Well, let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Please be seated God Bless You!
When some years ago; maybe like 20 years ago, it occurred to me that after the running up and down – Going A-Fishing, that those of here in the Redemption Camp should at least have one Evening together when we can sit down and enjoy ourselves.
That is how our ideal of “Carol and Praise Service” started.
It started “Small” but like everything in The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG); it hasn’t remained small.
And so, I know that it is going to get better and better and better.
The little bit that I met this Evening, has been very, very Refreshing.
And I thank God for all those who has Ministered – The Almighty God will accept our Thanksgiving and He will accept our Singing.
And I saw the Elders dancing – In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, you will dance Next Year (2023) – Amen!
Now, everywhere I had gone during this last few days – I had gone to 17 Places. We started off at Ode Irele, to Abraka, Auchi, Idanre, Ondo Kingdom, Oke Igbo, Ijero, Ada, Osu, Ijebu Igbo, Imala, Papalanto, Alagbado, Ipaja, Lekki, Tafawa Balewa, Police College.
I’m telling you the Truth – Even the Young Men who went with me got tired. Because by the time we are finally on the way home we asked one of them to eat. He said let leave eating now, all I’m looking forward to now is Sleeping.
But we thank God for Strength.and we Thank God for the Evidence that all these running up and down not in vain. That’s why we see so many of us here.
When we remembered the time when the Redemption Camp had only the few Carpenters who were working on the Camp, myself and family living there. And we look round now and we see a City indeed.
So, I’m going to do what I have been doing in all these Places – I’m going to bless you and after that you are going to bless yourself by asking God for two (2) Miracles. One as a Christmas Present and the other as a New Year Present.
And I can assure you that even as He is answering the Prayers of those in far away Places, He will answer your Prayers too.
So, let us Stand on our feet now!
So my Father and my God, I Thank You – Thank You for all these Your Children. They too had gone A-Fishing – Fishing for Souls.
And they are here tonight saying Thank You that we went in Peace and we returned in Peace – We didn’t run into Bandits, we did not become Victims of Kidnappers, there were no Accidents (None on Land, none on the Sea, none on the Air). Father, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
My Lord and my Saviour, I’m committing Your Children in this Redemption City of Yours into Your Hands; first and foremost, whatever they ask of You tonight before they Wake Up tomorrow Father do it for them.
And I’m Praying and I’m sure Your Children are in one hundred Percent (100%) accord with me:
I. That every Agents of the devil still living in this Your Redemption City will not see the New Year (2023).
II. That those who has infiltrated us – Those who are in any way tarnishing Your Image here; those whose Actions and Behaviours are “Slowing Down” the Flow of Your Anointing. My Father and my God, don’t let them see the New Year (2023).
In Your Own Miraculous Way, Sanctify Your Camp. This is Your Headquarters; Please Lord made it so.
Let every bits of sand, every bits of grass on this Redemption Camp City become so filled with Your Power and Anointing that any Sick Person who step here will be healed instantly, that Prayers will be answered here instantly, that demons will be roasted here, that Agents of Satan will just collapse and die.
As for Your Children – Those who are Your “Genuine Children” in this Redemption City, let it be well with them, empower them, Strengthen them, anoint them and send Help to them.
From the East, send Help to them, From the West, send Help to them, From the North, send Help to them, From the South, send Help to them and From Heaven Above, send Help to them.
Each one of you who are “Genuine Children” of God living in this Redemption City; from this moment onwards, you will find Favour with God, you will find Favour with Men. Everywhere you turn to, Ways will be opened unto you; every doors that you knock at, God will open them to you.
My God will defend you, He will fight your battle for you, He will make you Victorious. He will move you from Power to Power; from Glory to Glory; from Success to Success. He will answer all your Prayers by Fire.
Even before tomorrow morning, you will be singing a New Song.
You will enter into the New Year with Joy, you will spend the New Year with Joy. It shall be well with you and like never before, you will serve God.
And in the Kingdom of God, you will not be missing.
Even in your Sleep tonight; God will visit you.
And if He returns before tomorrow, you will not be left behind.
So shall it be. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
So, in the next five (5) Minutes, ask God for just two (2) Big Miracles – One as a Christmas Present and one as a New Year Present.
It is between you and God now – Tell Him what you want, He will hear you and He will Surprise you!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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