MEMORY VERSE: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro , and carried about with every wind of doctrine… but speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ – Eph4:14-15.
CENTRAL TRUTH: Believers should minister to one another and experience spiritual growth together
The standard or class(ie, Model) Christ set for the Church is such that we might grow up into Him in all things. Growing up into the fullness of Christ is a lifestyle that places a demand on us – believers to be more practical in our walk with God so not to be tossed around nor carried about with every wind of doctrine. The only way we can part with the doctrine of men(ie, wrong/evil doctrine) and stick to the Doctrine of Christ is to understand the admonitions of Paul in Ephesians Chapter four(4), which is categorized into the following major outlines in our Lesson today;
1. Maintain Unity
2. Minister To The Body
3. Mature In Christ Together
Living a worthy (or ordained) life in Christ as individuals brings about a unified body of Christ. There’s a life set for believers to live in maintaining unity in the body of Christ.
Lessons Derived: Paul in his admonition sees our walk with God as a vocation, and one aspect of vocation is that, it is a calling or occupation. That is , in our faith work, God has set a standard for us to be occupied in till he comes. And this standard centres in Love which engenders gentleness, humility, tolerance, patience. Interestingly, these virtues has to do with how we relate with people – whether fellow members in the household of faith or not. God knew people would always be high-handed or not forthcoming, thus Jesus through Paul said that we must be armed with the weapon of humility, patience, gentleness, tolerance, so to maintain unity even in the body of Christ. He further stated that we are duty-bound to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace because the Church is bonded in one body, one Spirit, one Hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.
God: the giver of gifts to the Church gives the gift to every one as a model to minister to the body of Christ – the Church.
Lessons Derived: The gift of Christ is given by measure or proportion. To some He gave Apostles, to some Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, & Teachers, for the perfecting of the saints, and the work of Christian service in order to edify the body of Christ. For the body of Christ to be edified, or grew up into Him in all things; Christ through the Holy Spirit raises a five-fold ministry capacity(model) for a complete impartation of the person of Christ to the Church. He has the authority in heaven and on earth to give gifts to the Church and directs its functions. Whether the gifts manifests as natural talents or spiritual gifts, we should not abuse or boast about the gift of God, because it was given for a purpose. Jesus wants the best for his bride(the church) thus he put in place this five-fold model – the Apostolic model, Prophetic model, Evangelistic model, Pastoral & Tutorial models all to ensure the Church misses nothing. So the emphasis is on us the people used under these capacities(model) to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit so to be thorough in our different areas of ministrations. Jesus won’t be trekking distances, fasting 40 days & nights, spending time studying or explaining Scriptures with the Jews the Temple, if it was not a serious business.
A mature church enjoys or experiences the benefits of maturity as they grow or mature together in Christ.
Lessons Derived: Church maturity is a process prompted by the Holy Spirit for the unification of the Church, and this results in an all round blessings or benefits which includes;
*having an intimate knowledge of Jesus Christ, not just learning facts about Jesus, but having an experience of the person of Jesus.
*growing up to Christian maturity, ie, growing up as an adult to take responsibility of our spiritual lives so not to be deceived or misled.
* speaking the truth in Love, growing in Love, and edifying one another in love.
And lastly, Christ model for the church is to unify the Church; and we cannot be unified without the Love of God in our hearts, nor can we love like Christ without the Power of the Holy Spirit, and we cannot have the Presence of the Holy Spirit without desiring or yielding ourselves to live in the mould or model that Christ set for us as believers.
Thanks for studying Ephesians Chapter 4 with us, bless someone with your contributions or questions.
Open Heavens Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.
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