1. Well, let’s lift our hands to the Most High God and bless His Holy Name!
Let’s give Him Glory, let’s give Him Honour, let us give Him Adoration.
Bless the King of kings, the Lord of lords; Bless the Ancient of Days.
Give Him Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration. Worship Him, Bless His Holy Name; Bless His Holy Name!
Oh Yes! Father, we give You Glory, we give You Honour, we give You Adoration.
We worship You King of kings and Lord of lords. We worship You Ancient of Days, we Magnify Your Holy Name.
Blessed be Your Holy Name forever! Thank You Lord! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! Thank You Lord.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen!
2. I want you to lift your voice to the Almighty God with all your heart and say:
Father, let me Shine for You! You have made me Light, let me Shine for You.
… Go ahead, let’s talk to the Almighty God!
Thank You Jesus; Thank You Father! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
You are the Mighty God,
The Great I AM
Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
You are the Mighty God,
The Great I AM
Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
You are the King of kings,
The Lord of lords.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
You are the Mighty God,
The Great I AM
Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
Father, we just want to bless Your Holy Name: because we know You are the King of kings and the Lord of lords. We know You are the Unchangeable Changer.
Father, accept our Thanks, in Jesus’ Name.
Thank You for bringing us to a New Month. Thank You for this Wonderful Day when we can meet with You again.
Father, accept our Thanks, in Jesus’ Name.
Today, as we gather together before You, let us have an Encounter with You.
An Encounter that will Change our lives for ever; give to us today, in Jesus’ Name.
Thank You Almighty! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Let someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!!!
Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: God bless you Mightily!
… And then you may Please be seated.
Matthew 5:14-16:
14 Ye are the Light of the world. A City that is set on a Hill cannot be hidden.
15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth Light unto all that are in the house.
16 Let your Light so Shine before men, that they may see your Good works, and Glorify your Father which is in Heaven.
Our Theme for this Month (October 2022) as you know is: “SHINE FORTH”.
And to Shine Forth can mean several things:
1. One of the things is, RADIATE: Show your Light, don’t hide it!
*Now, when we are talking about a Divine Encounter – In terms of Shining Forth, we are saying that there are all kinds of Breakthroughs, all kinds of Prosperity.$
There are Breakthroughs that can be hidden; there are Prosperities that you can cover up.
But then there are Breakthroughs, there are Prosperities that cannot be covered up!
So Big! A Light so bright, you can’t cover it up with a Piece of Cloth.
When you read 2 Samuel 6:1-12, the Bible tells us what happened when Obededom had an Encounter with God – The God of Israel.
An Encounter that led to a Mighty Breakthrough – That just within three (3) Months, God Prospered the household of Obededom that a whole Nation heard about it.
Prosperity so great, that they reported the matter to the King – “There is a man in your land O King, God has Prospered Him Mightily.” “Who is this man?” Ha! Obededom.
I Pray for Someone today, that as a result of the Encounter you are going to have with God; God will Prosper you so Mightily, the President will hear about it – Amen!
So, Shine Forth can mean Radiate – Show Light in a manner that cannot be covered.
Talking of Prosperity it means, Prosper so much that it cannot be hidden.
2. Shine Forth can also mean: OVERFLOW TO OTHERS.
When a cup is full, just full, the surroundings may not even know that there is water in the cup.
But when the cup overflows, then everywhere around will know that something was already being Poured Into the cup, now it’s overflowing.
So, Shine Forth could mean, Overflow to others. Prosper in such a manner that everybody around you will benefit.
… They won’t just hear about it, they will of taste it – Amen.
In 2 Kings 4:8-17, the Shunammite woman. She was not the only Wealthy Person in Israel, but she was the one that overflowed to the Man of God.
The Man of God didn’t say, “I need food!” The Man of God didn’t ask for an Offering, she Volunteered!
As a matter of fact, not only did she Volunteer, she insisted that the Man of God must come to her house and eat.
And even while the Man of God is saying, thank you for the food, she went further and built an Apartment for him.
She overflowed! She Radiated, and she Shone forth her Wealth for a Good cause.
I remembered when we were Young, there was a man in Ilesha (OPENHEAVEN.NET Note: Ilesha is a Town in Osun State, Nigeria).
He was a rich man and he had many People in his employment.
After every three (3) years, he will call all his employees together and ask them, “what have you achieved in three (3) years?” Because he was treating them well – He was paying them well.
If any of them had nothing concrete to Point out, that goes with he had achieved in the last three (3) years; he would sack the Fellow. He would say, “don’t destroy my Prosperity! If you are not getting Blessed in the midst of so much Blessing, I don’t need you around.”
I am Praying for Someone here today or reading now on the Label of OPENHEAVEN.NET – Not only will God bless you, your Blessing will overflow to Others – Amen!
3. But then Shine Forth could also mean something else. It could mean: FULFIL YOUR DESTINY.
The Destiny of Light is to Shine!
Jesus said, “You are the Light of the world; a City set on a Hill cannot be hid”. People don’t light a Candle and cover it up.
And whatever it is that is covering your Destiny, God will remove it today – Amen!
It tells us that everything God created is for a Purpose:
Revelation 4:9-11 made it clear: God made everything for His Pleasure.
He doesn’t waste His Wisdom, His Knowledge, His Ability, His Almightiness to create anything; just for fun of creating.
Everything He made was for His Pleasure.
Which brings us to a very Crucial Point – Isaiah 55:10 says: God gives Seed only to Sowers.
The Purpose He gives Seed is for the Fellow who gets the Seed to Sow.
In 1 Kings 17:8-16, there was a Widow who had only one Meal left; but God knew “SHE IS A SOWER.” So He sent His servant to that one.
God knew, “This woman is such an “Addicted Sower”; she will be willing even to sow her Last Meal.” She was a Shower.
Because the Bible tells us in Luke 4:25-26; there were many other Widows, but God knew which one will be a Sower. And that’s why He sent a “Hungry Prophet” to her.
So that the Law of Harvest that: “When you Sow you will Reap” might work for that Widow.
What is your Purpose for wanting to Prosper?
Why do you want to become a man so Wealthy that the President will know about it?
So that you can fill your backyard with Cars – Exotic cars! A car that can only take two (2) People and yet cost the Price of twenty (20) other cars put together.
Why do you want to Prosper?
Because He said something in Matthew 6:24-33. He said: look at the birds of the air, God is feeding them! Look at the fields, look at the flowers, look at all these things, God is Supplying their Needs.
And He said, Solomon, with everything He had, he is not as beautiful as any of the flowers.
He said, why don’t you seek first the Kingdom of God, and His Righteousness; and everything other thing will be added – An Addition!
Why do you want to Prosper?
Or you are already Prospering; you already have a car of your own; and you see People coming to Holy Ghost Service, coming to Divine Encounter, etc, trekking but you can’t even give them a lift!
And you are asking God for a Second car.
God will say, “What for?”
What is the actual Secret of Overflowing Prosperity?
God says, I know who will sow, if I give him or her a Seed.
Abraham, that the Bible tells us, is the father of Faith.
Romans 4:11 – He is the father of Faith.
Father of Faith means, example of Faith.
Have you ever wondered,when you read Genesis 12:1-3, when God said to Abraham: I am going to bless you, I am going to make you a Blessing, I am going to make you great, your name will be great. Through you the whole Nation of the Earth will be blessed.
Why Abraham?
I have searched the Scriptures; What was it that Abraham did before God said, Alright, you are the one I choose to be a Blessing to the whole world?
What has he done that the others have not done?
But you see, God knows the end from the beginning. He knows the Sower; and that is why He gives His seed to the Sower.
1. He (the Almighty God) knew in advanced that Abraham would be the first man on Earth to Pay Tithe (Genesis 14:18-20)
So some People come to you and they say: “Don’t Pay Tithe, because Tithe is Law.”
Ha! Moses didn’t come until hundred of years after Abraham. Nobody made it a Law for Abraham. Abraham decided on his own Volition, “I will Pay my Tithe.”
Why Abraham? Why did God choose to bless Abraham Mightily?
2. Because God knew from the beginning that Abraham will be the first one to offer to Him a Firstfruit Sacrifice.
In Genesis 22:1-18 – God said to Abraham: I want you to go and sacrifice your son Isaac; that I know you love. I want him!
God doesn’t eat children for breakfast! He wants to make this man (Abraham) an Example for others to follow.
He wants to show to the whole world, “I am not doing anything I do by accident.”
You want God to bless you Mightily? Ask yourself a Simple Question: “Why do I want to Prosper anyway?”
After all the Bible says, if you have enough food to eat, enough clothes to wear, you should be satisfied with that.
Why do you want to Overflow with Blessings?
He gives seed to the Sower; He gives Light to those who would Shine for Him.
If God loves you, He won’t give you something that at the end of the day would kill you.
Because the Word of God says clearly: The Prosperity of fools shall destroy them. (Proverbs 1:32)
*God knows that some of us, if we get the kind of Wealth that we are Praying for, we will backslide because we will spend the money on ourselves.
And knowing that there is a limit to what you can eat; and you can’t wear two (2) clothes at the same time. Then you will begin to spend the money in a way that will bring you into Destruction.
Why do I want to Prosper? Why is it that God Prospers some People more than Others?
He knows the end from the beginning. He knows!
The first car I ever bought – I still remembered the Registration Number (LSA1363). When we wanted to do the first Congress ever, and He gave me the Vision of the Congress.
And I invited everybody, wrote to every Teacher’s Training Colleges, every Secondary Schools, “release your students, come let’s gather together and Worship God. You’ll be fed free!”
And the one who is inviting Nigeria to come and be fed free had no money to buy Stamps to send the Invitation out.
I sold my first car with Joy.
Of course, He responded! Somehow, He brought the money to feed the People.
He knows those who will Sow, before He would release His Seed!
Think deeply this Morning; because your Destiny is about to Change – Amen!
Why do I want to Prosper? Why do I want to be Light? So that I can shine!
I will tell you maybe one (1) or two (2) Stories, and then we close;
1. I have told you before the Story of one young fellow: when I travelled to visit one of our branches (before I became General Overseer).
I had finished Preaching, I was waiting outside for my driver to come and pick me up.
And I saw this young man, he was bowing down and standing up, as he was coming towards me. Finally, he dropped something in my Pocket and began to run!
Since I didn’t know what he dropped, I quickly checked and I found out that it was a fifty (50) Kobo note.
… In those days, Naira was so Powerful, fifty (50) Kobo had a Note on its own.
So I called him back, “what’s this?” He said, “I heard that you were coming, and I want to give you something.”
The Pastor didn’t take an offering for Daddy GO but he wanted to sow!
And all he had was fifty (50) Kobo. He dropped it in my Pocket. I took the money, and told him, “I will spend this money myself, and my God will Bless you!”
The next time when I was back in that Place (I don’t know whether it was a year after or not) the same fellow came, smiling brightly. He said, “when you came last time, I had no job but now, I am the Proprietor of a School.”
How did it happen?
He said, I just had this idea – At least I went to School. So I began to do “House Lessons” for the children around.
Because those who come to my Lesson did well in School, the number of Students increased. I had to employ others to help me teach.
Now, I have a School of my own.
He sowed Fifty (50) Kobo; God saw someone who has a desire to sow! And He said, in that case I will give you what you need to do what you want to do.
God sees your Heart!
Some People say, I will give when I have Prospered.
If you don’t give when you have Nothing; you are not going to give when you have much!
If you can’t Pay your Tithe when your Salary is a thousand Naira (#1,000); you won’t be able to Pay when you start earning in millions (#1,000,000) – The money would frighten you!
2. I will tell you another Story:
I said in one of the Meetings that, one day somebody would come and Sponsor the whole of the Convention.
Everybody said Amen!!!
But then a man came and said, Daddy, I heard what you said. “How much does it cost to Sponsor the Convention?” I said Ha! I can’t tell you how much it is going to cost the Next Convention, but I can tell you what it cost last year.
He said let’s start from there.
I told him! I thought he would run away and not come back. Because at that time it was over two hundred and fifty Million Naira (#250,000,000).
The following week he came with a Bank Draft for the amount that we spent the year before.
I Prayed for him.
I didn’t know he went to borrow the money – He was just determined that he wants to serve God!
You know what? He ended up becoming the Chairman of the Bank that he borrowed the money from.
God gives Seed to the Sower! He gives Light to the one who would will Shine.
Why do I want to Prosper? Check yourself!
Let me close with this one.
You have also heard the Story before. I don’t know why God asked me to talk to you this way.
But I believe that He has Somebody in Mind, whose Destiny is going to Change – Amen.
Because some People are saying, I have been Praying for Prosperity all these years. I am about to die, I haven’t Prospered yet.
Why do you want to Prosper?
3. I have told you the Story of a very Young boy – Every time they came to the Church, he would take One Naira from the mother and give it to me. This was several years ago (when the Naira had Value).
He would say, “Mama, I want One Naira for Daddy GO.” And of course, I began to look out for him every Sunday – He was my “One-Naira Boy”!
Then after some time I didn’t see him again. What happened to my “One-Naira Boy”?
He grew up and somehow traveled Abroad.
One day, I went Abroad, we went to hold a Program – A Holy Ghost Service.
After the Service, this Young man came to me. Of course he has grown! So he is not the “Small Boy” I used to know.
He said, Sir you may not know me: but I am your “One-Naira Boy”!
“How are you?” He said, “I Promised you then that I will buy you an Aeroplane.” I said yes, I remembered the Ambitious Young Child.
He said, “I can’t buy you a Jet yet, but I have a Gift for you outside.” And he said I should come and see the Gift.
I got out there and I found a “Mercedes X Class”.
He started from “One-Naira”, but God saw his heart, and he Prospered him. He said, “I can’t buy you a Jet yet. At least I am on my way.
I wasn’t surprised when some Months ago, I heard that he has won an Oil Well.
When I heard that I said, “Ha, Ha, Praise God, my Jet is coming!”
Stand on your feet!
Today is not a day for joking; this Month (October 2022) is not a Month for joking.
God is about to have an Encounter with Someone, who would soon begin to Shine Forth – Amen!
But of course the first Encounter you can have with God is Salvation. God is not going to Prosper a fool. And a fool is the one who says there is no God!
And if you are still around, and you have been hearing about Jesus all these time; and you have not surrendered your Life to Him. I am sorry to say, “You are a fool!”
But you can become Wise today.
You can come and give your Life to Jesus Christ, He will save your Soul. And from now on, everything will become New.
If you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ, do so now!
Oh, the fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom.
If you don’t have the fear of God in you, you are a fool. And if you think you can organise your own Life yourself, you are a fool.
But you can come to Jesus now, and surrender your Life to Him; He will forgive your sins and things will Change – ‘If any Man be in Christ, he is a New Creature.” Come to Him now!
Cry to God now and say: Lord, save my Soul, I want to surrender my Life to You. I want to have an Encounter of Salvation with You this Morning. I want everything in my Life to become New.
Cry unto Him – Save my Soul, oh Lord. And from now on, I will do Your Will.
And the rest of us, Please, Stretch your hands towards these People and intercede for them:
Lord Please, save the Soul of these Your People, give them Genuine Salvation.
Llet Your Blood wipe away their sins, and give them a Brand New Beginning.
Pray for them Brethren, Pray for them!
Thank You my Father! Glory be to God. Thank You Lord.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Saviour, I want to Thank You for Your Word. I want to bless You for these People who have come forward to surrender their lives to You.
Father, Please receive them, have Mercy on them, save their Souls. Let Your Blood wash away their sins.
And Lord God Almighty, I am Praying that today, You will write their names in the Book of Life.
And rom this moment, anytime they cry unto You, answer them by Fire!
Let it be well with them.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
I rejoice with those of you who have Genuinely surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ. I Promise you that from now on, by God’s Grace, I will be Praying for you.
God bless you!
Brethren, you are going to Pray; you are going to say:
Father, You know all things: You know my thoughts, but You have the Ability to put everything right. Change me to a Sower: so that You can give me Seeds to Sow.
Go ahead, talk to the Almighty God!
Thank You Father! Thank You Almighty.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
And so shall it be, in Jesus’Name – Amen.
Now, very quickly, I want you to take your Offering.
Remember, you have just Prayed that God will turn you to a Sower – Begin from now!
Take your Offering, lift it up to the Almighty God,and cry to Him and say:
Father, Prosper me and I will Show You that I am a Good Boy, a Good Girl!
Go ahead, talk to the Almighty God – It’s between you and God now.
Thank You Father!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Now, the Bible says, God loves a Cheerful Giver.
So, Cheerfully, go to the nearest basket and drop your Offering, before we Pray.
Over to you Band!
Thank you!
Before we go; some People wrote to us requesting for “SPECIAL PRAYER”.
If you are one of those who wrote, kindly come to the Altar so we can Pray with you.
The Rest of us let’s rise on our feet also and talk to the Almighty God:
I. Ask God for something Special for this Month (October 2022).
II. Ask God for something you want Him to do for you before the end of October.
III. Ask God for something that only Him can do.
This is the Tenth (10th) Month, and ten (10) is the Number for Double Grace.
Ask God for something Big that will take “Only God” to do it for you.
Thank You my Father!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
My Father and my God, I know that before Your Children left home, You knew their Greatest Needs – You are the All-Sufficient God.
For everyone of us here today or reading now on the Label of OPENHEAVEN.NET; Lord, everything we Need that will make our Joy Overflow, Father Please do for us.!
For some People, the Need might be Physical – Heal them all.
For some, the Need might be Financial – You the Helper of the helpless, send Help to all of us.
For some, the Need Might be Spiritual – You are the God of Heaven: from Heaven above, send Help to us.
Be Gracious unto us, Meet all our Needs.
Before the end of this Month (October 2022), Lord, let us begin to Shine!
Bless the Offerings of Your children,
Sanctify it, and use it for Your Glory.
And all who have given today, my Father and my God, very soon, Financially, let them begin to Overflow.
Let it be well with all of us!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!!!!
Let someone shout Hallelujah – HALLELUJAH!
God bless you – Amen!