Many people think about fasting in January for a variety of
reasons. Perhaps you need to renew your body and soul.
Did you gain weight during the holiday season? Maybe you’re
feeling sluggish or toxic and need to cleanse your body in such
order. Or maybe you want to fast for spiritual reasons, such as a
breakthrough in your personal life or for revival in this land.
Whatever your reasons are for fasting, here are 10 tips to ensure
that you fast smartly. 2023 FASTING SECRETS!
1. Prepare Your Mind
Before you begin, think about why you want to fast. What do you
want to achieve? It’s important to have the right mindset before
you start or you may lose heart early on. Pray for discipline and
a strong will to complete the fast. ODM 21 Day Fasting Programme 2023
2. Stock Up
Shop for everything you’ll need before the day you begin. Not
having everything you need on your first day is a sure way to fail.
If you’re doing a juice fast, for example, look at the recipes you’ll
be using, and make sure your shopping list has all the ingredients. ODM 21 Day Fasting Programme 2023
- Drink Water
As led. Drink at least eight, 8-ounce glasses of purified water
while you are fasting so that you can flush away toxins and waste.
FAST! This will also help you to stay energized. Dehydration
can cause you to feel tired and hungry. ODM 21 Day Fasting Programme 2023
- Go Easy
Avoid exhausting work! Gentle exercise, such as walking, is
good, but don’t overexert yourself. Your body is working hard to
eliminate toxins, remove damaged cells and restore vitality. This
important work is often not completed when we eat regular
meals. That’s because the body focuses its attention on digestion
throughout the day. Fasting frees your body from this daily chore
so it can work on cleansing, repairing and healing. It’s like taking
a week’s vacation to thoroughly clean your home. While all this
important work is going on inside, you want to give your body
the rest it needs. Take more breaks. Go for walks. Get fresh air
and sun. Go to bed early, as powerful healing hormones are
released while you sleep. Relax before bed by taking a bath,
reading a good book or listening to beautiful music. 2023 FASTING SECRETS!
- Choose a Plan
Many people think fasting means a strict water fast. Some
people even try to follow the model of some Biblical heroes—no
food or water, which can be dangerous UNLESS LED BY THE
HOLY GHOST. But there is more than one type of fast. Choose
the one that is best for you.
Water fast – A strict water fast for more than two or three days is
not recommended unless you can completely rest and are
medically supervised.
Juice fast – Freshly made juice is rich in antioxidants that bind
toxins so they don’t damage cells—and those antioxidants are
critical, especially during a fast. On the juice fast, you can drink
vegetable juices, purified water, coconut water, veggie broth and
natural herbal teas throughout the day. I emphasize vegetable
juice because fruit juice has too much sugar, which can cause
spikes and dips in blood sugar, leaving you tired. However, you
can use a little fruit to flavor and sweeten veggie juice recipes.
Unlike in Biblical times, where the air, soil and water were virtually
pure, we have thousands of different chemicals pouring into our
atmosphere every year now. Most of our food is sprayed with
pesticides and packaged with preservatives, additives, dyes
and fillers (Therefore, you ought to choose organic produce).
Our water is treated with chemicals, and our air is assaulted
with industrial pollution.
The Daniel fast – As earlier described in Daniel 10:3, the prophet
abstained for three weeks from delicacies, meat and wine, which
would include all animal products and alcohol. This is a vegetable
diet. In other words, it includes abstaining from rich foods and
desserts. 2023 FASTING SECRETS!
One meal a day – Everyone can fast for one meal or from certain
foods. You can deny yourself coffee, sweets, soda pop, fast
food, snacks, and junk food. None of these things are good for
your body anyway. And if you can’t do a strict fast because of
your age, pregnancy or health, choose instead to give up some
of your favorite foods per day. You could fast one meal a
day and drink a veggie juice instead.2023 FASTING SECRETS!
- Be Wise
You may have a physical condition that would make water or
juice fasting unwise or dangerous. Seek medical advice first.
However, be aware that many doctors have little knowledge of
fasting or training in nutrition. People who should not do a strict
water or juice fast include women who are pregnant or nursing,
people who are anorexic or bulimic, anyone who is emaciated
or underweight, and those who are on dialysis. Be aware of
medications and their effects while you fast. For example, a
vegetable juice fast can lower your blood pressure quickly, so
you would need to cut back on medication, for which you should
seek your physician’s advice. People with diabetes or
hypoglycemia can modify a vegetable juice fast and include
green smoothies made with avocado for extra protein and fat.
This would also be my recommendation for anyone who is
elderly or weak. During your fast, if you become so hungry
that you can’t READ YOUR BIBLE OR EVEN PRAY, then
you may need to stop before continuing any other kind of fast.
Please note: Children under the age of 15 should not do a
strict water or juice fast. 2023 FASTING SECRETS!
- Determine the Length
You can fast from one day to an extended period of time, like
Jesus did for 40 days. Most people can easily handle a three
day fast. If you work, start on Friday. Then you’ll have the
weekend to complete the fast at home. But doing this 21-day
fast or 14 -day fast (JULY) at the same time with others around
the world creates a GLOBAL CORPORATE ANOINTING that
is irresistible to demons! 2023 FASTING SECRETS!
- Know the Symptoms
As your body releases toxins, you might get some detox
reactions, such as headaches, tiredness, foggy brain or bad
breath(Chew parsley for your breath). This can be part of your
body ridding itself of toxins that could cause disease, which is a
good thing. Don’t quit your fast when this happens. The
symptoms should pass rather quickly.
- Pray
Fasting and prayer are linked throughout the Bible. Whenever
we fast, we are admonished to pray, which facilitates BREAKING
STUBBORN YOKES, spiritual growth and renewal. IF YOU