Let Us Pray!
Immortal God
Invincible God
Immortal God
How Great thou Art
The King of Kings
The Lord of Lords
Immortal God
How Great thou Art
Father, we bless Your Name. We bless You because You are Immortal, You are Invincible, You are the Only Wise God. You don’t Change – Years may come, Years may go; You remained the same. Glory be to Your Holy Name.
We Thank You because Your Faithfulness is Forever Sure, Your Mercy is renewed every morning, we bless Your Name. Father, Please accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
As Your Children gather together again to Worship You today; Father, Please be Present in our midst and let us enjoy Your Favour like never before.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
*Last Sunday (8th of January 2023), we began a New Series on: “FOR WHOM THE HEAVENS OPEN”.*
And we started with one of such People who is “NOAH” – We showed us that because Noah found Favour with God, his entire family was rescued even when the whole world was being drowned.
And we discovered one thing that was Peculiar to Noah – And that was that he feared God.
And we learnt that since the Fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom, if you too Fear God; which you will demonstrate by winning Souls, then it is almost certain that you too will have Favour with God and the Heavens will open unto you this Year (2023).
*The Second Fellow that we will like to consider among the People for whom the Heavens open will be “ABRAHAM”.*
And we will read today – Genesis 18: 1-14. But since this is a Story I’m sure that you know very well; we will just pick it up from Verse 9 to 14.
Genesis 18:9-14:
9. And they said unto him, Where is Sarah thy wife? And he said, Behold, in the tent.
10. And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to the Time of Life; and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him.
11. Now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age; and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women.
12. Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am waxed old shall I have Pleasure, my Lord being old also?
13. And the LORD said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old?
14. Is any thing too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the Time of Life, and Sarah shall have a son.
*Let me start by Praying that this Year (2023); that all the barren in the House of God or reading now on the Label of DMC, will become Fruitful because Heavens will open to them – Amen!*
Psalms 115:3 tells us that God lives in Heaven and He does as He Pleases.
Isaiah 66:1 tells us that there is where His Throne is – The Heavens is my Throne, the Earth is my Footstool. That is what God said.
But in the Story that we read in Genesis 18: 1-14; you will see that God came down from Heaven to visit Abraham.
*For God to be able to get down to visit Abraham, since He is seated in the Heavens, certain Procedures must take Place:*
1. Heaven must Open.
2. Now for Him to come down after the Heavens has opened; He has to get up.Because He is seated on His Throne – So to come to visit a Man, He has to get up.
And Psalms 68:1 tells us that: Let God arise and His Enemies will scatter.
That tells several things straightaway – If the Heavens open for you; God will arise for you. And when God arises, His Enemies will be scattered.
*If the Heavens open to you today; you don’t have to worry about Enemies anymore. Why? They will be scattered!*
3. And then considering the Size of God, the Bible tells us in Deuteronomy 33:27 that His Arms were Everlasting.
If His Arms are Everlasting; that tells you that His Legs must be Everlasting also.
And since He is in Heaven and the Earth is His Footstool. And we know how small the Earth is compared to the Heavens; it follows that every Steps God take coming towards you is going to shake the Earth – The Earth is going to tremble.
Psalms 114:7 makes it clear that the Earth trembles at the Presence of the Lord.
*And I can assure you that the Almighty God will shake not only the Heavens; He will shake the Earth in other to Pay you a visit this Year (2023) – Amen!*
*Because once the Heavens open to you and He Stands up and He begins to take one step after the other; the Earth will begin to tremble.*
*If the Almighty God has to send an Earthquake in other to get your Miracle to you, He will do it!*
*Once the Heavens open to you, Nobody can keep you Lock Down, Nobody can tie down your Destiny. God will shake loose even Prison Doors.*
I mean you know the Story in Acts of Apostle Chapter 16 – That when Paul and Silas were locked up and the Almighty God came to Pay them a visit; the Prison doors were forced open and the chains were broken loose.
4. Now, after the Heavens open and He gets up and begin to come to you and there are tremblings as He is Passing by on His way to you; He will be distributing Miracles.
*So, Congratulations to your friends and Relatives – If the Heavens open to you, so many People will benefit from it.*
I mean: Just as in the case of Noah that we mentioned earlier on – When the Heavens open for Noah; that boy brought Protection for his entire family.
*What do you mean that when He Passes by; Miracles will be distributed?*
Well, if you go through the Scriptures, you will find out that the Bible just kept on saying that Jesus Christ was Passing by and this Fellow got a Miracle.
I. Mark 1: 40-45 – Jesus Christ was Passing by, and a Leper got his Miracle and the Incurable got cured.
*I Pray that the Heavens will open for Someone today and all your friends who may have one Sickness or the other will receive their Healings instantly – Amen!*
II. In Marks 10: 46-52; the Bible made it clear that Jesus Christ was Passing by and blind Bartimaeus got this Miracle.
III. In Mark 5: 25-34; Jesus Christ was Passing by, the Woman with the Issue of Blood got her Miracle.
IV. In Luke 7: 11-15; Jesus Christ was Passing by and met a Woman who was going to bury her only son. And the Journey to the Graveyard was Terminated.
*I Pray that the Almighty God will be Passing by – Even if He is not coming to your house and just Passing by; you will get your Miracle this Year (2023) – Amen!*
5. But when He (God) now Specifically arrived at the house of the Fellow for whom the Heavens open – That is Abraham; several things happened Specifically for Abraham.
A. The first thing that God did was that what He has never done before and what He has never done since – He ate Human food.
Because Abraham invited Him and said: Please, let me cook for You and He said: Go ahead. Abraham cooked and He (God) ate.
But God says in Psalms 50: 12-13; He said: I don’t eat Human food; if I am hungry, I won’t tell anybody. I owned all the animals.
But when Heavens open for Abraham, God ate in his house.
*I Pray for everyone of you that the Heavens will open for you and “Unique Miracles” will be your Portion this Year (2023) – Amen!*
*I Pray that the Almighty God will be Present at your Dinning Table – Amen!*
B. And of course, not only did He (God) eat; as usual of Him after He ate, He said: “Thank You”.
He said: “Thank You” to Abraham – Thank You for Providing food for me. Let me say Thank You to you in a “Very Special” way to you. Let me address the Number One Problem in your Life.
If the Heavens open for you and God comes to your house; one of the “Unique Miracles” that He will do for you is that He will say Thank You to you.
*Oh, how Wonderful will it be if God can just say: Thank You to me this Year (2023) – Amen!*
*Whatever little things you have done for Him; if God turns and say it is alright. All the Problems will be addressed by God Himself.*
And you know that in Luke 5: 1-7; after Jesus Christ used the boat of Peter to fish and He wanted to say Thank You. The next thing you heard is that: Oga, you have fished All-Night, caught Nothing; let’s solve that Problem. Let’s turn your Failure to “Extreme Success”.
*May the Heavens open for Someone today – Amen. And that area in your Life that is not allowing your Joy to be Full, may the Almighty God Himself address it today – Amen.*
C. And then He Changed His Promises to Decrees.
*All the Prophesies that He had ever given to Abraham, He turned all of them to a Decree on that Day when the Heavens opened for Abraham.*
I. In Genesis 15: 1-6; He said to Abraham – Abraham come out, look up. Can you count the Stars? Oh, I cannot oh. So shall your children be.
But years Passed and no Child came!
II. In Genesis 17: 1-2; Oh Abraham, I will Multiply you Exceedingly and Nothing happened.
*But on this occasion when Heavens open for Abraham and God Paid him a visit; He didn’t Prophesised; He Decreed. He said: Nine (9) Months from now, your wife will be carrying a baby boy.*
*I am Standing on the Authority of the Word of God and I’m decreeing to all those of you trusting God for the Fruit of the Womb; before the end of this Year (2023); you will bring your children forward for Dedication – Amen.*
*As for those of us who has received one Prophesy or the other, and we knew that this Particular Prophesy is for us and Nothing had happened yet. In the Name that is above every other name, that thing will begin to come to Past today – Amen!*
III. Another thing that happened was that the Almighty God just overlooked the doubt and unbelief of Sarah.
Because the Bible says that when Sarah heard, she began to Laugh – It is a kind of Laughter that is a Mockery, a Laughter that says: What kind of joke is this? If you enjoy my Meal, why don’t you just say “Thank You” and go.
But you know the rest of the Story.
Even though it is written that: “The Just shall live by Faith” – Which is in at least four (4) Places in the Bible as I have told you before.
In Habbakuk 2:4 (Which is one of them, you can look for the rest); God said that: “The Just shall live by Faith”.
In other words, you don’t have Faith, you can’t get anything from me.
But when the Heavens open, He will overlook your doubt and unbelief.
Why? Because God is Sovereign – He does as He Pleases.
And in Isaiah 43:13; He said that I will work who shall himder me, who shall let it.
And Psalns 33: 8-9; He said that the whole Earth should Fear before Him because once He speaks, it is done; once He decrees, it will Stand firm.
IV. And on that Day when the Heavens open for Abraham, the Almighty God decided to demonstrate His Almightiness.
*My Prayer is that this Year (2023); as the Heavens open for you, the Almighty God will demonstrate His Almightiness in your Home in Jesus Name – Amen.*
Now, how did He demonstrate His Almightiness – Because He said to Sarah: Why are you Laughing? Is there anything “Too Hard” for me to do?
The Bible tells us in Jeremiah 32:27 – That He is the God of all flesh and there is Nothing “Too Hard” for Him to do.
In Luke 1:37; the Bible says that with God, Nothing shall be Impossible.
Romans 4:19 made it clear that the Womb of Sarah was already dead but at the “Spoken Word” from the Almighty God, that Womb came back to Life.
*So that when the Heavens open for you, several things could happen – Joy can replace the Sorrow in your Life.*
*And I’m Praying for everyone of you that as the Heavens open for you this Year (2023); you will never know Sorrow again – Amen. That everything that has been causing you sorrow, the Almighty God will wipe it out – Amen.*
Because the Bible says in Psalms 16:11 that in the Presence of God, there is Fullness of Joy.
*If the Heavens open and the One who controls the Fullness of Joy comes to Pay you a visit; at long Last, your Joy will become Full.*
There are many of us who by the Grace of God are rejoicing now but one thing remains for your Joy to be Full.
Whatever is it, the Almighty God will give you this Year (2023) in Jesus Mighty Name – Amen!
And the Laughter that He gave to Sarah became a Daily Laughter.
Genesis 21: 3-6, when they are naming the Child, they named him Laughter. So, every Morning, when the mother is calling the son, she was Laughing.
And she said that God has made me to Laugh and those who hear will Laugh with me.
*I Pray that the Heavens will open for you and People will celebrate with you this Year (2023) – Amen!*
*But let me ask you a Question: The Heavens that open for Abraham, can it open for me?*
*The Bible made it clear that if you belongs to Christ, then you have the Seed of Abraham. And the Blessings of Abraham is not for Abraham alone but for Abraham and all his Seeds.*
*As a matter of fact, you can go to God if you are a Christian and tell the Almighty God that I am coming to You as a Seed of Abraham. If the Heavens open for Abraham, then it must open to me!*
… That is a Legitimate Prayer! And the Almighty God is willing to answer that Prayer for every True Child of the Almighty God.
And if you are not a True Child of God, you can become one today because all you have to do to become one of the Seed of Abraham is to give your Life to Jesus Christ.
*The Word of God made it clear – If you belong to Christ, you are the Seed of Abraham. If you are of the Seed of Abraham; the Blessings of Abraham, the one of even Isaac and Jacob, that same Blessings can be on you today!*
*But the Particular one is that: “The Heavens may Open for you”.*
So, if you have gone away from the Lord, if you have backsliden; you cannot expect the Heavens to open unto you because if you are a Backslider, you are no longer of the Seed of Abraham.
So, one of the things that you should do urgently if you are a Backslider is to return to Jesus Christ so that your Position as a Seed of Abraham will no longer remain Empty.
And of course, if you have not yet given your Life to Jesus Christ, you better run now because you have an Opportunity to give your Life to Jesus Christ, to belong to Christ and then become one of the Seeds of Abraham.
And the One who open the Heavens for Abraham will open the Heavens for you too.
So, let us Pray!
Bow your Head and cry to God – That He should Please save your Soul, receive you into the Family of God so that you can become one of the Seeds of Abraham, that the Heavens that open for Abraham might open for you too.
And if you are a Backslider, you better cry to the Almighty God and say: Please, Lord, I have swayed away from Home; I am coming back Home Lord, take me back and let me become one of the Family Members one more time.
And the Almighty God will answer your Prayers even as I Pray with you now. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
My Father and my God, I want to Thank You for Your Words and I want to Thank You for all those who has decided to yield their lives to You today.
Please remember Your Promise that whosoever will come to You, You will no wise cast out. They have come to You now, Please receive them, save their Souls, let Your Blood wash away their sins Lord and let them become Part of the Seed of Abraham.
As for Backsliders who are returning Home, Please receive everyone of them. Please Lord, forgive them all and restore them back to Fellowship with Jesus Christ so that they too can begin to enjoy the Blessings of the Seed of Abraham.
And Lord God Almighty, I Pray that for all Your Children who will be crying to You today; that they want that the Heavens that open to Abraham may open unto them; Please grant their Requests and let this Day mark a New Beginning for all of us.
Thank You my Father and my God. For in Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Now, I want to rejoice with those of you who has surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ today. I will want to assure you all that by the Special Grace of God, from now on I will be Praying for you.
But I need your names, your Address, and your Prayer Requests. So, Please contact me and I Promise you that I will be Praying for you.
And then, Please locate one of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) that is near you – And talk to the Pastor there that you have just given your Life to Jesus Christ and he will give you the Counsel on what to do next.
God Bless You – Amen!
And may the Heavens open to you today in Jesus Mighty Name – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!!!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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