Our Daily Manna Today 22 January 2023

There was a young American, who under the influence of drugs had shot and killed a policeman. In the process of time, he received Christ through the prison’s outreach of a minister and was given a literature in which he learnt about the power of confession. He then acted on what he had read. He told all the guards and fellow prisoners that he was going to be out of prison, and that the time for his parole had come. They said to him “You don’t get out the first time you come up for parole when you killed a policeman.” However, he replied that, “The fellow who killed that man is gone. I am a new man. I haven’t killed anybody, don’t want to kill anybody, and I am not going to kill anybody.” And God took the glory. He got out and afterwards, became a gospel minister. Ah! NOTE THIS: ‘Salvation’ is a big, important and compound word. Its equivalent in Hebrew is “SOZO” which means to deliver, to save and to preserve. Verse 10 of today’s text says, “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation!” So with our mouths we can make confession that will bring about salvation, deliverance and preservation. Confession is a powerful Bible truth. What do you say about yourself – negative or positive things? You can confess your way to victory or failure depending on what you say. Confess your way out of that sickness, delay, stagnation, debt burden, failure, depression and joblessness. Confess your way to victory! From this day and in 2023, mind your language! (Give out at least 7 ODM copies, send a message to orderodm@gmail.com and I shall send you prayers on: “LORD, turn the ODDs in my favour this year”). Our Daily Manna Today 22 January 2023
PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of consecration as led.
1. Today, confess positively in prayer about different aspects of your life. Use the Prophetic Declaration page in this manual (See page 135)
2 Cancel every negative word you have spoken in the past.
3. SCATTER every word that demons, witches/wizards, enemies and your accusers have spoken against you! Our Daily Manna Today 22 January 2023
ASSIGNMENT: Write out areas of your life that you will speak positively to, in this month and year.
Our Daily Manna Today 22 January 2023