The Year of Jubilee is a Year of Rejoicing! RCCG, shout for Joy – Hallelujah.
Our Heavenly Father, we Thank You – Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
The Master Seed that was Planted Seventy (70) Years ago has blossomed; it has become the Tallest tree, the Greatest tree.
Father, we Thank You that the Seed did not die when it was Planted, when it sprouted; the first Year it did not die, in the Second Year it did not die. There was Storms, there was Shakings but you kept the tree. In the 30th Year it didn’t die, in the 40th Year it did not die – It kept on Breeding and Fruiting. In the 50th Year, it didn’t die but kept on Breeding and Fruiting. And now in the 70th Year, it is still blossoming – Glory be to God in the Highest (Amen).
Father, we Thank You that the Kingdom of Darkness fought and did everything but they did not Prevail because it is the Planting of the Lord – It is the doing of the Lord. We give you all the Glory, all the Honour, all the Adoration – We say Thank You, Thank You and Thank You. Glory be to God.
Father, as this is a Perfect Jubilee, Perfect our Joy, Complete our Joy, let every Sorrows give way, let every Mournings be terminated, let every Bondages end – Glory be to God!
In Jesus Most Powerful Name we Pray – Amen!
Go ahead and shake hands with seven (7) People and say: Welcome to the Perfect Jubilee. And you may be seated.
I greet you all in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and I celebrate with you on this 70th Anniversary of the Church – The Lord will Preseve His Church (Amen).
Daddy, I Thank God that the tree Planted and handed over to you didn’t die in your hands but God blessed it and caused it to blossom beyond our imaginations. This is the doing of the Lord and it is Marvellous in our eyes. Only God could have done this and we give You Glory Oh God – Thank You! Thank You!! Thank You!!!
I have been asked to speak on: “ENFORCING JUBILEE VIA THE ANNOINTING”.
I assumed that you all know what Jubilee is.
But Jubilee is better captured in Yoruba Language – It is the Year of “The Noise of Joy” (ARIWO AYO).
Shout to the Lord – Hallelujah!
Why Jubilee spreads Joy is because it is the Year of Peace and it happened every fifty (50) Years.
But the first ever “Literal Jubilee” that happened was in the Exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt – They were Slaves, they were Oppressed, they were Afflicted, they were Improvised, they were Sick, they were Unhealthy, they were Unhappy, they were just Oppressed and Tormented, they lived in daily Sorrow and Pain until God remembered His Covenant.
The Lord said to Moses who He was going to send to “Enforce The Jubilee”, the Freedom – He said that I know, I am sure that Pharaoh the King of Egypt will not let go. No, not even with a Mighty Hand but I will Stretch out my Hands and strike Egypt with all my Wonders which I will do. After that, he (King Pharaoh) will let you go – Exodus 3: 1-22.
From that Statement, we can see that Jubilee only comes by Force because the Oppressor does not surrender easily except he is forced to surrender!
So, God smote all their first borns in Egypt and Pharaoh surrendered!
Today, you have been Ordained and you are being Sent Forth to enforce the Jubilee in the Life of all those who are still remaining in the devil’s dungeon. And the Lord is empowering you to do that – Amen!
Without Power, there is no way, there is no Method Moses could have used to bring the Hebrews out of the Land of Egypt.
But God stretched forth His Hands, God brought Judgement on all the gods and the Kingdom of Darkness of Egypt and Pharaoh surrendered.
The Celebration of Jubilee in Israel is a “False Shadow” of a “Universal Jubilee” which which the God of Heaven has Planned!
So, when you look at Jubilee in Leveticus 25: 8-end; they used the Sound of Trumpet to announce the arrival of the Jubilee as a Possession.
Then on the tenth (10th) Day – The Day of Atonement, they are to offer the Sacrifice that made the Atonement, to enforce Redemotion, to Pay the Price. Then they are to declare the Year of Joy!
So, without Atonement, Jubilee cannot be accomplished; without the Sacrifice of the ‘Crossover Lamb’, the children of Israel would have never come out of Egypt; without the Shedding of Blood, Jubilee cannot be enforced!
What is the Purpose of Jubilee?
To Proclaim Liberty through all the Land – That is Freedom for all the Slaves, Freedom from the Oppressors, Freedom from Chains, Freedom from Shame and Reproach and consequently, Restoration to their Possessions, Restoration to their families, Restoration to their Well Being and Dignity, Restoration to Prosterity and Peace, Restoration of all their Glory. That is the Purpose of Jubilee!
And this 70th Year Anniversary of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG); I decree that Individually, your Jubilee shall be enforced; and as a Nation, our Jubilee shall be enforced – Amen!
The Prophet Isaiah began to reveal how God will send Someone to enforce a “Universal Jubilee”.
And in Isaiah 61: 1-3; the Prophet began to declare how the Enforcer will come in and enforce Jubilee. It started by saying: The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me – This is the Declaration of the Enforcer of the “Universal Jubilee”.
1. The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to Preach Good tidings unto the Meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to Proclaim liberty to the Captives, and the opening of the Prison to them that are bound;
2. To Proclaim the acceptable Year of the LORD, and the day of Vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;
3. To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of Praise for the Spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of Righteousness, the Planting of the LORD, that he might be Glorified.
Because this is your Year of Perfect Jubilee:
I. All your mournings shall be over – Amen!
II. You have been weeping over your children but the weeping has come to an end – Amen.
III. The Anointing of Jubilee will terminate your Mourning – Amen.
IV. He will replace your weeping with Laughter – Amen.
V. Your Spirit of Heaviness will be replaced with the Garment of Praise – Amen.
But this Liberty, this Jubilee comes at a Price – Jesus Christ Paid the Price!
I. For all Slaves, all Captives, all the Oppressed, all that are Sorrowing, all that are Depressed; Jesus Christ Paid the Price.
II. For all that have been Improvised, Jesus Christ Paid the Price.
III. For all that are Sick, Jesus Christ Paid the Price.
There is Somebody here under the Sound of my Voice or reading this Message now on the Label of OPENHEAVEN.NET – You live with Pains, you literally depend on Pain Killer to get a relief. When the timing of the Pain Killer elapse, even in your Sleep you are rudely woken up by the Pain but today is your Jubilee – Amen!
If you don’t suffer Pain, you won’t know what it is – Today is your Jubilee!
Jubilee brings general relief and you that has been Ordained today and Anointed; you are being Sent Forth to enforce Jubilee for People that are still in Captivity – Proclaiming Liberty for them, enforce their Liberty, Free them from the Oppression, replace their Mourning with Laughter, give them the Garment of Praise.
How will you do it?
The Lord Jesus Christ said, when He read as recorded in Saint Luke 4:18 – When they gave Him the Book of Prophet Isaiah, He said: The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He hath anointed me to Preach the Gospel to the Poor; He hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to Preach Deliverance to the Captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised.
After He read that, He said: This Scripture is fulfilled – Pay attention!
I am the Enforcer of the “Universal Jubilee” and because I am, the Lord was telling the Hebrews and Jews: I am here to enforce this Jubilee. I am Proclaiming to you that the Year of Jubilee has come.
And by the Word of the Lord, by the Spirit of the Lord, by the Auction upon our daddy that God told him that this is a Perfect Jubilee. I decree in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ that your Jubilee begins now – Amen!
The Lord Jesus Christ said: The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me.
And as my Enabler, He has empowered and anointed me to do what? – Open the Prison Gates.
And in St John 20: 21-22; the Lord Jesus Christ said to them: Peace be upon you as my Father has sent me, so I sent I you.
Among those Jesus Christ was talking to was a 19 Years Old Youmg Man. According to Tradition, Somebody just in the early 20’s – John the Beloved.
And to John, the Lord said: As my Father sent me, I am sending you.
Those of you who has been Ordained today, can you Please Stand on your feet and say: I accept my Mission according to what the Lord Jesus Christ has said that as the Father has sent Him, so He is sending me. By the Grace of God, I will not fail. And because the Lord Jesus Christ is with me, I am bold to say: “Yes” to the Commission and as the Father was with the Lord Jesus, as the Holy Spirit was upon the Lord Jesus Christ, even so the Holy Spirit shall be upon me to accomplish my Mission. Thank You Father, Thank You Holy Spirit; I surrender completely to you, to be used by you, to enforce the Jubilee of Mankind in Jesus Name – Amen!
Be Seated – Mark today and make your Declaration. Put it in your Diary – You have accepted Jesus Christ that as the Father sent me, so I sent you.
In 1976, I had a Vision – In that Vision, I was Preaching somewhere on the Street to a crowd. And after I finished Preaching, the Heaven opened and I heard a Voice – Who shall I send and who shall go for us? Then I become afraid.
When I woke up, I started smiling and said: God, I hope you are not about to tell me to go into Ministry? I kept quiet and later God told me that there is nothing you will do with your Life that you will be Profitable to me like when you surrendered your Life and allow me to use you.
How many of you wants God to use you here today or among those reading now on the Label of OPENHEAVEN.NET?
It may take you off that Wonderful job, it may take you out of your Comfort Zone.
How did the Father sent Him (Jesus Christ)?
That the Holy Spirit came upon Him at Jordan; so in Verse 22 (John 20:22); after He said this, He breathed on them and said to them – Receive ye the Holy Spirit.
In Saint Luke 24:49 – And, behold, I send the Promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the City of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with Power from on high.
… Everybody say: Power! The Power there is not Authority; it is Dunamis. It is Fire, Raw Power of the Holy Ghost.
Check it out in Acts Chapter 2 – There was Fire on the Day of Pentecost.
In Acts 1:5; the Lord Jesus Christ told the same Disciples – John truly baptise you with water but you will be baptised with the Holy Ghost not so many days from now.
And in Verse 8 (Acts 1:8), He concluded – But ye shall receive Power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be Witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost Part of the Earth.
So Power for what:
I. To be Witnesses.
II. To enforce Jubilee for all Men.
So, you are empowered to Preach the Good News!
What is Good News?
I. Go and tell them Jubilee has come.
II. Go and Publish it, Preach Good Tidings to the Poor, the Needy, to those who are lacking, those who are Oppressed, those who are Depressed.
III. Go and tell them Good News, tell them to stop sinning.
I met a Pastor who said that his father died of “Continuous Pain” and that he has inherited the Pain. And as he was talking to me, he was living with the Pain that even though he was on Medication, the Medication just gives him a relief.
So, I told him that will be a Limitation on your Ministry as satan will use it to limit you. The fact that your father had it and killed him does not mean you should have it.
The Young Pastor that I was talking to was a “Muslim Convert” from Zamfara State. I said to him that but you know the Scriptures – He (Jesus Christ) came to put an end to our Pains.
He accepted, we Prayed a “Simple Prayer” and there was the “Demonic Reaction” and we told the “Inherited Spirit” to go.
In the next 5 Minutes that we continue the discussions, he said: Daddy, do you know one thing? All the Symptoms has vanished! He said that he has never had 5 Minutes to 10 Minutes Freedom from the Pain before.
There is Somebody listening to me now or reading now on the Label of OPENHEAVEN.NET – Your Jubilee from Pains – Pains from Arthritis, Pain from Cancer, Pain from Cervical Spondylosis, Terrible Back Pains that you cannot bend but you are always squeezing your face. Your Pains are gone – Amen!
1. Arthritis is an Inflammation of one or more Joints, causing Pain and Stiffness that can worsen with age.
2. “CERVICAL SPONDYLOSIS” is a general term for age-related wear and tear of the Spinal Discs. Spondylosis is common and worsens with age. This condition is often used to describe as “Degenerative Arthritis” (Osteoarthritis) of the spine.
Open the Prison Gates – Today, satan is holding Men as Prisoner. Proclaim your Liberty, break the Chain of sinful habits, Chain of Addiction.
Today, we have Pastors that are hooked on drugs, Pastors that are addicted to Alcohol and Struggling to get out but they cannot get out.
In the Name of Jesus Christ; the Jubilee Anointing will set you Free today – Amen!
But He said something – To Proclaim the “Day of Vengeance” of our God.
Do you realised that while Israel was eating the Paasover, receiving their Healings, receiving their Liberty – Egypt was Mourning because Judgement was going on.
Why? – The end of that Scriptures say that the Lord may be Glorified, that Yaweh might be Glorified.
The whole Purpose of Jubilee is that God may be Glorified! – Your Life will Glorify God; your Transformation will Glorify God – Amen! But you need the Anointing to enforce Jubilee.
In Matthew 11:13; the Lord Jesus Christ said that from the time of John the Baptist till now, the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth Violence and the Violent takes it by force.
Everybody say: Fire (Dunamis Fire). Say: Lord, I need Your Fire to enforce Jubilee – Amen!
My Assignment is to tell you how to enforce Jubilee using the Anointing – So listen carefully.
In Matthew 12: 28-29; Jesus Christ said that:
28. But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the Kingdom of God is come unto you.
29. Or else how can one enter into a Strong Man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the Strong Man? and then he will spoil his house.
Today, you are receiving a Special Anointing to overcome a Strong Man that is holding People Captive.
There is Somebody under the Sound of my Voice or reading this Message now on the Label of OPENHEAVEN.NET – You are depending on one Eye and you have been saying: God, how I wish my other Eye can be okay. Receive the Restoration of your Second Eye in Jesus Name – Amen!
So Jesus Christ after Resurrection told His Disciples – All Power is given to me, in Heaven and on Earth. Go therefore in my Name and go and Preach. I’m behind you! He said that I’m with you always to the End.
As the Father sent Him, so He has sent you – I’m now telling you now that He said that He is with you.
*Stand on your feet and say: Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You that You are with me. I’m not going alone, you are with me, as I go You are going with me. And because You are going with me, the Captives shall be set Free.
So, He told them in Mark 16: 15-20:
15. And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and Preach the Gospel to every creature.
16. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
17. And these Signs shall follow them that believe; In my Name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
18. They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
19. So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into Heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.
20 And they went forth, and Preaxhed every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the Word with Signs following. Amen.
… The Lord will work with you – Amen!
Many Years ago, I went to Preach in a Crusade. In the afternoon, it waa very uncomfortable, the Place we stayed is the best that we could get.
Then in the afternoon, God said: Don’t forget that you are not here alone as I’m here with you to work with you. I just took my rest and say: Lord Thank You; as long as You are here, I won’t do any wahala (Struggle).
Since the Lord is with me, so why do I need to bulge my head? – He is with me always!
That Night, I saw the Hand of Jesus Christ working.
1. The Anointing is Sweet, it brings Blessings, it brings Fame, it brings Recognition, it brings Joy but the Anointing can bring destruction to those who want to Merchandise the Anointing as it will corrupt the Anointing!
The Lord Jesus Christ said: Freely Giving, Freely Give – Never, never you sell the Anointing. If God anoints you and you begin to sell it, the Anointing will become corrupted.
You say: Sir, if we don’t attach money to it, these People are very Stingy, they don’t Give.
The Man who said: Freely you should Give said: A Labourer is worthy of his wage.
What has helped me not to sell Anointing in this over forty (40) Years – I will tell you!
The Bible says: Don’t be covetous, be Content with what God has Provided for you – Don’t compare yourself with anybody.
1 Timothy 5:18 says: For the Scriptures saith, Thou shall not muzzle the Ox that treadeth out the corn. And the Labourer is worthy of his Reward.
He (God) will deal with those who are blessed through you and they did not reciprocate – Take Note that you did not send yourself.
Men who Suppress God’s Annointed are mostly the Anointed. One day, they will come to the Fountain of that Anointing and they will not be able to drink.
God is your First Employer, He is your Pay Master. Apply to Him whenever you have a Need or you even have a Desire and you will be surprise how swiftly He will attend to you.
I used to ask God for things as little as shoes – I don’t want to Outgrow being God’s Baby!
One day, I was driving into a City to hold a Meeting. My driver entered into a Place that was bad and it affected the car.
I said where I was sitting in the car – Lord, this is the only “Good Car” that I have that can go on a Journey anytime, You know that it is not good for me to be Stranded. Thank You very much because You know. Anyway, You are the Chief Mechanical Engineer; don’t let this car be stranded here. Please, get me to where I am going and then they can go for the repairs.
The following week, I was in Lagos and Someone called me from Kaduna that they are looking for me and that there was a car they want to delivered to me- They didn’t know whether I am in Lagos or in Kaduna or anywhere.
The Lord said that the car you are talking to me about, I just said that they should deliver it.
Apparently, the Man of God bought the car and wanted to use it and the Holy Ghost says: Don’t use it. I will tell you who is the owner of the car.
He kept the car for more than six (6) Months until one day that he saw me Preaching on Television and God told him: See that Man Preaching? Send the car to him.
Who is your Employer? – God! Who is your Pay Master? – God!
He says: Don’t sell the Anointing. Freely you Receive, Freely Give.
I. If there is no Man to bring you Bread, God will send the Bread from Heaven – The Heaven will bake and deliiver your Bread during this Convention (Amen).
II, If there is Nobody to attend to you and you have to be in hiding; He will Prepare a Widow that will feed you all through the time of famine (OPENHEAVEN.NET NOTES: 2 Kings 4: 1-7).
III. And if there is anybody that God wants to bless; He will send him to build your house for you like the Shunammite Woman (OPENHEAVEN.NET NOTES: 2 Kings 4: 8-11 – The Shunammite Woman built a house for Prophet Elisha)
You don’t have to worry, the Lord will take care of you! You don’t have to Steal Church money, the Lord will take care of you!
If Mr A says that he will not do it, God will raise Mr B. And if there is no Mr B, God will send an Angel. And in case an Angel is absent, God will send a Raven – I know what I am telling you.
The Anointing you are receiving today, if you start selling it will come down – That is a warning!
2. Sin corrupts the Anointing and kills the Carrier of the Anointing.
If you remain in sin while carrying this Fire, you will be rejected by God and you will be taken by satan and dealth with!
A. Samson has a Special delight in anything Unclean:
I. Unclean food – Honey from the carcass of a dead Lion.
II. Unclean Friends – That always escort him to the Land of the Philistines.
III. He has a “High Taste” for Unclean Girls – He couldn’t find a wife in the House of God.
And he was carrying the Anointing – He died Young!
B. Balaam love Money and Fame, he died in the battle between Moab and Israel.
C. Judas Iscariot love Money, he hung himself and arrived in Hell while Jesus Christ was still on the Cross.
D. Eli’s children love for food and Money; they died tragic and they died untimely.
Run away from these things if you want to carry Anointing and live.
Those things will come – They will offer you. Free girls/women will come, they will say we are here for you, we want to comfort you.
3. Wrong Motives displace and corrupts the Anointing – Mark them out of your Life.
Don’t love Money, don’t Pursue Fame, avoid anything Unclean and let your Motives be to win Souls for the Lord!
One of my friends started selling Anointing – Miracle Handkerchiefs and so I sent for him to stop immediately before God gets angry with all of us. I’m happy he did.
4. Empowered but Impotent Pastors and Ministers
Why is it that many Pastors are Powerless after receiving Holy Ghost?
Unbelief and Doubt disrupts and renders you Spiritually Impotent!
Unbelief and Doubt arise from Ignorance, inadequate Knowledge and Revelation.
5. Disobedience and sin can weaken your Faith but Repentance in Humility and Holiness will Strengthen your Faith!
6. Arrogance can cut off your Supply of Anointing (That is Pride). But Humility and Giving all the Glory to God will keep the Anointing flowing.
7. Stop looking down on yourself – Inferiority Complex brings Unbelief.
Believe on who God says you are,
8. When you listen to Messages and Sermins that are contrary to the Truth, you end up in Unbelief.
One of my Young Men listening to all these “Internet Pastors” – Ordained by Instagram and Twitter and he stopped Paying Tithe. A son that grew up in the Church, he was born in the Church, stop Paying Tithe – So, he experimented.
Shortly after he stopped Paying Tithe, his Salary was increased and so he said it is like this thing is true o. But he now observed that inspite of increase of Salary, every Month he was in debt before the third week.
Until one day, he decided to go back to Paying Tithe, then the Lord had Mercy on him. The very day that he took his Tithe after Paying Off all his debt (his Tithe was the only money left but he Paid it),
He was on his way home, he got a Call and Someone gave him two (2) to three (3) times his Salary Upfront.
And the Holy Spirit said – You are Welcome back to your Blessings. OPENHEAVEN.NET
Whatever makes you not to Pay Tithe (Which is in the Bible) will also tell you that God does not sent you; that thing will tell you that you cannot heal the Sick.
Whatever makes you to disobey the Counsel of God that fornication is a sin and it doesn’t matter, that thing will make you doubt the Anointing.
… Disobedience translates to Unbelief and it is a deflation in your Faith.
So, hear the Word, Study the Word (The Truth), Medidate on the Word and you will get a Revelation! Believe whatever God tells you.
When God told me in 1973 that I will give you “My Power” as I give the Apostles; I believed God because I know that He doesn’t tells lies.
I said: God, I Promised You that I won’t follow “Bad Boys”.
And God told me – I send you out to raise Men, to reach out to the world with the Power of the Holy Spirit.
God has given me a “Renewed Commission” – I want to send out one Million (1,000,000) Evangelists. Put Fire on them and cause confusion in the Kingdom of Darkness!
Do you want to be one of them? – Stand on your feet! Everybody shout Power! And then say: Fire!
1. Please before we Pray, I want you to just tell the Lord: Father, anything in my Life that will not allow me to carry this Fire, let the Blood of Jesus Christ wash it out. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
2. Please, don’t just Pray from your head, Pray from your Heart. I told you to look at your Left and Right as Jesus Christ is Standing right there with you,
Say: Lord Jesus Christ, You know everything about me. I cannot hide anything from You. Any Unclean thing in my Life – Anything in my Future, anything in my Present, anything in my Past; that will not allow You to use me, Please Purge it out now. Oh Lord, use Your Power and deliver me from them. Go ahead and Pray!
3. Do you truly believed that as the Father sent the Lord Jesus, the Lord has sent you too. Do you believe that with all your Heart?
Now, look at the Lord Jesus Christ and say: Lord Jesus Christ, look into my Heart; You know that I believed You. Since You are sending me, the way the Father has sent You; Please Lord Jesus Christ, let me not make Mistake, let me Honour You all my Life and help me to fulfill the Mission. I receive “Divine Help”. Now, go ahead and Pray.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Daddy has a very deep Heart and he wants you to Prosper in your Calling – He is doing everything so that you will not fail!
And I have also shown you what to do to enforce the Anointing!
If I asked the Person that has just been freed from Pain and the Person whose Sight was restored to come out, you will find out that it has happened.
Now listen to me – How was that enforced?
The Holy Spirit told me – I said it, they believed it and then the Holy Spirit made it to happen.
Are you ready to carry this Anointing in Holiness, in Righteousness? – Let the Ordainees alone come out and let me Pray for you.
I. My Heart desire is that as you leave this Place, you will start setting Captives Free – Amen.
II. My Heart desire is that as you leave this Place, Sinners will start turning to God through you- Amen.
III. My Heart desire is that as you leave this Place, you will carry this Fire – Amen.
But I beg you, we don’t want you to be a Casualty – What happened to Samson will not happen to you, what happened to Baalam will not happen to you.
1. Say: Father, I receive the Grace to live Holy and abide in Love. Go ahead and tell the Lord. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Father, I am one Person but these are all Your Children. When we become so many carrying this Fire, the Kingdom of Darkness will disappear and they will give way.
Lord I have told them that they will not sell the Anointing, I have told them that they will Love You, I have told them that they will walk in Righteousness and that Lord, You will Keep and Preserve them.
Lord, You said to me – That You want to send People with Fire across the world.
My Father and my God, Thank You because these ones will Catch the Fire now – Fire for Evangelism, Fire to Heal the Sick, Fire to Preach The Word, Fire to teach the Word.
Please, I am going to Pray right now – I want you to believe and say it from your Heart:
Say: Father, I believe Your Word – You have sent Your Servant, I believed Your Servant, my Heart is open and this is my Day. I open my Heart to receive this Fire – Fire of Evangelism, Fire to cast out demons, Fire to heal the Sick, Fire to Preach Your Words. I receive this Fire at the Declaration of Your Servant, let the Fire fall on me. Thank You Jesus for the Fire.
Now, lift up your hands – Please listen to me: Your saying “Amen” is saying that “I Agree”, that “I Accept” and “I Received”. OPENHEAVEN.NET
In the Name of Jesus Christ, let the Fire fall on them in the Name of Jesus Christ, receive the Fire of Evangelism.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, receive the Fire to Teach.
Now, Manifestations is beginning now – The Voltage will increase now.
At the Count of one (1) and then two (2); you will shout Hallelujah and the Anointing, like Thunderbolt will rest upon you.
My Father, my Father; Thank You – Boldness, Authority, Fierceness, Zeal, Wisdom will come with this Fire.
As you shout, let the Fire fall on you and manifest.
One (1) and then two (2) – Receive Fire! Rain of Fire. Thank You Jesus and say: I have gotten the Fire!
In Jesus Name you have the Fire – Amen!
Look around you – Ask your Neighbour: Are you carrying any Sickness?
If anyone says Yes, lay your hands and say: Let the Fire of God consume this Sickness – Minister to yourselves and you will heal the Sickness.
God Bless You – Amen!!!