Alpha, Omega
Alpha, Omega
You are Worthy of my Praises today
You are Worthy of my Praises today

Ancient of Days, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the Ending; the One who was, the One who is, the One who is to come, The Almighty; we Worship You.
Thank You for one (1) Year of Miracles, Signs and Wonders; Thank You for what You have already done, Thank You for what You are going to do today and Thank You for what You will do in the Future; Father accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
My Father and my God today, we are Formally Inaugurating this Parish – We are asking that like never before, from today Miracles will happen here, there will be Signs and Wonder such that everyone who will come to this Place to Worship will receive a Divine Touch.
That if anyone is Sick and the Doctors say that there is Nothing more that we can do and they bring that Fellow here, that Fellow will be healed.
We Pray Lord God Almighty that from now on, in the lives of all Your Children who will ever Worship here, You will reverse the Irreversible.
Father, I ask that You will Promote Your Children, You will defend them, You will Protect them, You will fight their battles for them.
If anyone tries to tamper with the Destiny of Your Children here or reading now on the Label of DMC; let Your Fire consume.
And today Father, send down Your Power, send down Your Fire, send down Your Joy.
Please Lord, let tris Day mark a Turning Point in the Life of Your Children, let it mark the Turning Point in the Life of Your Church and Please Lord, let it mark a Turning Point in the Life of our Nation.
Thank You my Father and my God. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
I want you to turn to one (1) or two (2) People and tell him or her – Neighbour, I love you but today my Miracles will be bigger than yours.
God Bless You – Amen. Please be seated!
I want to Thank the Almighty God for making it Possible for us to be here today – Left with the devil, the way the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway is blocked now, there is no way we could have arrived here until the Service is over. But God has His Own way of defeating the devil.
And before I go any further, I want to tell you that I am amazed at the Quality of the Choir. I couldn’t believed it, Particularly the “Praise Team” – They are just Incredible. I can’t see how anybody can come here to Worship and will not dance.
Give the Lord a big round of Applause – Congratulations, the Almighty God will keep on Anointing you. I think we will feature you at the Holy Ghost Service very soon.
Now, if a Man wants to Prophesy, he should just get this People to Minister.
Well Mummy GO had already greeted all those that needed to be greeted. I will just say that I agreed with all that has been said – God Bless You!
This Day will be a Day you will never Forget – Amen!
It is true that we gave your Pastor a Marching Order – He wanted me to come before now and I told him: I will come Provided that you are at least a thousand (1,000) by your First Year.
I knew that there will be some Visitors here today, but what I have seen here today is not bad at all – Well done!
But very quickly, let me go to: 1 Samuel 7: 7-12
7. And when the Philistines heard that the children of Israel were gathered together to Mizpeh, the lords of the Philistines went up against Israel. And when the children of Israel heard it, they were afraid of the Philistines.
8. And the children of Israel said to Samuel, Cease not to cry unto the LORD our God for us, that He will save us out of the hand of the Philistines.
9. And Samuel took a sucking lamb, and offered it for a burnt offering wholly unto the LORD: and Samuel cried unto the LORD for Israel; and the LORD heard him (God is going to hear Somebody here today – Amen)
10. And as Samuel was Offering up the burnt offering, the Philistines drew near to battle against Israel: but the LORD thundered with a Great Thunder on that day upon the Philistines, and discomfited them; and they were smitten before Israel (Every Enemies that will any way try to attack any of you, the Almighty God will consume – Amen)
11. And the men of Israel went out of Mizpeh, and pursued the Philistines, and smote them, until they came under Bethcar.
12. Then Samuel took a stone, and set it between Mizpeh and Shen, and called the name of it Ebenezer, saying, Hitherto hath the LORD helped us.
Jesus Controls: The Past, the Present and the Future according to Hebrews 13:8 – Jesus Christ the same Yesterday, and today and for ever.
1. So, Jesus Christ Controls the Past – Because He was at the very, very Beginning according to John 1: 1-3 & 14:
1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2. The same was in the Beginning with God.
3. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
14. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his Glory, the Glory as of the Only Begotten of the Father,) full of Grace and Truth.
… So, He was there at the very Beginning – That is why if there is something wrong with Your Beginning, He has the Ability to go right back at the Beginning and take care of the situation.
In 1 John 1:7; the Bible says that the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sins.
2 Corinthians 5:17 says: Therefore, if any Man be in Christ, he is a New Creature; Old Things are Passed away, behold all things has become New.
So, you could imagine my surprise as a Young Christian when I read 2 Corinthians 7:2 – When I heard Paul saying: I wrong no Man.
I found that a bit difficult to believe – How could Somebody who was the Chairman when they are Stoning Stephen to death now open his mouth and said: I have never wrong any Man.
But then God explained to me that the Man who was Chairman when Stephen was killed died on the road to Damascus and a New Man came out of it.
I Pray for Someone here today or reading now on the Label of DMC – Whatever it is that is in your Past that is disturbing your Present, God will cancel today – Amen!
2. He Controls the Present.
He said Himself that before Abraham was, “I Am” – He had always been “I Am”. That’s why in Psalms 23:1, David said: The Lord is my Shepherd – Not “Was”, not even “Will Be” but just “Is”.
That is why we say with all Boldness in Philippians 4:13 – I can do All things through Chrust that Strengthens me.
In other words, as long as Jesus Christ controls the Present, I can’t fail.
I want to rejoice with that lady who gave her Testimony – She said that I want something for my Business and I have applied for the second one and I know that I will win.
I can assure you that you have won! Because He says in Philippians 4:19; it says: My God shall Supply All my Needs.
3. And of course, He Controls the Future.
That is why the Bible says in Colossians 1:27 – Christ in you, the Hope of Glory. That is, your tomorrow will be alright and no doubt about it.
So, when we talk about Ebenezer, we are saying that the One who controls the Beginning has brought us thus far and we are saying that because He didn’t fail us up till this moment; He will not fail us in the Future.
He has brought us thus far, He has done what no Man can do within a Year!
Oh well, we might say: It is Possible for the Almightt God to have Multiplied us more than this but you need to understand – Jesus Christ said clearly in His Words: No Man can come to Me except my Father draws him.
When the Pastor was talking, he said that we declared a Fast and some People ran away.
Those that God will call will not be frightened by Fast – Infact it is the Fast that will encourage them to stay.
I. There are People out there who are looking for where God is Present one hundred Percent (100%).
II. There are People everywhere looking for a Place where they will be able to discipline their bodies.
III. There are People all over the town looking for a Place where they will be able to Stand firm in the Lord and Stand till the end.
Believe you me honestly, He will bring them in – Amen!
Now, the fact that He Controls the Past, the Present and the Future means that:
1. Whatever He has done before, He can do it again!
He has helped us thus far, He can do again what He has already done.
In 2 Kings 5: 1-14; He cleansed a Leper.
That is what another Leper was referring to in Matthew 8: 1-3 – I know that you can make me Clean. Why? – You have done it before, He said what I don’t know for sure is whether You will be willing or not.
He said that I don’t Change – I am the same Yesterday, the same today and the same forever. If I have cleansed a Leper before, then I can Cleanse a Leper now.
That is the beauty of us sharing Testimonies. That is why I tell People when they complain of me telling Stories – I said that I am telling you what He has done so that you can Key into it. And say: If He did it for Somebody, He can do my own.
I am believing God that everyone of you here today or reading now on the Label of DMC; when it is Testimony Time next Sunday; you will be the Number One (1) to Testify – Amen!
2. But the beauty of it is not that He can repeat what He has done before; the beauty of it is that He can do More Than He did before.
When you read 2 Kings 4: 42-44; there was a time when the Sons of the Prophet – Just a handful of them; were sitting before the Prophet and a Man brought some foods and said: Sir, for you sir.
And then the Man of God turned to the Servant and said: Cook for the People. The Servant said: Sir, this food is barely enough for you. Am I going to set this before the People?
He said: Go ahead and do what I have said and the People will eat and there will be leftovers. And God Proved Himself!
So, you will find out later on in John 6: 5-13; when Jesus Christ wanted to feed a Multitude (Five Thousand (5,000) Men Plus); He took the Lunch of a boy, fed the five thousand (5,000) and some Extras and they still had more leftovers than they started with.
I have Good News for you – Because I heard the Testimony of People who kept on saying: In the Past one (1) Year, God had done this for me; in the second (2nd) Year, He will do “Much More” – Amen!
3. Not only can He do more according to the Word of God, He can do “Much More”.
Ephesians 3:20 says: God is able to do Exceedingly Abundantly Above all we can ask or think.
I believed that I have come here today just to Prophesy to Someone – That beyond your Wildest Imaginations; in the next one (1) Year, God will bless you – Amen!
I. He started with Peter with just about three thousand (3,000) Converts in Acts 2:41 – He Preached a Sermon, won three thousand (3,000) Souls.
II. And God moved him such that by the time you get to Acts 4:4; He Preached another Sermon and God gave Him five thousand (5,000) Souls.
III. By the time you get to Acts 5: 12-15; the Bible says that the People became Multitudes.
I have been to your New Land – I saw it and it is much bigger than this Place. The Almighty God is going to build it for you – Amen. But no matter how big you make it, in the Name that is above every other names, each time you build; within a Year, it will become “Too Small” – Amen!
I am Prophesying in the Name of the One who sent me – This Particular Branch of the Church will soon spread all over the world – Amen!
… He can do “Much More” and He is going to do “Much More” for one Particular Person and that Fellow will be the one to shout the loudest Hallelujah – HALLELUJAH!!!
The Truth of the matter is this – It is Up to you!
As far as Ebenezer is concerned – The Almighty God who can help up this moment, He can repeat what He has done and He can do “Much More” than He has done but it is up to you!
That is why the Bible says in Isaiah 1: 19 – If you are Willing and Obedient, you will eat the Good of the Land.
I. Do you know that it is Possible for the Almighty God within the next couple of years to select the next Governor of Lagos State from here?
II. Do you know that it is Possible for Him to select the next President from here?
This might sound too much but remember that He can do Exceedingly, Abundantly Above all that you can ask or think!
Years ago in the United Kingdom, when we were much, much more smaller than we were – A Congregation of less than one hundred (100).
I told my children then that a day is coming that the Royal Family will come and Worship among you – They laughed as they couldn’t hold the Laughter. They felt daddy, you have overstepped the bound.
Because we were a Church of Immigrants – Many of them illegal. You are now asking that the Head of The Anglican Church will leave The Anglican Church and come and Worship with you? – They Laughed!
But when the one who was Heir to the Throne turned sixty (60), he left all the Cathedrals and came to The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) to Celebrate!
It may Sound too Big for you but I have Good News for you – God Set Up this Particular Parish (RCCG, The Bridge) to Perform Special Wonders and He will begin with Somebody here today or reading now on the Label of DMC – Amen!
It depends on you – If you are Willing and you are Obedient, you will eat the Good of the Land!
1. It depends on how Grateful you are for the Little He has done thus far.
In 2 Chronicles 1: 6-12, Solomon offered to God a thousand burnt Offerings and then God asked him what do you want? And he asked for what he believed is not too much for God to do.
When God had granted that Request, He said: Alright, that is what you think you needed. Let me add what you have not asked.
I am believing God for Someone here today or reading now on the Label of DMC – When it is time to Pray now; you are going to ask. But as you begin to show your Gratitude, the Almighty God will begin to add – Things you didn’t asked for He will add – Amen!
If you ask God to give you the Grace to satisfy Him, to serve Him, to Praise Him. He will say: Thank You very much; now wait and see what I can do!
When God makes a Promise and He sees Somebody who is Willing not only to do His Will but also to be forever Grateful; He will do what will amaze that Fellow!
Today, I Thank God that I am a Living Example of what God can do when you know how to serve Him and how to Praise Him.
The first time that God gave me a glimpse about my Future – I was in the Vestry Praying. I want to have a Program in the Evening and I was Thanking God for saving my Soul. Thank You for going into the University – Among Blasphemers.
We are Blasphemers – Academicians. When we go to the Club House to eat or those who wanted to drink will drink. Then after we have talked Politics and we have talked about the Economy of the Nation.
And we used to complained then but we didn’t know that we are enjoying. But now, we are not too far from Hell.
When I say that we are in Heaven then – It took one kobo of Petrol to drive my Toyota Crown for one kilometre – We were in Heaven then.
In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, we will be in Heaven again – Amen.
So, when we have talked about Politics, about Economy et cetera et cetera, we will switch on to Jesus Christ – Oh, I don’t want to tell you rotten things we said about Him.
But He (Jesus Christ) looked among all those “Bad Mouth” Academicians and Picked me out – Saved my Soul. And suddenly, I saw my foolishness.
I have said it before that if I were Jesus Christ, I won’t have saved Adeboye but He saved my Soul.
So after He saved my Soul, I was so Full of Joy, Full of Gratitude and I was in the Vestry Praying for the Program that will hold in the Evening – Lord, how could you saved me? How could you turn me to a Vessel in Your Hands? And today, you are going to use me again? The same mouth that was Blaspheming You is going to Preach about You – Telling People of how Good You are? Thank You!
That was what I was Praying about – I wasn’t asking God for anything.
When all of a sudden, He said: Son, I’m going to buy you three (3) Jets.
Jets? – Do you know that as at that time, I have never been inside an Aeroplane. I didn’t even know there is anything called “Private Jet”.
He said that I will buy you three (3) Jets – You will need one for Nigeria, you will need one that can go as far as Europe and that I will give you one that can go anywhere in the world.
So when He bought the first Jet and some People started making Noise and People said that I didn’t reply. Why should I reply? They had just seen one, what will they say when the two (2) others come?
I Propbesy to Someone here today or reading now on the Label of DMC – That Level that you can never dream of reaching, God will take you beyond it – Amen!
2. How do I show my Gratitude – By Witnessing. Talking to others about Him.
In Psalms 89:1; He said that with my mouth will I make known of Your Goodness, of Your Mercy to all Generations.
If those of you at “The Bridge” will not hide His Goodness, if you will keep on telling others that God is doing something here and you won’t keep quiet; He will repeat what He has done, He will do More and He will do “Much More”.
Let me round up because all He asked me to tell you, I have already told you.
You know that the Bible says something in Ecclesiastes 9:4 – It says that as long as you are still alive, there is Hope for you (That is my own Translation).
He said that a dog that is still alive is better than a Lion that is dead.
If you are alive this Morning and you are listening to me or reading now on the Label of DMC – Thus far God has helped you. He has kept you alive till this moment and it means one thing that beyond all doubts, He has not finished with you yet!
It doesn’t matter how Hopeless your situation may be; if you are still breathing; your tomorrow will be alright!
Oh, my Parents are very Poor, I don’t know how? – Your Parents can’t be Poorer than my Parents. I find it difficult that there could be a Parent that is Poorer than mine.
I have said it before – But my father was so Poor that Poor People call him Poor. That is Poverty Squared!
There is none of you here who will say that he was eighteen (18) yeaes old before he has a Pair of shoes.
If God can pick me up from that Level and bring me to where I am today; then your Future will be alright – Amen!
I know that some of you find it difficult to believe but do you know the Truth – It is my Prayer and I have been Praying all these years that all my children will be Greater than I (Amen). That where I stopped, that is where you will start – Amen!
… And I’m not stopping yet!
Today now when I travel, many atimes the Head of State of the Country I’m travelling to will send People to go and receive me but they are still joking.
I know where God is taking me – That when I arrive, it is the Head of State that will say: I want you to do me an Honour to carry your Briefcase.
Now, that is where I am going – I am telling you this so that you will know where you are going. Because where I stop, that is where you going to start.
All that is required of you is that you Surrender to Him Completely and allow Him to dwell in you. Let Christ be in you!
Don’t think that coming to Christ is a joking matter – It is not!
Don’t be a Lukewarm Christian. I (Pastor E.A Adeboye) can’t hide now. Anywhere I go, they know that Pastor E.A Adeboye belongs to Jesus. You should be in that Category of Commitment.
Surrender to Him Completely.
There will be occasion(s) that People will laugh at you; there will be occasion(s) that they will look at you and think that you are crazy – They said so about me.
I. Look at him – A Lecturer in the University, Head of Department (HOD); now going everywhere and saying that: Jesus saves, Jesus heals.
II. Look at him – He left a Lucratic job and he is now a Pastor in a Church whose Income is not even enough to Pay his Monthly Salary.
But it is he who laughs Last who laughs Best!
What is your Commitment because God is Faithful – He brought you thus far. Many of us on Credit!
But He is looking for Somebody who will really serve Him wholeheartedly so that He can show you how Great He can be.
So this morning, I have told you all He asked me to say – Take Note of all the Prophesies (I’m not joking). I’m too old to be saying things to trickle your ears. I can’t be eighty (80) years old and be telling you what is not true.
It doesn’t matter what is happening; your the Future does not depend on the Future of any Nation!
Every Nations that you are – For Example Nigeria is the creation of Man – Some People met and they said: Let’s call this Place Nigeria.
But you are a creation of God – He is the One who created you and He knew you when you were in your mother’s womb.
And He is able to do Exceedingly, Abundantly Above all you ask or think.
But what is your Commitment to Him? What is your Relationship?
So, if you have never really surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ but you want to have that kind of Close Relationship that if they cut you into two (2); what they will find inside of you will be Christ.
If you really want to be one hundred Percent (100%) committed to Jesus Christ – You want Him to save your Soul and dwell in you; the Altar is Open. You can step forward and I will join my Faith with yours and we can Pray for the Salvation of your Sou.
I will count from one (1) to seven (7) – If you want to come, come very quickly. I am counting now.
There are some of us who used to be very Hot for the Lord – You knew that kind of Relationship that I was talking about. But for one reason or the other; you are Lukewarm now, you have “Cooled-Down”. But now you want to be Hot again; will you also come quickly so that I can Pray for you.
There are two (2) types of Prayers that we want to Pray:
1. For the People giving their lives for the First Time – You want to ask God to save your Soul, forgive my sins Lord. Come into my Life and I will serve you one hundred Percent (100%) for the rest of my Life.
2. And the rest of us who are coming in to re-dedicate our lives to Him – You cry to Him and say: Lord, I don’t want to be Lukewarm, I want to serve You so fervently that People will call me a Fanatic for You. Set me on Fire once again.
Let’s talk to the Almighty God!
And the rest of us, let us stretch our hands to these People and intercede for them – Pray that God will save those who are just coming for Salvation and that He will revived those who has been Lukewarm and they want their Fire back. Let’s Pray for them.
Thank You Father. Glory be to God. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
My Father and my God, I want to bless Your Name – I want to Thank You for Your Words, I want to Thank You for those who are coming to You for the very first time.
I want to say Lord, Please receive them, save their Souls, let Your Blood wash away their sins, Please write their names in the Book of Life and let them remain committed to You forever. Thank You Lord!
Now, for Your Children who are sure that things are not the way they used to be and they have come to You to say: Father, we are returning to You and we want You to revive us. Please, receive them. Please Lord, that zeal that will never die, give unto them.
I am Praying Lord God Almighty that the same kind of Commitment that You have given me, the Grace I have for You, give it to them also.
And from this moment onwards my Father and my God; let it be Forward ever, don’t let them ever look back again. Thank You Father.
Now, I’m committing the entire Congregation into Your Hands – For everyone Present here today or reading now on the Label of DMC; let it be another Day of Pentecost – Let Your Fire come down, let Your Holy Spirit come down.
Please Lord God Almighty, let this Day mark a “Turning Point” – Turning Point for Miracles, for Signs, for Wonders in all our lives.
Father, so let it be.
And very soon, I’m going to ask Your Children to cry unto You for an “Anniversary Gift” – Oh my Father and my God, that kind of Gift that will make this a Day never to be Forgotten, give to Your Children.
Please my Father and my God, today is the 28th Day of August, 2022; before the end of this Month, let everyone here and those reading now on the Label of DMC have a Major Testimony.
That Miracle that everyone will hear about and will Stand on their feet to applaud; Father send to Your Children.
Every Yokes in the Life of these Your Children, let Your Fire consume.
Anything that has been slowing them down, let Your Fire consume.
Anything that may in any way try to tamper with their Destinies, let Your Fire consume.
Please Lord, I am asking as my own Personal Request that everyone here today or reading now on the Label of DMC; will not walk out of here without a Miracle.
Father, I Pray that before this time next Year, everyone here or those reading now on the Label of DMC, would have been Multiplied.
Spiritually, my Father and my God Multiply them; Numerically, Multiply them; Financially, Multiply them; Physically, Multiply them; Mentally, Multiply them.
Oh Lord God Almighty, by the time they are talking about “EBENEZER” next year; let them look back and said that we never thought that God can Multiply us a thousand folds.
So let it be Lord. Thank You Father!
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!!!
Let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Now, those of you who has just given your Life to Jesus Christ, I rejoice with you because I Promise you from now on that I will be Praying for you.
So, if you are surrendering your Life to Jesus Christ for the very first time, the Counsellors will like to see you – They will collect the information that I needed and they will Pass it to me.
I can assure you that I will be Peaying for you and very soon; you will be receiving Miracles that you have not even Prayed for. Then you will know that Someone is Praying for you somewhere.
Now, all of us; I am going to ask you to Pray like you have never done before – Because whether you believed it or not, any Prayer you Pray here today will be Answered by Fire.
I want you to think of something Big – Something really, really Great, something that if Only God can do this for you, you will tell the whole world.
You will close your eyes and forget every other Person because it is between you and God now.
Lift your Voice to Him loud and clear and say: Father, this Very Special Day; give me an “Anniversary Gift” and this is what I want!
Go ahead and talk to the Almighty God!!!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.