1. Let’s lift our hands to the Most High God and bless His Holy Name. Give Him Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration; He is Worthy to be Praised, He is Worthy to be Adored. Worship Him as it is because of His Mercy that we are still alive today. So Praise Him. If the Lord had not been on our Side, where will we be now, bless Him.
Thank Him for everything He did for you in the Past one (1) Month, Thank Him for the Past Convention, Thank Him for the Last Holy Ghost Service (RCCG September Holy Ghost Service) – Give Him all the Glory.
Praise Him that you are not in an Asylum this morning, that you are not in Prison, you are not in detention, that you can still speak this morning, that you are still breathing.
The Word of God says that all that has breadth Praise God – Praise Him!
In Jesus Mighty Name we have given Thanks.
2. And we want to Pray Specially for Doctors and all Medical Practitioners.
We want you to lift up your voices to Him and say: Father, we commit these Your Children into Your Hands, give them the “Healing Touch” so that any Patient that comes across them will receive a Miracle.
Please, go ahead and Pray for them – That their hands will be “Special Anointing” for Healing, turn them to Miracle and let them know there is a difference.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
3. We want to Pray for all those who are Pregnant.
We lift our voices to the Almighty God and say: Father, all those who are Pregnant now, let them deliver safely, let them deliver easily, No Complications, No Miscarriages, No Abortion, No “Still Birth”.
All Your Children who are Pregnant now, Please let their Labour be easy and fast with no crises even after Delivery.
Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
4. And we are going to Pray for those who are barren.
Let’s lift our voices and say: Father, let every barrenness be terminated now. Open your mouth and cry to the Almighty God.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
5. And finally, we are going to Pray and say: Father, “Covenant Keeping God”; You have brought me thus far and you are my Ebenezer. Please, don’t abandon me – Be with me for the rest of my Life.
Open your mouth and Pray. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Some Pastor Adeboye Songs And Hymns(Opens in a new browser tab)
Covenant Keeping God
There is No Man like You
Alpha and Omega
There is No one like You
Alpha and Omega, we Worship You. The Beginning, the Ending, the One who is, the One who was, the One who is to come; the Almighty, Faithful God, Reliable God, Unchangeable Changer, Glory be to Your Holy Name. Accept our Worship in Jesus.
Thank You for January, Thank You for February, Thank You for March, Thank You for April, Thank You for May, Thank You for June, Thank You for July, Thank You for August; Father Thank You for September. Accept our Worship in Jesus Name.
Thank You for our Last Convention, Thank You for Jubilee – Perfect Jubilee, Thank You Almighty God for Proving to us that You are a “Covenant Keeping God”. Accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
We commit all Your Children who are Medical Workers into Your Hands; from now on, anyone they touch, let that Fellow receive a Miracle – Miracles of Healing, Miracles of Deliverance, Miracles of Joy.
As for Your Children who are Pregnant, my Father and my God; carry them through, let there be no Complications, no Abortion, no Miscarriage, no “Still Birth”; let their Delivery be easy.
As for those who are trusting You for the Fruit of the Womb, even by tomorrow morning, let there be a Change for the better for all of them. Before the end of this Month, let there be a shout of Joy in their families. Eradicate barrenness in their midst.
My Father and my God, even as we are entering into our New Year in The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG); give everyone of Your Children New Joy, New Success, New Breakthrough, New Progress, New Anointing, Mighty Testimonies.
As for Your Children who has been Faithful in the Payment of their Tithes and Giving their Offerings, “Covenant Keeping God”; Please embarrass them with Your Blessings – Blessings so Mighty that they will say God this is becoming too much.
Father, embarrass them with Your Blessings – Blessings of Health, of Strength, of Progress, of Promotion, of Mighty Breakthrough and keep the Enemies far away from them.
Bless them so much that People will know that it Pays to serve God.
And today in your own Miraculous Way, touch each and everyone of us.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Shake hands with two (2) or three (3) People and tell them: God Bless You today! And then you may Pls be seated. God Bless You!
1 Peter 2:24 – Who His Own self bare our sins in His Own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto Righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.
I’m sure you know that “The Who” that we are referring to here is Jesus Christ.
There is a Law – A “Spiritual Law” called: “The Law of Substitution”.
It is a Law of God but you know that Satsn can Copy – He can’t create but he can Copy!
And if you ask the Elders, they will tell you that in the Olden Days, when Someone is seriously Sick and he is about to die – I’m talking of some sixty (60) years ago; when the “Real Doctors” were the “Local Herbalist”, before the Medicine became as available today.
When Someone is “Desperately Sick” and is on the Point of Death and you go to the Herbalist – The Original ones, and not the fake ones of today. They will tell the Relatives to go and bring a dress of the Fellow who is sick, they will Probably ask for a Goat and some other things.
But then, they will do whatever things they needed to do and they will ask the Relatives to bring the trunk of a banana tree. And they will put the dress of that Fellow on the banana tree, attach some things here and there and they will ask the Relatives to take that thing – “The Effigy” to a crossroad Preferably in the center of the Town at Night. They will tell them – Drop this thing there and don’t look back.
Now, it will be at Night; everybody is supposed to be sleeping. But almost invariably, there will be Somebody who decides to go and visit another Fellow’s wife at Night. And then, they will be returning home and they will see “The Effigy”.
Miraculously, the one who saw “The Effigy” will die and the one whose Relatives brought “The Effigy” will have a Good Story to tell because their Relative will recover Miraculously.
OPENHEAVEN.NET NOTES: An effigy is an often Life-Sized Sculptural Representation of a Specific Person, or a Prototypical Figure. The term is mostly used for the makeshift dummies used for Symbolic Punishment in Political Protests and for the Figures burned in certain Traditions around New Year, Carnival and Easter.
Live Stream and Full Message RCCG HOLY GHOST SERVICE SEPTEMBER 2022(Opens in a new browser tab)
… Ask the Elders, some of them are here – They will tell you that you mean you know that? I am eighty (80) years Old, I know one (1) or two (2) things.
They call it “SUBSTITUTION” – They have substituted Somebody for the one who was supposed to die of Sickness!
May I start this morning by declaring that: If you have an Appointment with Death, there will be a Substitution this morning – Amen!
What does the Law of Substitution says?
Proverbs 11:8 says: The Righteous is delivered out of trouble, and the Wicked cometh in his stead.
… The Righteous goes out of trouble but a Substitution is made for him by offering the Wicked in his stead.
You say sir! Can that be true? – I will give you three (3) Examples in the Bible:
1. Exodus 14: 21-28 – The children of Israel were delivered from destruction and the Egyptian Army was substituted.
So, when God said to the children of Israel – The enemies you have seen tonight, you will never see them again forever. The Sea opened, the Righteous was delivered and the one who was Pursuing came instead.
2. Daniel 3: 1-end; but we want to Pay Particular attention to Verses 19 to 30.
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were meant to roast – The fire was even heated seven (7) times hotter than ever before. They were supposed to just vanished as soon as they get into the flame.
But they were delivered out of the fire. Why? – Substitution were made for them. The “Mighty Men” who carried them, who are going to throw them into the furnace; the fire got those People.
But for Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego; they walked out of the fire into Promotion.
On the basis of the Word of God, I can say to you – All those who are Planning to throw you into the fire, they will be your Substitute – Amen!
3. Maybe you want to read Daniel 6: 1-end also.
What is the Problem?
Some People felt that Daniel was making too rapid a Progress and say – Let’s catch him. We know that he will Pray (he can’t stop Praying to his God). Let’s make a Decree, let’s Plan for the King to sign a Decree – That anybody who Prays to anybody other than the King, we will throw him to the Den of Lions.
So, they threw Daniel to the Den of Lions, the Lions saw him coming and they are very “Hungry Lions” as you will discovered later in the Story.
They saw Daniel coming – Ha, Thank You God for food. And God said: No, you can’t touch this one.
Ha, this is the kind of food You created us to eat. He (God) said that Lions don’t eat Lions. The Son of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah is a Lion.
Whether you believed it or not, the day you gave your Life to Jesus Christ; a mark is Placed on you and the enemies will see you coming and say: This is one of the children of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah!
There are certain People Witches don’t touch – Witches don’t come near any Albino at all. Why? – They believed that the Albino belongs to a deity.
So, God told the Lion – Don’t touch this one.
But we are Hungry? God said be Patient, there will be Substitution.
You remembered that the following day, they brought Daniel out of the Den of Lions and God spoke to the King: But some People said that you should throw Daniel into the Den.
The King said: Yes sir I remembered. Ask them to come with their wives and children.
So the following day, the Lions saw some People coming again – God, are these Lions too? God said: No, they are the Substitute that I Promised you.
It may sound a bit tough for your ears but the Word of God is forever Settled – Anyone Planning to throw you into the Den of Lions; himself, his family will be your Substitute in Jesus Name – Amen!
… That is the Law – Forever Oh Lord, thy Word is Settled (Amen)!
And you know what? That is one of the reasons why you must struggle very hard to make sure that every Members of your family is in Christ.
Because if they are not, and the enemies tried to grab you and God is looking for a Substitute; God have Mercy!
A Sister came to us – Daddy, I had a nightmare. What is the nightmare?
My husband travelled Abroad and they brought him in, in a coffin. What am I going to do?
I said that is not a Problem. Is your husband a Child of God? She said Yes. Then relax, no evil is going to touch him. No evil is going to touch him.
Just as I’m Praying for you today – Any of your Relatives who happened to a Child of God; in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, no evil will come near them – Amen!
And then she rejoiced and left.
Two (2) weeks later, I came to Church in the morning and saw in the Newspaper that Somebody died Abroad and they brought him back in a coffin. And when I saw the name, it was the same surname of that Sister.
Oh my God? What happened Lord? We Prayed concerning it.
On Sunday, I saw the Sister coming to Church – Beautifully dressed, smiling and so I called her: What happened? I saw the Obituary.
Oh sir, it is not my husband that died. It was Somebody bearing the same surname.
I decree today – Every danger coming your Way shall be diverted – Amen!
So, you know now “The Law of Substitution”.
Now the Buble says in 2 Corinthians 5:21 – That God decided that He will pick His Son Jesus Christ and make Him sin, even though He does not know sin so that you and I can become the Righteousness of God in Him.
Meaning what? – God wants you to have Somebody who can be your Substitute.
When you Study the Word of God deeply enough; you will be amazed that in the various ways where you need Substitution, Jesus Christ was there:
1. For you to be Free from sin, He shed His Blood. The Book of 1 John 1:7 says: His Blood cleanses from all sins.
How come? – He carried your sin on His Body.
The Bible Text that we read wrote – He Picked your sin, went to the Cross to go and die so that His Blood can avail for you.
When there is need for Substitution, He said this one needs not to go to Hell – I have already carried his sin.
2. In 2 Corinthians 8:9; the Bible says that even though He was rich – Silver is His, Gold is His, the Earth belongs to Him, the Fullness belongs to Him, all the Oil in the Ground they are His, the Diamond, the Cattles upon the thousand Hills belongs to Him.
Even though He was rich, for your sake; He became Poor so that you through His Poverty might become rich – Substitution!
That is why anybody who tells you that you are going to die Poor is lying. Why? – Jesus Christ became Poor so that you can become rich!
3. When they nailed Him to the Cross, they removed all his dress – The drawing that you see with Cloth wrapped wrong his Private Part is just Human Imagination. They took off everything. Of course, they removed the shoes to be able to nail his feet.
That is why there is no way you can ever died Naked!
4. Do you know the reason why Jesus Christ never married?
He had to suffer loneliness so that you won’t be lonely!
Hebrew 13:5 is there – He says that: I will never leave you, I will never forsake you.
… You won’t be lonely because I have already Paid for that.
5. Do you know the reason that He never had a Biological Child? – It is so that you cannot be barren.
He has Paid for it as He is your Substitute!
5. And so the Bible Text asked us to speak on today about – “His Stripes” bringing you Healing is just “The Law of Substitution”.
I. I have told you before – When you know that you are going to kill Somebody, why feed him?
The little that I know about Law – Lawyers forgive me o. I am not dabbling into your field. At least the little that I know from my visit to Kirikiri Prison and other Prisons – And I go there regularly.
It is that if they are going to kill Somebody tomorrow at least in Civilised Countries, they will ask you in the Night before what do you want to eat – Name your favourite food. At least they give you that Final Honour.
So, if we are killing you tomorrow, what do you want to eat?
You can say I want Pounded Yam and they must Provide you.
OPENHEAVEN.NET NOTES: Kirikiri Maximum Security Prison is a Prison West of Apapa, Lagos State, Nigeria. It is named after the Rural Kirikiri Community in which it is situated. A Part of the Nigerian Correctional Service, its Official Capacity is 1,056. It was first established in 1955.
II. Someone who is to be killed, why do you need to flog him? It doesn’t make sense.
But they had to beat Jesus Christ – He has to know the Pains in the flesh, so that the Pain in your Flesh can be dealth with.
That is why I have Good News for Somebody here today – By His Stripes you shall be Healed (Amen)!
And because He has Paid for Sickness, Ache, Pain; that is why He said in Mark 16: 16-18 – He said: All Power in Heaven and Earth has been given to me. He said that I have Paid the Price.
And now, God has highly lifted Him Up that He now has a Name above all names that at the mention of His Name, all knees must bow.
Then He turned and said: Everyone of you who believed on me, you shall lay hands on the Sick and they shall recover – I have Paid for it.
If that is the case sir, then you are actually saying that if I am a “True Child” of God and I lay hands on the Sick, they will revover! I said Yes sir. RCCG SEPTEMBER 2022 THANKSGIVING SERVICE TOPIC BY HIS STRIPES PASTOR E.A ADEBOYE
But if I Pray for Somebody and the Fellow doesn’t recover – Keep laying hands. If one dies today; lay hands on the Second. Go on laying hands.
It will amaze you that as you continue in Faith, you will begin to see Miracles happening – Amen! Because Somebody has already Paid the Price!
So, I rejoice with those of you who are Doctors because things will be different now – Even before you give them Injections; lay hands on them and Pray and you will be amazed that the Substitute, The Lord Jesus Christ Himself will already step in!
Well, you have heard many Testimonies before – Thank God for Doctors. Thank You for all the Long Years you spent in Medical School; Thank God for your Efficiency. But you know very well that it will get to a Stage when you will say: There is nothing more that I can do.
At that time, hand over the matter to the One who said that: I am the One who health thee!
I like the Motto of one of our Teaching Hospitals – We Care but God Heals! How True?
Thank God for Doctors, Thank God for Medicines but Thank God for the Name that is above every other names. Thank God for the Name at which every Knees must bow!
And I’m about to Close now but I just want to remind you of one (1) or two (2) Stories – One you have heard before and another one you heard Last Friday (During The RCCG September 2022 Holy Ghost Service).
1. I was travelling to a Nation, I got to the Airport and I couldn’t see one of my boys and I know that he will always be there at the Airport to receive me.
Ha, where is my son? Oh sorry daddy, he is sick and in the Hospital.
Okay, is the Hospital on the way to the Hotel where I will be staying? They said Yes and I said that could we Please stop by.
There is something in the body of a Man – I think they call it PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) that tells you how healthy you are.
OPENHEAVEN.NET NOTES: The PSA Test is a Blood Test used Primarily to screen for Prostate Cancer. The Test measures the amount of Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) in your Blood. PSA is a Protein Produced by both Cancerous and Non-Cancerous tissue in the Prostate, a small Gland that sits below the bladder in Males.
Prostate-Specific Antigen, also known as gamma-seminoprotein or kallikrein-3, P-30 Antigen, is a Glycoprotein Enzyme encoded in humans by the KLK3 gene. PSA is a Member of the kallikrein-related Peptidase family and is secreted by the Epithelial Cells of the Prostate Gland. RCCG SEPTEMBER 2022 THANKSGIVING SERVICE TOPIC BY HIS STRIPES PASTOR E.A ADEBOYE
I think they say that your PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) should be less than ten (10). But by the time your PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) is beginning to reach something like two hundred (200); you are already in serious trouble because you will have Cancer. And by the time your PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) is going to about a thousand (1,000); Oh God if they want to be sincere with you, they ask you to Prepare your Will (OPENHEAVEN.NET NOTES: A Will or Testament is a Legal Document that expresses a Person’s Wishes as to how their Property is to be distributed after their death and as to which Person is to manage the Property until its Final Distribution.)
When my son got to the Hospital and they tested him, his PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) was over four thousand (4,000).
And in that Hospital, they have a Special Room where they put all those who they know that are Hopeless Cases. So anyone that goes in there, does not got out alive – That was where my son was.
So, they told him when they brought him that we don’t believed that you are the one walking.
So, I got there and I Prayed for him on a Saturday and left. There were other People there – Hopeless cases but Abroad is not like in Nigeria. You don’t Pray for anybody who didn’t ask you to come and Pray because they can sue you for imposing your Religion on them.
Jesus Christ will soon come back and you can be sure of that because if you see what is happening in the world – I mean they arrested one of my Pastors because he spoke at a Place and said: “Ladies and Gentlemen”.
What was his Offence? – They said that he didn’t include those who don’t want to be a Man or Woman. That’s why we are here! Those who want to be Men, Gentlemen; those who want to be Women, Ladies. What about those of us who are neither Male or Female? – That’s where the world is now.
Someone was telling me that there are even five (5) Categories of People in the world today – Men, Women, those who has Changed from being Men to Women, those who has Changed from being Women to Men and those who are just deciding (They have not even made up their Mind). RCCG SEPTEMBER 2022 THANKSGIVING SERVICE TOPIC BY HIS STRIPES PASTOR E.A ADEBOYE
… Don’t worry, the Lord will soon come and we will soon get out of this Mess.
In any case, I Prayed for my son and I left and I didn’t bothered myself about the others – That was on Saturday.
By the following Wednesday, my son was discharged – Completely Whole. But the beauty of it is that everybody in the same room with him, they were all discharged the same day.
On the basis of that Testimony alone, may I decree that none of you will get out of here with any Sickness – Amen!
But I am talking about the Power of my God to do what Medicines might not be able to do!
2. I heard the Testimony – Those of you who were at The RCCG September 2022 Holy Ghost Service; you heard it too.
The woman was at the Ministers’ Conference when she got a Phone Call that her grandchild was under Oxygen, grasping for breadth and there was no way she could go.
So, she took one of the Handkerchief that we have Anointed, took a Picture of the Handkerchief and send the Picture to the daughter and the daughter lay the Phone on the child and the child became healed.
You cannot explain that one Medically; there is no Science for that but there is Someone called The Almighty, the Maker of Heaven and Earth, the God of all flesh with whom nothing shall be impossible.
Now, I have told you that so that you don’t waste the Sacrifice that Jesus Christ has made:
1. By His Stripes you are already healed.
So, it is your duty to tell Sickness and Disease that you can’t stay in my body. My Substitute has already Paid for it.
So this morning, when it is time to Pray, I don’t want you to Pray like Ladies and Gentlemen – Pray Violently. Tell that Ache, that Pain that you can’t stay in my body. RCCG SEPTEMBER 2022 THANKSGIVING SERVICE TOPIC BY HIS STRIPES PASTOR E.A ADEBOYE
2 Corinthians 6:1 says clearly: Don’t receive the Grace of God in vain.
2. He suffered so that you won’t suffer.
3. He became Poor so that you can become rich.
Don’t let anybody tell you that Poverty is Good – It is not Good. God has Paid so that you cannot be Poor.
4. God has Paid so that you won’t be barren.
5. God has Paid so that you won’t be Lonely.
This morning, cry to God and say:
I. Because the Law of Substitution is established in Heaven, where my Partner is – The Almighty God you know; Bring him, bring her as I want to be married before the end of the Year.
II. Slap your Stomach and tell that Stomach that you are supposed to bear children and not Fibroids. Command that Stomach to listen to the Word of God – My Substitute was lonely so that I won’t be lonely; He didn’t have any Biological Children so that I won’t be barren.
Whatever you know that you Need, has been Paid for – Claim your Benefits!
So in Conclusion, if you are not in Christ and you are suffering; why won’t you suffer? The Righteous is delivered out of trouble, the Wicked must come instead.
But you can say: I think that I will accept Jesus Christ as my Substitute – I will surrender my Life to Him, I will do His Will and I will enjoy all the benefits of being a Child of God.
So, if you want to come; I will count from one (1) to seven (7). If by the time that I say seven (7); you are not Standing by the Altar, then I know that you have decided to be your own Substitute for your own Problem.
… I’m counting now!
Those of you already infront, cry to Jesus Christ – Say Lord, have Mercy on me, save my Soul, I surrender to You Lord, be my Substitute too, I will serve You, come and dwell in me, let Your Blood wash away my sin and I will serve You for the rest of my Life.
And the rest of us, let us Stretch our hands towards our Brothers and Sisters and ask that the Almighty God who save our Souls will save their own Souls. Intercede for them Brethren – Pray that they too will become Children of the Living God so that things can Change in every facets of their lives. RCCG SEPTEMBER 2022 THANKSGIVING SERVICE TOPIC BY HIS STRIPES PASTOR E.A ADEBOYE
Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
My Father and my God, I want to bless Your Holy Name.
I want to Thank You for Your Word and I want to Thank You for those People who has come forward to surrender their lives to You.
Father, Please receive them, have Mercy on them, let Your Blood wash away their sins, save their Souls, receive them into the Family of God and from now on, don’t let them be Substitute for Others. As they have come to You Lord, be their own Substitute, Stand by them, Support them.
And from now, when they cry to You, answer them by Fire. Thank You Almighty God.
And my Father and my God; I’m Praying for all Your Children who are here today; because of Your Sacrifice, everything that is Ungodly in their lives, destroy them in Jesus Name – Destroy Sickness, destroy Disease, destroy Poverty, destroy Barrenness, destroy Loneliness.
And once again, I’m committing especially to Your Care, all the Medical Practitioners, all those who are in one way or the other are involved in the taking care of People – Nurses, Doctors, Midwives and anyone who in one way or the other might be involved in taking care of People; give them a “Healing Touch”. Such that anyone they touch, let that Fellow will receive a Miracle.
And Lord God Almighty, You are the “Covenant Keeping God”; that Covenant of Healing, give unto all of us today; that Covenant of Prosperity, activate it today; that Covenant of Fruitfulness, my Father and my God activate it today.
And when Your Children begin to cry unto You today, answer them by Fire.
Thank You Almighty God. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
I want to rejoice with those of you who has come forward because by the Grace of God, from now on, I will be Praying for you.
So, I’m going to need your name, your Address and your Prayer Requests. And I Promise you that I will be Praying for you.
So, the Counsellors will be attending to you in a moment to collect the information that I need before we let you go.
But before you go, I want you to be Part of the Prayer that we are going to Pray now.
How many of you believed that God will answwr your Prayers today – The OPENHEAVEN.NET Family Members.
Stand on your feet and shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
You will cry to the Almighty God and say: Father, don’t let Your Sufferings be in vain over me Please!
Go ahead and talk to the Almighty God!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.