May His doors of mercy never shut against you in Jesus Name
You have started this year well – You will end it well in Jesus Name
I command that hereditary disease in to leave You now in Jesus Name
That garment of shame catches fire in Jesus Name
For that person going for exam this morning – Go and pass excellently in Jesus Name
Someone dreamt of making mistakes in the dream – God is correcting those mistakes now in Jesus Name
Let all adversaries of your open doors be silenced in Jesus Name
Concerning that your sick daughter – Go and Testify in Jesus Name
God has remembered someone with cancer of breast this morning – You are healed in Jesus Name
Someone was told to go and plead to some elders before you can succeed – Today, God has gone ahead of You and settlef it All!
For that person been threaten by kidnappers – Today God is coming through for You in Jesus Name
For someone here – God said never write yourself off! Your 11th hour miracles are here!
I decree upon that marriage – Go and rejoice again in Jesus Name
God is saying to someone – Be faithful in that little He has committed into your hands! More than enough is coming!
Halleluyah!!! Today’s Morning Declarations With FEMI RAIMI SATURDAY 14th NOVEMBER 2020

Concerning that proposal – You will Testify in Jesus Name
In the new week I will be praying for New Mercy – May your life experience new mercy in Jesus Name
Over all our children we shall Testify in Jesus Name
Celebration shall not depart from You and yours in Jesus Name
For Everyone supporting the vision of BACK2SCHOOL on this Ministry and those who wish to join, May you All have abundance to give with ease in Jesus Name Today’s Morning Declarations With FEMI RAIMI SATURDAY 14th NOVEMBER 2020
For All secret giver to this Ministry – I might not know You but God who has put it into your mind to bless this Ministry will reward you publicly in Jesus Name!
By the time I will read from you it shall be Testimonies in Jesus Name!
I Pray for everyone supporting me for Lock down relief for the needy ones among us – May God remember You in Jesus Name
For those who are unable to support – Let there be breakthrough your way to do more in Jesus Name!
For all Ministry Partner and Tither to this Ministry – May you continue to have and give in Jesus Name!
For those who desires to give but they don’t have – Lord, start with them right now in Jesus Name!
Father, bless your children so they can have more than enough in Jesus Name!
I Pray for all intercessor on this Ministry – May You not regret paying this Sacrifice in Jesus Name!
For everyone that has sown any seed this season – May You return with bountiful harvest in Jesus Name!
I cover all homes with the blood of Jesus
I will not have cause to mourn over anyone of You in Jesus Name!
Remember to Pray for me and All Ministers of this Ministry!
Any forces that wants to stand against this morning declarations wrath of God locate their camps in Jesus Name!
And All shall be well with You in Jesus name!
And at the end we shall not be cast away in Jesus Name!
Go ahead and Celebrate God for this Declarations.
We return all Glory to you Alone.
.Today’s Morning Declarations With FEMI RAIMI SATURDAY 14th NOVEMBER 2020
(Morning Declarations With Femi Raimi).
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God bless You!