Rccg abundance mega parish Well, let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
*Without any doubt, God wants to do something Extraordinary in Akwa Ibom this Year (2023).
*Nobody will believed that on the Tuesday of the Week of The RCCG Holy Ghost Service (HGS); I will be outside my Prayer Room.
Even my wife knows that latest 8am on the Tuesday before The RCCG Holy Ghost Service (HGS); I will be gone to what they call Seclusion – To seek the face of the Lord for The RCCG Holy Ghost Service (HGS) that is coming that Month.
Even among the “Pentecostal Bishops”; they believed that by that time on the Tuesday before The RCCG Holy Ghost Service (HGS) that I go into a Room for Prayers and they locked the door from Outside and take the key away.
And so when our Beloveth Governor (DMC NOTE: Governor Emmanuel Gabriel Udom) says that: Daddy, I want you to come and hold this Service that you just held yesterday (Monday, 2nd of January 2023); I said that it is not Possible – I have The RCCG January 2023 Divine Encounter Service at 8am and then The RCCG January 2023 Shiloh Hour Service by 10am.
By the time I’m through, then you would have finished the Service here.
He (Governor Emmanuel Udom) said that we will Shift it to Tuesday, 3rd of January 2023.
I just Laughed – Tuesday of the week of The RCCG Holy Ghost Service (HGS); I can’t come out.
But then, this our Governor had been “A Governor in a Million” – If he had ever missed The RCCG Holy Ghost Service (HGS); it’s either he travelled or something absolutely made it impossible for him to come.
So, it just occurred to me – Maybe I should ask God! Because if a son honours his father; then occasionally, the father should honour the son.
So, I asked God – Do I have Your Permission to be a bit late to be at the Meeting with you at the Prayer Room at this Particular Month (January 2023)? And I got a Yes!
*Now, Akwa Ibom State is already blessed and there is no doubt about that!*
But then, the Big Oga here ( RCCG REGION 15 PASTOR-IN-CHARGE OF REGION (PICR) – PASTOR IDRIS UMAR ENOCH) here heard that I will becomimg and so he decided to Plug his own in.
And he said: How can you come to Akwa Ibom State and won’t at least wave your hands and say: God Bless You!
Well, I thought about that too as I know the Importance of a Father’s Blessings.
I have said it before that I am where I am today by the Grace of God and by the Prayers of my Mother.
She will Pray a Prayer when I was Young and I have done something to Please her. She will say: You this boy, you will call on one (1) Person and two hundred (200) will answer you.
Today, if we have a Ministers’ Conference and I just say: Pastor; without mentioning the Pastor’s name. The Pastors who will be running will be more than two hundred (200).
*And then, this is a Year of “Double Portion” – God is up to something for those of you who are here or reading now on the Label of DMC!*
*So, all I’m going to do is just to bless you – No Preaching!*
Alright – Are you ready for the Blessings?!
My Father and my God; I bless Your Name because I know that Nothing happens by Accident with You.
I am here today, not by Accident.
I am here by the Grace of God to Dedicate this State to You and we have done that already.
And then in addition to these Your Children; You just want to give them a “Double Portion” – Father, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
To everyone of you who are here and Others that are Represented inclusive all Members of the Family – This Year (2023), your Joy will be Double; your Miracles will be Double, your Promotions will be Double; your Progress will be Double; your Testimonies will be Double. God will give you “Double Divine Supports”.
The moment you Pray, not only will He answer your Prayers but things that you did not asked for, He will add to you.
This Year (2023), your Progress will be rapid; your Promotions will be Accelerated; no Sickness will come near your home, no Disease will come near you.
In all your Families this Year (2023); there will be no Death, there will be no Sorrow, there will be no Weeping but there will only be Shout of Joy.
My Father Himself will defend you, He will fight your battles for you, He will show you Favour. Everywhere you turn, you will find Favour with God, you will find Favour with Men.
God will send Help to you – From the East and West, He will send Help to you; from the North and South, He will send Help to you. From Heaven Above, He will send Help to you.
Every Doors that you knock at this Year (2023), will be opened unto you.
It shall be well with you. And you too will serve God Double.
So Shall it be! So Shall it be!! So Shall it be!!!
For so I decree it in Jesus Mighty Name – Amen!
Well, shout a “Double Loud” Hallelujah – HALLELUJAH!!!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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