BIBLE TEXT: 1 KINGS 21: 27-29
Let Us Pray!

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
Jehovah, the Man of War
His Mercy endureth forever and ever
Oh Praise His Holy Name
The God of Abraham – That is The Covenant Keeping God; the God of Isaac – The God of Laughter, the God of Multiplication; the God of Jacob – The God of Grace, the God who loves even before we were born, the God of Change; the Almighty God. We Worship You, we give You all the Glory and Honour for all You have done for us.
Thank You for the Salvation of our Souls, Thank You for keeping Your Covenant concerning us, Thank You because we know that our tomorrow will be alright. Father, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
Lord God Almighty, as we Proceed in our Studies Lord, we Pray that You will fulfill all Your Promises concerning us and let our tomorrow be Glorious.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Wave your hands to one (1) or two (2) People, tell them: God will Pay you a visit today. And then you may Please seated.
We are continuing our Studies on Going Higher. Now we are in Part 77 – “GOING HIGHER – PART 77”.
And we will still be looking at 1 Kings 21: 27-29:
27. And it came to pass, when Ahab heard those words, that he rent his clothes, and put sackcloth upon his flesh, and fasted, and lay in sackcloth, and went softly.
28. And the Word of the LORD came to Elijah the Tishbite, saying,
29. Seest thou how Ahab humbleth himself before me? because he humbleth himself before me, I will not bring the evil in his days: but in his son’s days will I bring the evil upon his house.
Last Sunday when we were looking at this Passage, we spoke about the fact that God can Change His Mind even though there are Scriptures upon Scriptures to show that forever Oh Lord, thy Word is Settled.
Now because God is Sovereign and because He can Change His Mind, we have another interesting Point from this aspect of the Story:
1. And that is that you should not write me off yet!
Because Humanly speaking, Ahab was downfall and I’m sure that Elijah in Particular must have written him off – Ahab! No hope for this hopeless King. Completely soaked in Wickedness; now finally, God has finished you off.
But whenever there is Life, there is Hope!
I. Ecclesiastes 9:4 tells us that as long as a dog is still alive, it is better than a dead Lion.
As long as you are still connected to the Living, there is Hope for you!
So, don’t write anybody off – It is a Great Lesson we must all learnt!
The Only One who has the Final Say as far as anyone is concerned is the One who said in Revelation 1:8 – I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the Ending. The Only One who can say that it is Finished and no one can reverse it is the One who is the Omega (Not anyone else).
The Only One who can say that the Door is Closed Permanently, that it can never be re-opened, is the One who has the Master Key of the Universe.
II. Revelation 3: 7-8, Jesus Christ said that: I have the Key of David; when I open, no Man can shut, when I shut, no Man can open.
Until the Almighty God says that it is over, you should not write anybody off!
This is crucial, Particularly for those of us who wants to “Go Higher” in the Lord. There is no case that can be brought to our attention that we can say: This one is Totally Hopeless!
Those who wrote Sarah off – If I mean talking about a woman in her 80’s. Humanly speaking, as far as having children might be concerned, you could be Pardoned if you say: Ha, Ha; this one is off.
III. In Genesis 16: 1-4; Sarah herself said to Abraham – There is no way that I can have a child now. Take my Maid, enter into her and let her Produce children for me.
The Bible said that Abraham agreed, went into the Maid, the Maid became Pregnant. And from the moment she discovered that she was Pregnant, she began to mock Sarah – See you, all along we were thinking maybe the Problem was with Abraham but now, we know that the Problem is with you. Look at my belly (Stomach), you have been here all these years eating this Man’s food, Parading yourself as his wife. Look at me, I am an “Ordinary Housemaid”. Can you see what is going on?
The Bible says in Romans 4:19 that the Womb of Sarah was dead – That is what the Bible says: Dead and not Sick.
IV. But then in Jeremiah 32:27; it says: I am the God of all flesh, there is nothing too hard for me.
That was what God told Sarah when she laughed – How can Somebody who is ninety (90) years old has a son? God said that: Is there anything too hard for the Lord?
So, if there is anyone listening to me today or reading now on the Label of DMC and you have a Case of Impossibility in your family. I want to encourage you: Impossibility is not in the Dictionary of God. That can only be found in the Dictionary of Man.
Don’t write me off yet as I am still breathing!
2. Don’t write Someone that is Helplessly and Hopelessly Sick – All you need to do is to bring him to Jesus Christ.
I. In Mark 2: 1-12; the Bible tells us of a Man who was Paralysed from neck downwards – There was nothing any Doctor could do for him.
However, when his friends carried him to Jesus Christ and they had to break the roof to get him to His Presence. They carried him in but he carried what they laid him on out by himself.
4 Ways Open Heavens Devotional Be A Better Blessing To You(Opens in a new browser tab)
… Don’t write off anybody!
You Probably heard before the Story of a woman who was sent home by the Doctors – Go home and die. Don’t waste your time in the Hospital as there is no Hope for you – You are going!
And she told the children – Carry me to the Church (At The RCCG National Headquarters Parish at Ebute Metta, Lagos State Nigeria).
And the children told her – There is No Service in the Church today and so no Pastor will be there.
She said that I didn’t tell you that I’m going to see the Pastor. Take me to the House of God.
They carried her to the House of God and she said: Just take me in, carry me in and let me touch one of the Pillars – That is what I am asking you for.
They carried her in, she touched the Pillar and she walked back completely Whole.
Don’t write off anybody – This is a Great Lesson anyone Going Higher must let sink deep into his/her Mind and Heart.
Where Physicians failed, there is still Someone with a “Healing Stripes” and He doesn’t fail.
II. In Mark 5: 25-34; there was a Woman with the Issue of Blood. She has been transferred from one Physician to the Other and they couldn’t do much for her.
But Glory be to God that one day, she came in Contact with the One who can never fail; the One who never transfers a case and that was the end of her Problem.
And I believed that God is talking to Someone in Particular today – The Doctor might have written you off, no Hope for you. They will hear your Testimony soon – Amen!
III. In John 5: 2-9; the Bible tells us the Story of a Man who has been Sick for thirty eight (38) years; waiting for an Angel to come and stir the Pool so that if he can just be the first Person to get in, he will be healed.
For thirty eight (38) years, he tried and failed.
But what the Angel could not do, the One who made Angels came and did it in one day.
What the General Overseer cannot do; it is easy for the One who made the General Overseer!
When everybody had Prayed for you and interceded and Fasted and Cried to God on your behalf. And you have heard Testimonies of how they Prayed for Others and they all got Healed and you remained Sick. I am believing God that today is your Day – Amen.
That even as the Word of God is going out now, what the General Overseer cannot do, the Almighty God will do it for you – Amen!
IV. When you read Mark 5: 2-20; you will hear the Story of a Man that you have heard me referred to again and again because he is a Great Example of the fact that you shouldn’t write off anybody.
This Man was Mad – “Incurably Mad”; he had a Legion of demons holding him Captive and yet just one Day, he had an Encounter with the Lord of Host and not only was he Set Free; from that Day on, he become an Evangelist Preaching the Gospel.
There is Someone who according to Philippians 2: 9-11 – At the mention of His Name, all Knees must bow.
So, even if all the demons in your family had ganged up against you and they say that we are not going to let you fulfill your Destiny – Don’t listen to them as the Lord of Host can scatter them all and cause you to fulfill your Destiny – Amen!
V. When you read the Story in Mark 10: 46-52; you will discovered that a Man that has been a beggar all his Life, living in Darkness; didn’t die a beggar.
The People has written him off – They thought that Nothing Good can ever happen to Bartimaeus. But they left God out of the Equation.
And if you know Somebody that is “So Poor”, that you think that this Fellow can never become anything. I have Good News for such a Fellow – Those who has written you off, will also be the People who will come to Congratulate you (Amen).
Because all that Bartimaeus needed was the Light of the world. And when the Light came in, an end came to Darkness, an end came to Poverty and an end even came to hatred.
VI. In Acts 12: 1-11; you heard the Story of how a King who had the Power of Life and Death over the People and had already killed Someone.
And then, he arrested Peter and put him in Prison. And then was waiting that by tomorrow, this one is dead also.
But then in the Night, the One who is called “The Door”, the One who has “The Master Key” came in. And the doors open on their own accord – He didn’t even have to touch the doors.
You may think that you already got me securely Imprisoned. Not only does you have me Imprisoned, you have the doors securedly locked. You have Guards making sure that if by any Miracle I was able to break lose from my Chains, they won’t allow me to escape.
I have Good News for you – There is still Someone who can lead me out with the Guards fully armed, totally asleep and the doors will open on their own accord!
I believed that God is sending me to one Person in Particular – Those who thought that by tomorrow you will be dead, when they wake up, they will discovered that the birds has flown because the One who is called “The Door” is going to come and take you out of their grip and you will still Testify to His Glory – Amen!
One of my children who was Kidnapped in Kaduna last year (2021) told the Story that at a Stage, they lined them up and they said that because their People has not sent the money that we requested (DMC NOTES: Meaning the Ransom Amount); we are going to Shoot one of you and send the body to them so that they can know that we are serious.
And then, they looked at them and Placed the gun on his head and they said that by this, they will know that we are serious.
They all of course closed their eyes. And my son said that he heard the sound of the gun. But he wondered: I heard the sound of the gun but I am still alive. SPECIAL RCCG ONLINE SUNDAY SERVICE GOING HIGHER – PART 77 (DON’T WRITE ME OFF YET) PASTOR E.A ADEBOYE
He opened his eyes and saw that it was the one next to him who has been shot.
They put the gun on his head but God said that your time hasn’t come.
I have Good News for Someone here today or reading now on the Label of DMC – All those who thought that you are finished; God will give them a Surprise (Amen).
There is Someine who has the Master Key – You could throw me into a Fiery Furnace. You saw how those who are throwing me are being slain by the Flames as we have in Daniel 3: 14-end.
Knowing fully well that this Flame is seven times hotter than usual. But you know what? If you think that is my end, you might be joking because I can walk out Straight into Promotion.
That is what happened to Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Because there is a Person who is Stronger than all the Philistines in the world. His Name is “The Consuming Fire” and He has the ability to consume the Fire of the enemy.
I have Good News for you – No matter how terrible your situation may be; today as the Lord lives, Promotion will still be your Portion (Amen). SPECIAL RCCG ONLINE SUNDAY SERVICE GOING HIGHER – PART 77 (DON’T WRITE ME OFF YET) PASTOR E.A ADEBOYE
Jesus Christ Himself said that: I am the Owner of the Key of David – When I open, no Man can shut!
3. But something much more Deeper than the fact that you shouldn’t write off anybody is that you should not write off yourself.
I. In 1 Kings 17: 8-16; the Widow of Zarephath had concluded – There is no Hope. Only one “Little Meal” left. Let me and the boy have a “Farewell Meal” and kill ourselves.
You may not know it – But Help is on the way and the Helper of the Helpless will arrive before it is “Too Late” – Amen. Just hold on a little longer and Help will come – Amen!
II. In 2 Kings 4: 8-17; the Great Woman of Shunen had concluded: Thank God, you have been Good to me in everything – I am rich, I am an Influencier. The only thing I don’t have is a Child. Well, maybe I can’t have it all but I will continue to serve You Oh God.
She saw a Man of God Passing by and said: Man of God, you must come to my house to eat.
The Bible said that she compelled him.
A Woman like that should have Probably said in her Heart – Man of God, who want to see you? Look at your God, He could not even give me a child.
But No, she ignored the fact that she was barren; she decided to continue to be Good and serve God.
But when the Man of God said to her – Within nine (9) Months from now; you will carry a baby boy. She Laughed. Man of God, I have Closed the Chapter!
But the Almighty God hasn’t Closed the Chapter – Nine (9) Months after, the Chapter was re-opened and the baby came.
I appeal to everyone of you listening to me today or reading now on the Label of DMC – Please, don’t write yourself off and don’t write off anybody.
III. In Luke 23: 39-43; the Bible tells us that there were two (2) thieves nailed to the Cross with the Lord Jesus Christ – One of them made it to Heaven.
He was already on his way to Hell – Justice had caught up with him. He himself knew that he deserved to die and has agreed that well, this is it.
But then, right there on the Cross (Or we could say: Right there on the Sickbed); he met the One who is the Owner of the Kingdom of Heaven. SPECIAL RCCG ONLINE SUNDAY SERVICE GOING HIGHER – PART 77 (DON’T WRITE ME OFF YET) PASTOR E.A ADEBOYE
The devil was already rejoicing that here comes another Candidate for Hell. But the Almighty God said that the door is still open.
And the Man, who could have gone to Hell, made it to Heaven that same Day.
My Brother and my Sister; I want to assure you including those of you who think that you are so far gone in Backsliding – That there is no way the Lord God can have Mercy on you again. I just want you to know that in Judges 16: 18-end – Pay Particular attention to verse 22 (Judges 16:22). The Hair of Samson began to grow again!
No matter how far gone you think that you are – Don’t write yourself off; there is still Hope for you!
As for those of you who are not yet Born – Take Note of the Story of that Man who was saved on the Cross. Come to Jesus Christ today; He will save your Soul. There is Hope for you – It doesn’t matter how far gone or evil you have done. There is still a Blood that Cleanses from all sins.
Come to Him today and He will wash you Clean. It is not over until God Himself says it is over.
It can only be over if you refused to surrender to Him.
So, if you will surrender to Jesus Christ today; if you will bow down your Head and call on Him and say: Please, don’t close the door on me. I am here knocking at the door. Save my Soul and I will serve You for the rest of my lives.
Bow your head and Pray that Prayer and I will Pray for you and you will be amazed that this Very Day, you will qualify to be in Heaven one Day with Jesus Christ.
Pray that Prayer now and I will join you in Praying for your Salvation.
My Father and my God, I want to Thank You for Your Words. I want to Thank You because You have the Master Key – The Key of Hell, the Key of Death, the Key of David. That You are the One who can open and no Man can shut.
I commit all those who are crying to You for Salvation today into Your Hands – No matter how far gone they had been, Please receive them, save their Souls, let Your Blood wash away their sins, receive them into the Family of God today.
And I Pray that together in Heaven, we will be there to reign with You.
And I’m Praying for everyone who had been written off – Whether Physically, Materially, Mentally, Maritally or even Spiritually. Please Lord God Almighty, in Your Own Miraculous Way, let them become a Surprise to all those who has written them off so that Your Name will be Glorified. SPECIAL RCCG ONLINE SUNDAY SERVICE GOING HIGHER – PART 77 (DON’T WRITE ME OFF YET) PASTOR E.A ADEBOYE
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Now, I rejoice with those of you who has given your Life to Jesus Christ.
Will you Please contact me as quickly as Possible. I Promise you that I will be Praying for you.
I will also advise that you visit the nearest The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) to you – And tell the Pastor there that you have just given your Life to Jesus Christ and he will tell you what to do next.
God Bless You!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!!!