This is the Extract of the Message culled out from the Sermon of Pastor E.A Adeboye during the RCCG October 2022 Thanksgiving Service and 62nd Independence Anniversary Celebrations of Nigeria.
When we talk of National Peace; that is what we meant by Peace in the Land – A whole Nation (Like Nigeria) can be in a Storm.

I. I mean if a Governor cannot go out of his house and feel safe. And he went out with Bodyguards and he has to thank God that he could run because the bandits wanted to kill him?
… A Governor! When we talk of Security, then a Governor should be Secured.
II. As Young as I am, I remembered that at a time in this Country Nigeria, when a “Kabiyesi” is coming and unless you are one of the very “Special People”; you move out of the way. You don’t even want the dress the “Kabiyesi” is wearing to touch you – That is how it was in those days!
( NOTES: “Kabiyesi” is the name a Royal Father is called in Yorubaland – A Tribe in the Western Part of Nigeria).
Oh things is different now – Now, Kidnappers can go to the Palace and kidnap the Traditional Ruler (“Kabiyesi”).
Don’t let anybody deceived you – We are in a War!
I want to decree to my “Beloveth Nation of Nigeria” – That what the King cannot do, what Soldiers cannot handle, what Whatever, Whatever cannot handle; the Almighty God will do for us today – Amen!
Well, what do we do to have Perfect Peace in my Nation (Nigeria)?
In 2 Chronicles 7: 13-14; God said that if “My People” that are called by “My Name” shall Humble themselves and Pray, He said that I will heal their Land!
So, God wants us to Pray! – How do we Pray?
Well, if we spend “More Time” Praying for our Rulers because in 1 Timothy 2: 1-2; the Bible says that: We must Pray for the Kings so that we can live a “Peaceful Life”.
Why? Because we know that it is easier for us to cricticise – They are not doing well, they are not taking care of us.
There are battles that Human Beings cannot fight and win – There are “Certain Battles” that “Only God” can win!
So, God says: Pray for your Rulers!
Because in Proverbs 29:2; the Bible says that when the Righteous are in Authority People rejoice. But when the Wicked bear rule, People mourn.
Pray for your Rulers because for every mistakes they make, it is the People that will suffer and not them ooo!
In 2 Kings 24: 1-15; David conducted a Census against the advise of those who knows God. When he finished the Census, God decided that it is now my turn.
He (God) sent the Prophet to go and tell him to choose between three (3) things as your Punishment.
He said that I will rather fall into the hand of God than to fall into the hand of the enemy. God said fine.
Then He (God) sent an Angel to Pay a Nation a Visit – Seventy thousand (70,000) Men died in one day.
Do you know that not a Single Fellow died in the Palace? – It was David who made a mistake o, it was the “Innocent People” who Paid the Price.
Pray for your Rulers – We spend a lot of time criticising them. Do your duty – Pray for them!
The Bible made it clear in Proverbs 21:1 – It says that the Heart of Kings are in the Hands of God. And like a River of Water, He turns their Heart,
Pray to God who can turn the Heart of the Rulers so that the Rulers will do the “Right Thing” and then we the People will enjoy!
So, why are we Suffering?
Because we have not Prayed – The fault is ours and not that of the Rulers!
Oh, we are murmuring – Because it must be “The Wicked” that is in Authority!
Why don’t you Pray for the Salvation of the Souls of those in Authority!
There is Someone who is a Saviour, there is a God on the Throne who can do all things!
And I am Praying today (And I Pray that you will join me to Pray) – That God will continue to Guide our Leaders aright so that they won’t make mistake(s) and we won’t suffer (Amen).