When is the RCCG International Youth Convention 2022?
Answer: The International Youth Convention of The Redeemed Christian Church of God with Theme: SHINE FORTH by the Grace of God takes place on Monday 3rd of October to Friday 7th of October 2022e will be having our Youth Convention 2022. Venue: RCCG Redemption Camp, Old Auditorium, Km 46, Lagos Ibadan Express Way.
And The Theme is: “SHINE FORTH”.
Its that time of the year again for the International Youth Convention of The Redeemed Christian Church of God with Theme: SHINE FORTH
Date and time: Mon, Oct 3, 2022, 8:00 AM – Fri, Oct 7, 2022, 11:30 PM WAT
Location: Redemption Camp Old Auditorium Km 46 Lagos Ibadan Express Loburo, OG 110113

Welcome to September!
The Covenant Keeping GOD will bring to delivery all the good things you have hitherto prayed for!
Doors are opened to you in their own accord, No more loss for you, never will you ever operate under closed heavens again in Jesus Name!
It’s a blessed and glorious month for you and all yours!
Keep Shining!
About this event
The International Youth Convention 2022 is organized by the Young Adults & Youth Affairs of The Redeemed Christian Church of God.
The Convention is aimed at igniting the fire of purpose and passion in all who will be attending to pursue their purpose in life and to SHINE FORTH.
It promises to be a time of spiritual awakening, mind shift, career advancement, purpose discovery, definite encounters, fun, and lots more.
Date: Monday, 3rd October – Friday, 7th October, 2022
Venue: RCCG Redemption Camp, Old Auditorium, Km 46, Lagos Ibadan Express Way.
FREE: Feeding, Accommodation & Counselling.
During the Convention, there will be series of inspiring, motivating, and soul-lifting sessions with re-known guests, known to have attained great heights in fulfilling purpose and destiny to charge you up with the required words, experiences, testimonies, strategies, activities etc. to stir up the hearts and minds of attendees to run after their purpose with all they’ve got, to become fulfilled in life.
This year’s International Youth Convention is a must-attend for everyone who desires to achieve their purpose in life and to SHINE FORTH in time and eternity.
Come, join us as we will be empowered to exceed expectations in all spheres of life, Don’t miss it!
2. I want to remind you of your Pledges concerning the Dormitories that we want to build.
I have heard from a couple of People that they will love to build Single-Handedly a Dormitory (1) or two (2) Dormitories.
So, if you are led in that Direction, we need many, many Dormitories!
If you had gone out in the Night during our Convention, you would have seen quite a few People Sleeping in the Auditoriums.
I know Daddy said long ago – No matter how large our Buildings may be, they will never be large enough.
But we want to try as much as Possible to make Dormitories available to as many as we can.
So, if you build one (1) or two (2) or ten (10) or twenty (20). Or you want to join with your friends to build one (1) – As God enables you; Please help.
And we have to move Fast – We are waiting for the rain to end and then begin to build!
A wise man once said 🤔… To be a star, you must shine your own light, follow your own path, and don’t worry about the darkness, for that is when the stars shine brightest.
Are you ready to shine ✨ forth?
Join us in 30days for the 2022 International Youth Convention of the Redeemed Christian Church of God as we are empowered to shine forth.
Jesus Awaits You!
#ShineForth #RCCGIYC2022 #RCCGYAYA
Shine Bright!
Shine Forth!!
Light UP Others!!!
You are created to light others up.
“And who would light a lamp and then hide it in an obscure place? Instead, it’s placed where everyone in the house can benefit from its light.”
Matthew 5:15 TPT
Join us at the 2022 International Youth Convention of the Redeemed Christian Church of God starting October 3rd – 7th 2022, live at Redemption City.
Be There!
#ShineForth #RCCGIYC2022 #RCCGYAYA
September 2022 Holy Communion Service
Theme: Covenant Keeping God
Text: 1 Corinthians 11:23-25
Preacher: Pastor Adeboye
• The word testament in our text is also called Covenant.
+ A covenant is an agreement signed with blood.
+ A covenant is not a contract or a deal.
• There is the Old covenant and the new covenant, also known as the Old Testament and the New Testament.
• In Gen 15:12-14, we see the very first covenant between God and man, a covenant of freedom from bondage, a covenant of prosperity and abundance.
+ The covenant was fulfilled in Exodus 12:1-6.
+ When it was time to fulfill the covenant, He told the children of Israel to mark their doors with blood so that when the spirit of death sees the blood, it will pass over.
• As a member of the of The Redeemed Christian Church of God, you are a partaker of the Covenant God had with the founder of the church.
+ Even the widespread establishment of the church across many nations of the world has no human explanation, it is a product of the covenant.
• Beginning from today, you will begin to enjoy the benefits of the covenant in Jesus name.
• Just as the children of Israel left Egypt with a transfer of wealth, beginning from now, expect a transfer of wealth.
• The New covenant however was sealed in the blood of Jesus. A covenant for healing, restoration, a covenant of life, a covenant.
+ The new covenant is a covenant of abundant life.
+ The new covenant is available to reverse whatever evil the devil has done.
• In the new covenant, we see the breaking of the body of Jesus and the blood of Jesus. It is a New Testament of Life.
• The Holy Communion is not an ordinary meal, if it is taken properly, it will give life, restoration and power.
• The theme for this month is not ordinary, indeed after a perfect Jubilee, He comes to us as a covenant keeping God to keep His promise.
• The blood of Jesus represents the new covenant and the new covenant includes power, Power to resist the devil, Power to enforce your perfect Jubilee.
#CovenantKeepingGod #RCCGIYC2022 #ShineForth
As partakers of this International Youth Convention 2022, we are not holding back; the mission is very simple , it is for you to SHINE FORTH & bask in the euphoria of God’s divine favour and grace.
This is one program nobody wants to miss😍… it is the time to exhale, a time to ooze, a time to blow-up, a season of freshness.. wow! what a time in our lives, what a sweetness of favour and grace .. say to yourself with the gusto of a King’s child …
I shine forth on all fronts, I shine forth in my marriage, I shine forth in my career, I shine forth in my business .. who are the people saying Amen?
Are they still here?😍😍😍🙌🙌🙌🙌💃💃💃
#RCCGIYC2022 #ShineForth #RCCGYAYA
One of the wonders of shining forth is the bursting out of obscurity to prosperity, moving from pessimism to authority, seeing the possibility where the impossibility seems to thrive. We are in that season, it is now an inevitability, you are springing forth, you are basking in His grace, you are an offspring of the purest form of Love. In this month of September, you shall Shine Forth!!!
Do we hear a loud Amen?
Join us in 32 days for the 2022 International Youth Convention of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, it’s our season to shine forth!
Don’t miss it.
#RCCGIYC2022 #ShineForth #RCCGYAYA
GUEST ARTIST RCCGIYC2022 Pastor Nathaniel Bassey

Pastor Nathaniel Bassey is a Gospel Music Minister from Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. He is a Recording Artiste, trumpet player, singer/song-writer and a music producer. He serves as The Pastor of THE OASIS- The Youth Church of RCCG, The King’s Court. Lagos, Nigeria. Before accepting the call of God to full time music ministry, Pastor Nath was band leader of the Steve Rhodes Jazz orchestra, a member of the Spectrum 4 jazz quintet, and many other musical bands and affiliations.
Minister Bassey believes that music is primarily, a fundamental tool in the praise and worship of God and an avenue by which He (God) relates with His people. He expresses his deep love for God through his music and features in concerts, crusades, church events and other kingdom gatherings and continues to lead many to the LORD.
Pastor Nath speaks at worship and music seminars within and outside the shores of Nigeria. Inspiring the next generation of worship leaders and gospel musicians has also been a major focus of his ministry, regularly emphasizing the concept of a “TOTAL AND COMPLETE” music minister with SPIRIT, SKILL AND CHARACTER.
His distinctly prophetic sound on the trumpet resonates far and wide, stirring a revival and passion to holiness, godliness and heartfelt worship in the body of Christ.
His debut album, ELOHIM, was recorded in 2008 in Capetown South Africa. He has gone ahead to release other albums since then; THE SON OF GOD(2014),THIS GOD IS TOO GOOD(2016), REVIVAL FLAMES (2017), JESUS: THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE(2018), THE KING IS COMING (2019), and HALLELUJAH AGAIN (2021) with Songs that have become church anthems; transcending racial, cultural and ethnic lines and boundaries.
His most recent project, a 15-Track album filled with Prophetic Chants, High Praise, Adoration, Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual songs, ‘THE NAMES OF GOD’ was recorded live in November 2021 and has become a major tool of worship for Worshippers of Jesus across the globe.
In June 2017, he kicked off the “HALLELUJAH CHALLENGE”, an online praise and prayer meeting which attracts thousands of participants from around the world till date.
He is married and lives in Lagos, Nigeria, with his wife and their Children.
By God’s grace, we will be receiving the ministry of our Dear Minstrel, Pastor Nathaniel Bassey at the 2022 International Youth Convention of the Redeemed Christian Church of God themed Shine Forth.
Don’t miss it.
#RCCGIYC2022 #ShineForth
GUEST MINISTERS RCCG International Youth Convention 2022: Pastor (Mrs.) Folu Adeboye

Blessed with rare gifts of administration, planning, hospitality, counseling, mentoring, ministering comfort, care, and encouragement to many, bringing hope, love and succor to the hopeless. Endowed with immense initiative, and great capacity for hard work. A missionary and minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. A powerful intercessor, Bible Teacher & role model for lots of women. A pioneer of multiple projects, ministries and missions to the glory of God.
With a passion for planting Christian schools, has made immense contributions to the Nigerian Education sector, coordinating work in the field of Christian Education, by starting a vigorous movement (Christ the Redeemer’s Schools Movement) that has led to the founding of several Christian Educational institutions caring for the educational welfare of children in Nigeria and Internationally. Pastor Adeboye Family(Opens in a new browser tab)
A dutiful wife, a devoted mother and grandmother, a tireless evangelist, a hospitable and seasoned teacher with passion for excellence at all levels of education.
Married to Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye, General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God.
Blessed with three sons and a daughter who are all Pastors and happily married.
Dotting and loving grandmother to her many dearly beloved and precious grandchildren.
By God’s grace, we will be receiving the ministry of our Dear Mother in Israel, Pastor (Mrs.) Folu Adeboye at the 2022 International Youth Convention of the Redeemed Christian Church of God themed Shine Forth.
Don’t miss it.
#RCCGIYC2022 #ShineForth

Apostle Joshua Selman is a minister of the gospel and the president of Eternity Network Int’l(ENI); an interdenominational christian organization based in Zaria-Nigeria.
He is the host of “KOINONIA”, a weekly program under the umbrella of Eternity Network International, where people from all over the world come to experience Worship, word, miracles, and love
Known for his love for people and the Body of Christ, Apostle Selman is committed to bringing people to the reality of a deep relationship with the Holy Spirit and to inspire a generation to love and seek Christ.
By God’s grace, we will be receiving Apostle Joshua Selman at the #RCCGIYC2022 themed #ShineForth.
Don’t miss it!
GUEST MINISTERS RCCG International Youth Convention 2022 Matthew Ashimolowo

Matthew Ashimolowo, @matthewashimolowo.official is a recognised global leader and pioneer of wealth creation and wealth management.
He is the Founder and C.E.O of 10 profitable companies, including the UK’s first church-owned television channel, KICC TV, which now reaches 140 million homes across Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
As an inspiring visionary Pastor Matthew founded Kingsway International Christian Centre (KICC), a Christian charity that has a volunteer base of more than 1000 staff in the UK and a network of national and international satellite churches.
His weekly telecast Winning Ways is a source of motivation to many and his daily live broadcast Morning Glow inspires and empowers more than 30,000 people a day via social media.
An author of more than 100 books Matthew is a sought-after international keynote speaker on topics including Leadership, Wealth Creation, Management and Strategic Planning.
As a noted philanthropist his annual Widows Empowerment event donates food, money and clothing to more than 10,000 women in Nigeria, and under his leadership KICC UK’s Noah’s Ark Food Bank has provided more than 40,000 meals to families, schools and the elderly across London, Kent and Essex during the pandemic.
Matthew Ashimolowo is renowned as one of the most exciting and inspiring Christian voices on the world scene today. Honoured several times as the most influential black person in the public sector/religion category of the Power List, Matthew’s keen community focus has seen him spearhead the government’s grassroots response to Covid-19 and he led Church-government discussions in the fight against the pandemic.
By God’s grace, we will be receiving Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo at the 2022 International Young Adults and Youth Convention of the Redeemed Christian Church of God themed Shine Forth.
Don’t miss it.
#RCCGIYC2022 #ShineForth #RCCGYAYA