Brethren, let us lift up our voices and begin to Worship the Lord.
We have just declared in the Song the Choirs sang for us that we will Praise the Lord.
Let us therefore lift up our voices and Praise Him – He is the Unchangeable Lord, the I am that I am, He is the God of Breakthrough, the God who we have not seen but have began to see the works of His Hands since this Special Holy Ghost Service began.
Worship Him and exalt His Name; lift up the Name of Jesus, bless His Name.
In Jesus Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Please, join me in Singing this Chorus:
We give You all the Glory
We Worship You our Lord
You are Worthy to be Praised
Our Father and our God, we Worship You, Lord we exalt Your Name; we give You all the Glory.
If every Hairs on our Head were to be a Tongues, Father we are sure that it can never be enough to Praise You. But Lord, we just Thank You.
We Pray that You accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
And as we go into Your Words, Holy Spirit speak to us, give us an Understanding of the Word and help us in these Series of “The God of Breakthroughs”.
Thank You Father. In Jesus Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
This Morning by the Special Grace of God, we are discussing: “FROM BREAKTHROUGH TO DIAMOND CHRISTIANITY”.
And our Bible Text is from: 2 Timothy 2: 1-5
1. Thou therefore, my son, be Strong in the Grace that is in Christ Jesus.
2. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many Witnesses, the same commit thou to Faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.
3. Thou therefore endure hardness, as a Good Soldier of Jesus Christ.
4. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may Please him who hath chosen him to be a Soldier.
5. And if a man also strive for Masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive Lawfully.
Our New Mantra has been: “KEEP DIGGING”.
I. And when you are looking for water in a well, yes you will dig.
II. If you are looking for Gold, you will blast Rocks.
III. If you are looking for Diamond, you will blast Rocks.
IV. But we also said that we want Oil and for Oil; we have to drill – This usually cost more money, and take more Sophisticated Equipment.
But there is just one aspect of it that I want to take and that is what we will discuss.
And that is that at the end of the drill, there is something that is put there to enable the drill drills through Rocks – And that is DIAMOND!
Diamond is what is put at the end of the drill to enable it drills through and breaks through Rocks.
So today, we will just discuss a bit about the Special Things about the Diamond that makes it Possible to be used that way. And we will relate it with ourselves as Christians!
1. The Diamond is formed Deep in the Earth – Say between 140km to 190km Deep in the Earth.
And then it is Subjected to “Intense Heat and Pressure” – That is when the Carbon crystallises and become a Diamond.
Then it is thrown by Vulcanic Eruptions and Earthquakes on to the Earth.
That is when we can now Mine it and get the Diamond out.
Now, for us as Christians, could it be that God at times put us in Obscurity so that by the time He finished with us, we will come out as Diamonds that He can use.
2. The Diamond is the Hardest known Natural Materials.
On the Scale 8f Hardness, we put Diamond as ten (10) and our fingernails at two (2) – So, it is a very, very hard Substance.
Now, this will represent like a “Matured Christian” who is able to Stand and remain Standing even in Challenging Situations.
Refer to: Ephesians 6:10 – Finally, my Brethren, be Strong in the Lord, and in the Power of his Might.
3. The Diamond is “Very Clear”.
As a matter of fact, the Clarity of the Diamond is one of its Selling Point.
That is talking about Christians – You must live a Life of Holiness, you must live a Life of Purity.
According to: Hebrews 12:14 – Follow Peace with all men, and Holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.
If you want to be a “Diamond Christian”; you must live a Life of Integrity and Transparency.
Because 2 Timothy 2:5 tells us that if you want to Strive for anything, then you must do it Lawfully.
4. The Diamond is Luxurious – It Shines! Light Passes through it and it Shines.
The Bible tells us in Matthew 5: 14-16 – God tells us that we are the Light of the world. And it ends up by saying that: Let your Ligh6 so Shine before Men that they may see your Good works and Glorify God who is in Heaven.
And then Isaiah 60:1 says: Arise, Shine for the Glory of the Lord is risen upon you.
Why? – It goes on to say that Kings will be drawn to our Shinning.
5. When you Pass Light through Diamond; it breaks the Light into all its Component Colours (All the 7 Colours).
That is like a Christian who is incorporating with God; the Gifts of God that are in you can begin to manifest and then God can use you as well as Disciples that you have; you are able to help them to develop fully and become who God wants them to be.
That you will find in: Galatians 4:19 – My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you.
6. Diamond has the High Ability to Conduct Heat.
Now Christians – You and I, up till last Night received a Fresh Anointing. We are supposed to use it as a Channel of Blessings.
Isaiah 10:27 says: And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.
And Secondly, because of the Heat of the Diamond, it can Transconduct that Heat to Others.
As Christians, we should be Soul Winners. Because of the Heat of God in us, Nobody should encounter us and go back the same way.
7. A Diamond is Chemically, very Unstable.
No matter how rough the Liquid you applied to it; you cannot get the Diamond destroyed.
Infact, the only thing that can Scratch on a Diamond is another Diamond.
Now, why are we looking at all of these?
It is because all these Qualities that the Diamond has, that it is used in a variety of Industries including Drilling.
Now for us as Christiians, God wants to use us as His “Diamond Christians” that He can send you on any Assignment and He can send us all over the world, He can give us anything.
Why? Because we have these Qualities in us and it is these Qualities that will make it Possible for Him to use us to drill in Hard Places, to be able to do Hard Assignment because all the Qualities of a Diamond if they are in us, God can now use us as Channels of Blessings.
Which is what this is all about.
We must aim to become “Diamond Christians” that God can use all over the world, that God can use on any Assignment.
And if you are here this Morning or reading now on the Label of DMC; maybe you have heard these Descriptions that we have been saying of the “Diamond Christians” and you are wondering: How can I become like that?
It starts with giving your Life to Jesus Christ.
Wherever you are seated or reading now on the Label of DMC and you want to do so today; Please come quickly so that we can Pray for you and then take one Prayer Point together.
Or you have surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ before but something went wrong and you want to Handover the Management of your Life to Jesus Christ again.
If you are here, Please quickly come forward as we Pray.
And for everyone of us, we have a Prayer Point – Let Us Pray!
Let us ask that the Lord will make us the kind of Christians that He can use all over the world, give any Assignment that will make you to be a “Diamond Christian” in His Hand – Valuable and those that He can Trust and use.
Brethren, Please rise up to Pray and say: Father, Please make me a “Diamond Christian” and send me on any Assignment that You have. And by Your Grace, I will not fail You.
In Jesus Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Our Father and our God, we want to Thank You.
Father, in our Engagements today, we have been talking about Gold, about Water and we want to drill for Oil.
Lord, we know that Diamond is important; use us as a “Diamond Christians” in all things.
Let us not fail You and let Your Name be Glorified.
Thank You Father. In Jesus Name we have Prayed – Amen.