Recently, the Lord began to speak to me concerning the need to review our current platform of Free Transportation of members to Church, looking forward. As we all know, change of approach is the way God moves His people forward, “you have gone round this mountain long enough, it is time to make a turn” Deut. 2:3 Reasons for the review as prompted by the Holy Ghost are as follows:
1. We must not rob God’s people of covenant
responsibilities that secures our redemptive
dignity. When we continue to carry to Church for
free, those who can pay their way and even
help others, it is robbing them of the
opportunity that would pave their way forward
in terms of blessings, liftings and enlargement
as many are enjoying today as validated by
their testimonies.
2. We are called to press our way to our
inheritance in the kingdom just like the woman
with the issue of blood did and we saw how
she experienced a supernatural change of story
Luk. 8:40-48/Luk. 16:16
3. In this prophetic year of explosive church
growth, which is ordained to command more
than double dimension of growth in this Church
this year, the current arrangement will become
much more unbearable, in terms of stress on
4. Looking forward to the completion, dedication
and commencement of worship at the ongoing
Ark Legacy Project. To move tens of thousands
of worshippers at a time, per service will be
most challenging for our operators and
stressful for management.
ü In addition, as the Ark opens for worship,
tourists from both within the country and
around the world, shall start coming in droves
to see the great works of God in the midst of a
depressed economic, and we may start carrying
tourists about, thinking we are carrying
5. As we all know, God hates waste, we saw Jesus
commanded His disciples after the miracle of
feeding five thousand men, without women and
children, saying “Gather up the fragments that
remain, that nothing be lost.” Jhn.6:12
In the light of the above, from Sunday, January 15,
2023, the central free transportation Program for
worshippers shall no longer hold. Meanwhile all
the loading bays across our WSF network in Lagos
and Ota shall continue to function through the
arrangement of our various transport operation.
Consequently, worshippers shall be required to
pay their way to and from Church. To this end,
transportation seeds shall no longer be taken,
while everyone member takes responsibility to be
their brothers’ keeper in ensuring that all who
require assistance, including their new converts
and new members get to Church by making
provisions for them directly and where required, to
contact their Zonal transportation officers for
necessary assistance.
I therefore, welcome you to the responsibilityboosted covenant highway of life in the name of
Jesus Christ.
Jesus is Lord!