BIBLE TEXT: 1 KINGS 21: 17-20
Let Us Pray!
Blessed be Your Name
Blessed be Your Name
Blessed be your Name Oh Lord
Blessed be Your Name
Blessed be Your Name
Blessed be your Name Oh Lord
Jesus is Your Name
Jesus is Your Name
Jesus is Your Name Oh Lord
Jesus is Your Name
Jesus is Your Name
Jesus is Your Name Oh Lord
Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace; we Worship You.
The Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, the One who was, the One who is, the One who is to come; the Almighty. We Glorify Your Name.
The One who can never Change – The Unchangeable Changer, our Friend, the Lover of our Soul, our Healer, our Redeemer, our Provider, our Soon-Coming King, our Hope of Glory; we Worship You. May Your forever be Glorified.
In the Life of all Your Children today Lord, Please Glorify Your Name.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Well, wave at one (1) or two (2) People and say: Good Day, God Bless You. And then we may Please be seated.
We are continuing our Series on: “GOING HIGHER” and today we are looking at Part 74 – “GOING HIGHER – PART 74”.
We are still looking at 1 Kings 21: 17-20
17. And the Word of the LORD came to Elijah the Tishbite, saying,
18. Arise, go down to meet Ahab King of Israel, which is in Samaria: behold, he is in the Vineyard of Naboth, whither he is gone down to Possess it.
19. And thou shalt speak unto him, saying, Thus saith the LORD, Hast thou killed, and also taken Possession? And thou shalt speak unto him, saying, Thus saith the LORD, In the Place where dogs licked the blood of Naboth shall dogs lick thy blood, even thine.
20. And Ahab said to Elijah, hast thou found me, O mine enemy? And he answered, I have found thee; because thou hast sold thyself to work evil in the sight of the LORD.
For those of you who are “Going Higher” in the Lord, we need to Point out to us that one of the Purposes of Anointing is to announce what God wants to do.
Here we see the Almighty God telling Elijah: Go and tell Ahab. And then He (God) told him what he is to say.
1. When you read Isaiah 61: 1-3; you will discovered that the Purpose of Anointing is not only to Preach the Good News; not only to heal; not only to deliver but also to warn of “The Day of Vengeance” of our God.
So, when you are seeking Anointing, just take Note that when the Anointing comes, it will enable you to Preach the Gospel, it will enable you to heal the Sick, it will enable you to Set Captives Free. But it will also involve you “Warning of “The Day of Vengeance” of our God.
We have already said this again and again that: Yes, our God is Love – According to 1 John 4:8; but He is also a “Consuming Fire” – According to Hebrews 12:29.
But maybe we have not emphasised enough that our God is a “God of Vengeance”.
In Romans 12:19; it is written that God has said: Vengeance is Mine and I will repay.
God is a God of Vengeance – He said Vengeance is Mine (Not even yours).
In Exodus 20: 1-5; God made it abundantly clear that when He wants to show Vengeance, He can go all the way to the Forth (4th) Generation.
Somebody offends Him, refuses to repent and God decides to take Vengeance – He can deal with that Fellow, deal with his Children, deal with his Grandchildren, deal with his Great Grandchildren.
And so, you are Anointed to warn – To let People who are working against God to know that: Our God is a God of Vengeance.
Exodus 4: 22-23; God told Moses: Go and tell Pharaoh – Israel is my son; let my son go. If you don’t let my son go, I will kill your son – Even your first born.
2. You are Anointed to warn the Proud to humble themselves of His Serious Danger.
Daniel 4: 1-end – Nebuchadnezzar was the greatest King of his time. You could Practically call him the King of the whole world because everywhere he went, he conquered. And so he became Proud.
God gave him a warning – Showed him a Dream: This is likely to happen to you unless you humble yourself.
When he had the Dream that was so terrible, that when he woke up he lost his Peace. Finally, the lot fell on Daniel to go and explain the Dream
You need to understand that in explaining the Dream to the King, Daniel was holding his own Life in his hand. The King could have been upset and said: Are you talking about me? You are a Slave in the Land, whatever Position that you occupying I put you there. How dare you Prophesy this kind of horrible things against me? Telling me that I will become an animal for seven (7) years. Who is that your God who is telling you this kind of things?
But David gave him an Advise – Humble yourself sir and this might Pass over you. Of course, he didn’t humble himself until what God Prophesised came to Past.
After seven (7) years, he learnt who is actually the “True King”.
In Genesis 41: 1-end; God gave a Set of Dreams to Pharaoh – Again, we find Pharaoh having two (2) “Frightful Dreams”.
DREAM 1: First he saw Corns – Seven Stalks, Beautiful and Plumb and then he saw another seven (7) Others blasted with the winds, dried up.
And then the “Latter Corn” ate the “Former Corn” – That must be quite a Dream when you see Corn eating Corn.
DREAM 2: When he (Pharaoh) was thinking that what kind of Dream is this, he had another Dream – Seven (7) fat cows and then seven (7) ugly ones (That you can see the bones or the ribs of these last seven (7).) And the “Lean Cows” ate the fat ones – Cows eating cows.it
Anyone – King or no King with these Dreams cannot wake up and be at Peace. Definitely, this can’t be something Ordinarily – You know the rest of the Story.
The boy Joseph came on the scene and he advised Pharaoh – Sir, seven (7) years of Plenty is coming, to be followed by seven (7) years of Famine. Take my Advise!
Fortunately, Pharaoh took the Advice and Egypt was Preserved!
You are Anointed to Warn – Warn the “High and Mighty”; warn the Lowly. Let everyone knows that a Day is coming when People will give an Account of everything they are doing!
You are Anointed to warn the world that there is a Place called Hell.
It is Good to Preach the Good News – Jesus saves, Jesus heals, Jesus delivers, Jesus Provides. That is Good News!
But you will be failing in your duty as an “Anointed Man of God” if you don’t also them that: You reject Jesus Christ, you will go to Hell.
There are People who will tell you that God is “Too Good” to send anybody to Hell. Brother, make it clear to them that: Hell was not created Originally for Man; it was created for the devil and his Angels. But if you choose to be on the side of the devil, you will end up with him in the Lake of fire.
There are People who believed that you are using “Scaring Tactics” on them when you talk to them about Hell and that you are just trying to frighten People.
Brethren, if I have to frighten you to cause you to miss Hell, so be it – We must Preach the Whole Gospel: God is Love, but our God is a God of Vengeance.
… Some People will heed to the warning like Pharaoh did; while some others will not.
Matthew 26: 24-25; Jesus Christ Himself warned Judas Iscariot – He said that: It is written of him. But woe to the one by whom the son of Man is betrayed.
And everybody begin to ask: Is it me? Is it me? Judas Iscariot said too: Is it me? And the Lord Jesus Christ said: Yes sir, you are the one.
He said that it will be better if that Man is not born – A Direct and Plain Warning!
You would have thought that from that day onwards, Judas Iscariot will Change his Plans but he didn’t – Money didn’t allow him. But you know the rest of the Story.
Acts 1: 15-20; the Bible made it clear to us – Yes he got the money but he didn’t spend it but hung himself.
Now, Exodus 33: 1-7 made it clear to you – Your own is to do your duty.
Your own is to warn – If the People you warned don’t take the warning seriously; you will not be guilty of their blood.
The Almighty God said: When the Watchman sees danger coming and he warned the People: Hey, danger is around the corner.
Those who heed the warning will save their own Soul; those who refused to heed the warning, they will Perish. But you know that the Watchman because he had cried out, will not be found guilty.
But if you don’t warn them and then they Perish, then you will Pay.
This is a Warning to everyone of us – Every Child of God, Preach the Whole Gospel, let them know that the Lord is “Coming Soon” and those who are not ready gone. This world won’t be a Pleasant Place.
When the Antichrist began to rule, Men will be begging for death, Mighty Men will be biting their tongue with Pain – The kind of Pain that will cause a Man to bite his tongue is not the kind of Pain you wish for your enemy,
Because if you bite your tongue accidentally, you know how Painful it can be. And now when a Pain become so severe that biting your tongue becomes nothing in comparison, you know that is serious.
… You must warn the world – Warn your Neighbours, warn your Relatives, warn your friends before it is “Too Late”.
3. You want to be Anointed, I want you to know that one of the most beautiful things in the world is to be able to hear from God.
Oh, what a Joy!
But I want to submit to you that the Ability to hear from God has Challenges. Because the moment you begin to hear from Him, you must go wherever He sends you and to whomsoever.
Jeremial 1: 6-10 – It says that you will go to whomsoever I send you and you must tell them whatever I asked you to tell them.
Jeremiah 1: 16-19 – You must tell them whatever I asked you to tell them and tell them Fearlessly.
The African Elders has a Proverb – It is the one that sends you on an errand that you must fear and not to whom you are going to deliver the Message!
You want to “Go Higher” in the Lord? You want Him to anoint you? – Fine, He will turn you to His Mouthpiece, you will go wherever He wants you to go.
I. When He asked you to go to Samaria, as in Acts 8: 5-8.
Philip, go to Samaria – That’s like saying: Go to the “Forbitten Land”; you must go!
II. When He says: Go to Prison; you must go – Acts 16: 1-end.
Where shall I go God? God said, alright Paul, I will show you a Vision. In the Vision, he saw Somebody: Come over to Macedonian and help us.
Yes Lord, he (Paul) went. He ended up in Prison because there was Somebody in the Prison whose entire Household must be saved. And being the Man in Charge of the Prison, he can’t come to the Crusade Ground – So, you go to him.
III. In Acts 8: 26-40; after Philip got to Samaria, had that Wonderful Crusade that the whole City was rejoicing; God said: Alright, well done here; your next Assignment is in the Wilderness.
I believed that is a Message to some of you Man of God – You have succeeded, you have built a Big Church and then suddenly, God directed your General Overseer and said: It is time to move. And he is moving you from Lagos to Tanga Magoda.
And you said: Me? I better become my General Overseer.
OPENHEAVEN.NET NOTES: The Magoda Project combines Asian Elements with traditionally Rural African Building Methods in the Village of Magoda, in the Tanga Region of Tanzania, taking Shape in the form of eight (8) Prototype homes.
When you are Anointed, you will go wherever He (God) asked you to go.
Today, because we are Obedient to His Voice, that is why:
I. Several Area Boys – Thousands of them, at a time some People are saying: Throw them to the Ocean, drown them; we went to them and by the Grace of God, today we have thousands of them being Reformed, being Transformed. And among them now, God has raised up Missionaries all over the world.
II. We have gone to the Hotels, by the Grace of God and got “Harlots” saved.
III. We have gone to Beaches and so on and Picked “Fortunes” that are being used as Drug Peddlers and today, many of them are Graduates of Universities.
Because you must go wherever He sends you and you must do what He asked you to do!
Once you hear from Him, you will not be able to rest until you do what He has said.
Amos 3:8; it says: The Lion has roared, who will not Prophesy?
That is for those of you who wants to “Go Higher” in the Lord!
Now, for my friends who are yet to give your Life to Jesus Christ – You have heard His Voice now. Jesus Christ is Calling.
He says: Come to me all ye that Labour and are heavy Ladened and I will give you rest!
You better come to Him now because anywhere you go from now on, this Message will hunt you – Because I have told you that Oh Yes, Jesus saves, He heals, He delivers but if you reject Him; there is a Place called Hell and you don’t want to go there.
So, if you want to respond to His Voice now; Please bow your head wherever you are and cry to Him – And say: Lord, Please save my Soul, I don’t want to go to Hell.
Pray that Prayer now and I will Pray with you in just a moment.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
My Father and my God; I Thank You because I know that You don’t want the death of a Sinners but You want them to repent and live.
But I also know that those who will not accept the word “Salvation”; there is no other way out other than Hell.
Please Father, as many that has decided to Surrender their Life to You now, to yield to Your Call; Please receive them, save their Souls, in Your Mercy, forgive all their sins and rescue them from the grip of satan.
Father, I Pray that as many of them that has Surrendered to You today, in Your Kingdom, I will see them, we will reign together with You.
And I Pray for those of us who are already God’s Children; that the Ability to hear from You, will be released to us afresh. And give us the Grace that once we hear from You, we will obey.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
I rejoice with those of you who has given your Life to Jesus Christ today because I believed that I will see you in Heaven. And by the Special Grace of God, Hell has lost you Permanently.
So, get in contact with me as soon as Possible – I Promise you that I will be Praying for you.
And Please, contact the nearest The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) to you. Tell the Pastor that you have given your Life to Jesus Christ and He will tell you what to do Next.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!!!