will collect the information that I needed and send a Copy to me.
But I want you to wait where you are now because we are going to Prayer together – I will Pray for everyone of you first and after that, you will Pray for yourself.
You are going to ask God for a “Christmas Present” – That you want a Miracle before Christmas Day.
Then you will ask Him for a “New Year Present” – That you want another Miracle before the New Year.
When you are Praying these Prayers, forget everybody around you but focus on God. And whatever you asked God today, before the Sun Sets today, He will do it for you.
Now, I want to Pray for all of you. Can you Please Stand!
My Father and my God, I want to Thank You for Your People here in Irele Town Ondo State.
I Thank You because many People heard about this Program but there are several People who are not here. You brought these People because You Love them. Father, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
Father, I’m Praying for everyone here or reading now on the Label of DMC – Father, I have told them that whatever they asked You, You are going to give them before the Sun Sets. Father, Please do so.
Everything they ask You today, before the Sun Sets, let it become a Testimony.
In the Name that is above every other names – In the Mighty Name of Jesus, You will enter into the New with Joy and you will spend the New Year with Joy.
My God will defend you, He will fight for you, He will show yoi Favour.
From now on, you will be going Upwards, you will never come downwards. It shall be well with you.
And in the Kingdom of God, none of you will be missing.
So shall it be. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Now, it is your turn to Pray!
You will go to God and say: Father, before Christmas Day, I want a Miracle; before the New Year, I want another Miracle.
Go ahead and talk to God – Tell him!!!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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