Today’s Morning Declarations With FEMI RAIMI
Today’s Morning Declarations With FEMI RAIMI SATURDAY 7th NOVEMBER 2020

This Morning, The Presence of God will go with You and your household in Jesus Name!
May Divine mercy continue to speak for You and yours in Jesus Name
May you receive divine clearance from all inherited sins in Jesus Name
May Almighty God silence all voices shouting revenge over your destiny in Jesus Name
According to Jeremiah 31:29 – May you not be punish again for unknown sins in Jesus Name
May your life no longer live under the curses of inheritance in Jesus Name
For that person suffering from unknown sins, enter your season of liberty now in Jesus Name
Henceforth – Receive dominion over that constant sins in Jesus Name
May God of Perfection be your God in Jesus Name
That which God has started in your life shall completed before the end of 2020 in Jesus Name
That journey God has started with you, in His mercy you shall return with Testimonies in Jesus Name
Someone had missed it ignorantly but Today God is giving you A New beginning!
Longtime delayed Testimonies has been released!
God is bringing back some people into your life for fulfilment!
A soul-tie has been broken this morning to the Glory of God!
Someone is about to look back and sing a New Song this Month!
A divine package has been released to someone this Morning!
Congratulations!!! Congratulations!!! shall be your next greetings from friends and family in Jesus Name
Father, we Pray in agreement for every parents trusting You for back to school finances – Let there be divine help for them right now in Jesus Name
For Everyone supporting the vision of BACK2SCHOOL on this Ministry and those who wish to join, May you All have abundance to give with ease in Jesus Name
Father, As UK entered second Lockdown – Show up for all your Children, meet all our needs! Breathe upon this country economy in Jesus Name
For All secret giver to this Ministry – I might not know You but God who has put it into your mind to bless this Ministry will reward you publicly in Jesus Name!
By the time I will read from you it shall be Testimonies in Jesus Name!
I Pray for everyone supporting me for Lock down relief for the needy ones among us – May God remember You in Jesus Name
For those who are unable to support – Let there be breakthrough your way to do more in Jesus Name!
For all Ministry Partner and Tither to this Ministry – May you continue to have and give in Jesus Name!
For those who desires to give but they don’t have – Lord, start with them right now in Jesus Name!
Father, bless your children so they can have more than enough in Jesus Name!
I Pray for all intercessor on this Ministry – May You not regret paying this Sacrifice in Jesus Name!
For everyone that has sown any seed this season – May You return with bountiful harvest in Jesus Name!
I cover all homes with the blood of Jesus Morning Declarations With Femi Raim
I will not have cause to mourn over anyone of You in Jesus Name!
Remember to Pray for me and All Ministers of this Ministry!
Any forces that wants to stand against this morning declarations wrath of God locate their camps in Jesus Name!
And All shall be well with You in Jesus name!
And at the end we shall not be cast away in Jesus Name!
*Go ahead and Celebrate God for this Declarations.*
We return all Glory to you Alone.
.Morning Declarations With Femi Raim
(Morning Declarations With Femi Raimi).
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God bless You!