DATE: 17TH JULY 2022
Let Us Pray!

There is None Holy as the Lord
There is None beside thee
Neither is there is any Rock like our God
There is None Holy as the Lord
Holy One of Israel, the One who is as Pure as Light because He Himself is Light; we Worship You!
We Thank You for the Power in Your Word – Power to Heal, Power to Deliver, Power to Set Captives Free. We Worship You.
Our Father and our God, we believed that many of the People listening to You now or reading now on the Label of openheaven.net; their Time has come. That even while they are not expecting it, Help is already on the way. Father, Please accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
As we continue with our Study Lord, God Almighty anoint our ears, anoint our hearts and let us understand so that we can “Go Higher”.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Wave your hands to one (1) or two (2) People and say: Good Day; God Bless You – Amen.
I Prophesy to you that “Your Time” will come today in Jesus Name – Amen!
So let us all be seated.
We will continue with our Series on: “Going Higher” as we now move on to Part 66 – “Going Higher – Part 66”.
We will be looking at: 1 Kings 19:19 – Which says:
19. So he departed thence, and found Elisha the son of Shaphat, who was Plowing with twelve yoke of oxen before him, and he with the twelfth: and Elijah Passed by him, and cast his Mantle upon him.
1. We stopped Last Sunday (10th July 2022 – “Goihg Higher – Part 65) on the “Issue of Priority” – That God told Elijah specifically: Go and handle the Issue of the King of Syria; then go and handle the Issue of the King of Israel and then go and anoint your Successor.
But Elijah who was known to be “Absolutely Obedient” to God; Changed the Order and went to Elisha first – We are talking about the Issue of Priority.
I. We also told you that you must take your family first before you begin to consider any other things – In all your considerations, put your family first.
Elijah put the one who is going to be his “Adopted Son” first. He decided to put first the Prophet before the King – He decided that there must be a “Samuel” before we can talk of “King Saul”.
1 Samuel 3: 19-20 – Samuel was an established Prophet in Israel; King Saul only came on the scene in 1 Samuel 10: 1-end.
The Prophet is Superior to the King. Why? – The Spiritual controls the Physical. Put God first – In any other thing you want to do, let it be God first.
In 2 Chronicles 1: 6-15; when Solomon offered a thousand burnt offerimgs to God and God Paid him a visit and said: What do you want? You have an “Open Cheque”.
He said: Give me Wisdom so that I can look after Your People correctly.
Man of God/Woman of God; seek the Spiritual before we talk about the Physical!
As you are “Going Higher”; Please build the People before you begin to build Church’s Building!
The Elders has a Saying: They asked you to build your Child (That is Train your Child, send him to School) and you said that I’m building a house first. They said that it is the son that you did not train that will sell the house that you have built!
II. Build Disciples – Particularly as you are “Going Higher” because God is going to take you far – Amen!
Your Ministry is going to grow – When your Ministry begins to grow; you are going to need Disciples to help you sustained the Growth.
When your Congregation – I know that some of you will say: I have “No Congregation” yet; be rest assured that you are going to get (Amen).
Don’t think that I am spending so many Sundays on “Going Higher” for no reason at all. What I’m actually doing is that I’m building you up too to be my Disciples. And through me, to be Disciples of Jesus Christ because there is work ahead. And so we should go deeper.
Consider The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) for Example – It doesn’t matter the Anointing that God may have put on me; how will I be able to handle the Explosion that God has brought to us if God has not Prepared Disciples?
And God is going to make us a thousand times bigger than we are – Amen. So, we are going to need much more Disciples through you.
Solomon said: Hey, give me what I needed to take care of Your People.
God said: Good, you answered well. I will give you that and what you have not asked for; I will give you.
III. Another aspect of Priority that you need to learn is: How do you even Pray?
Because some of you go to God in Prayer bombarding the Heavens with your Request – Is that what should be your Priority?
In John 4: 23-24; the Bible says that God is a Spirit, that they that Worship Him must Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth for the Father seeketh such to Worship Him.
It is now that we are calling the Gathering of the Children of God on Sunday as: “Sunday Service” – It wasn’t so in the beginning. It was “Sunday Worship” – As we gather to Worship God!
Do you know that it will be fully satisfactory to God if you go to Church and you do nothing other than to “Absolutely Worship” Him – He will surprise you!
Oh, I know that He Promised you that He will answer your Prayers et cetera et cetera; that is true. But Isaiah 55:6 says that: You must seek the Lord while He may be found; Call on Him while He is near!
And how do you know when He is near? – When you Worship Him, He will come near to you.
Then Jeremiah 33:3 can then kick in – Call on me; I will answer you, I will show you Great and Mighty Things that you know not.
How Good is your Praise Life Man of God/Woman of God? How much time do you spend in Worshipping Him?
When we are Praising God, Worshipping God; many of us “Mighty Man of God/Woman of God” will be looking at us as if what we are doing was just Playing and we have not even started yet!
You will see some Pastors strolling casually about when Praise and Worship is going on – They will say that they are just doing Praise and Worship and the Service hasn’t started yet!
By the time the Praise and Worship is over; the Service is almost over!
You need to go back to a Lifestyle of Praise and Worship!
I know a time on this Campground that we are going to have I think the Special Holy Ghost Service on a Friday and Saturday. And I was Prayimg on Friday – God, People are coming, Perform Signs and Wonders.
God said: Shut Up. What I have done for you; how much Thanks have you given? I want you to Praise me and Thank me – Nothing else. That is what I want.
Yes Lord! I Praised and Worshipped Him.
I remembered that night like yesterday – Fourteen thousand (14,000) People were healed in one Service. I don’t have time to Pray for Healimg as I just Worshipped Him.
After the Service, I went to my Office, fell on my face and I was thanking God and He spoke – Son, keep on Worshipping me and I will do more tomorrow.
At that time, the whole Congregation was just a little over fourteen thousand (14,000). How can You do more tomorrow? You have healed almost everybody.
But by the following day, all those who came the day before had gone to town to announce to their friends – Ha, something happened yesterday and you need to be there.
The following day, the crowd gathered like we have never seen it before – That day, when we called forward those who are healed; sixteenth thousand (16,000) People were healed.
When a Church grew from fourteen thousand (14,000) to thirty thousand (30,000) in one day; you can be sure that I was frightened.
If you must get more from Him – Praise Him and Worship Him. Keep that in Mind as you “Go Higher”.
2. And then that brings me to another Part – The Issue of Diligence!
The Bible says that when Elijah arrived, he met Elisha busy on the farm (1 Kings 19:19).
He had eleven (11) Labourers Ploughing and he joined them as the twelfth (12th) Man Ploughing.
How many of you that will have eleven (11) Employees and will still join them in working? You will say that you are the CEO/MD (Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director) and let the boys do the work!
… You must be a “Big Man” to have eleven (11) People on your Employment!
No, Elisha was Hard Working – He was Diligent!
It is written that God is Sovereign.
Psalms 115:3 says: But our God is in the Heavens: He hath done whatsoever He hath Pleased.
But God is not Arbitrary – Take Note of that.
Hebrews 11:6 says clearly: God is a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
God lays a lot of emphasis on Diligence! Everything that you do for Him must be done diligently; every facets of your Life must be Permeated with Diligence!
Exodus 15:26; He says: When you are listening to me, you are not just to listen but you are to hearkened.
Hearken means – Listen with wrap attention!
And then you are not to just hearken; you are to “Hearken Diligently”. He said that then you can be sure that I will make sure that you don’t even fall sick because I will be your own Physician.
Deuteronomy 28: 1-3 – It’s a Passage many of us loved to read. It is loaded with Blessings. Oh, that was where He wrote that:
I. You will be running from Blessings and Blessings will be Pursuing you and overtaking you.
II. He said that the enemies will come before you in one (1) way and they will flee from you seven (7) ways.
III. That is where He said that you will never borrow but lend to Nations; you will be the Head and not the Tail; you will be Above Only and not beneath.
But read Verse 1 (Deuteronomy 28:1) – Read the condition for all the Blessings. He says that you will hearkened diligently to the Voice of the Lord your God, to observe to do all that He commands you; then the Blessings will begin to follow you and overtake you.
Proverbs 12:24, He said: It is the Diligent that will bear Rule.
The Hard Working Fellow is the one who will reach the Top and he is the one who will rule over the lazy ones!
Proverbs 22:29; He says: Seeth thou a Man diligent in his business; he will Stand before Kings and not before mean Men.
Oh, God is Love and God is interested in you. If you are the “Only One” in the world, He would still send His Son to die for you.
But let me tell you the Truth – If you are not Diligent, you will fail!
If you are not Diligent, those who are supposed to be Inferior to you will rule over you – That is what He meant when He says: The Diligent will bear Rule.
And I have said it to my children who are Students and I hope that they are listening to me or reading now on the Label of openheaven.net – He says that you can Pray, you can quote the Bible but if you are not Studying hard, you will fail!
And they say to me – What about the Scriptures that says: The Holy Spirit will remind us of all things?
… All things that you have Studied, all things that I have taught you.
Where is the Holy Spirit when I failed? What is His Duty?
I said the Holy Spirit? He will comfort you – Oh my son, you failed this Year? That is not the end of the Story. They just delayed your Promotion by one Year. Learn your Lesson, go back to being Diligent and you will begin to rise again!
The Bible says that the Slotful shall be under Tribute.
You are lazy; you are the one who will supply what the Diligent will use to enjoy!
You don’t believed me – Go to the Football field when there is a Match. See the crowd at the Stadium who Pay to enter and see how many People are going to share the money they Paid to enter.
… The Diligent shall bear Rule; the Slotful shall be under Tribute.
Where you are now – Could it be that you are Slotful?
God never called the Lazy – Because some of you will say:
I. How come he choose Elisha? – Because He saw a Diligent Young Man!
II. How come He choose Peter? – Luke 5: 1-11 documented that Peter fished All Night. Lazy People don’t fish All Night; Lazy Students don’t Study All Night.
III. When He choose Matthew – Read Matthew 9:9; Matthew was a Tribute Collector. He was a Custom Man and He (Jesus Christ) found him at his Point of Duty.
Don’t spoil the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ by being Lazy in your Place of work – God is not interested in Lazy People!
… You want to “Go Higher”; you must be Diligent!
IV. In 1 Thessalonians 5:17; It says: Pray without ceasing.
… It takes Diligence to Pray!
V. In Matthew 7: 7-8; He said: Ask, Seek and Knock.
… You ask and keep on asking; you seek and you keep on seeking and when you finally find the door, knock and keep on knocking.
VI. Luke 18: 1-5; Jesus Christ Himself told us a Story of a Woman who needed Help and went to a Judge – The one who can help her. Help me!
The Judges said that I don’t Fear God, I don’t Fear any Man; I’m not going to bother myself about you. The woman said that we will see.
The woman kept on troubling Him until the Man said: Even though I don’t Fear God, I don’t Fear Man; if I don’t do something about the case of this woman, she won’t let me rest.
… Keep knocking until the door is opened!
You have something that you have been asking God for? Keep knocking! Don’t give Him rest until the answer comes! And the answer will come if you knock hard and long enough!
I will remind you of the Story of a Woman who came from the North.
We have just finished our Annual Convention (I don’t know why she came late). I was very tired, I got home, gathered my family together; Prayed a Short Prayer – Father, Thank You for what You have done. See you tomorrow and then I went to bed.
You want to know how tired I am? I only removed my shoes and I hit the bed.
Almost as soon as I came in; a woman came from the North – Ask my children: Is daddy in? They said Yes but he said that he is not seeing anybody as he was tired.
She sat down at the front of the door saying I am not going anywhere until he comes out. They gave her food, she ate it and sat down there.
I was drifted out of sleep when my wife came and knocked at the door – Honey, I told you that I’m tired. She said that there is a woman by the door who said that she is not moving. You better add her to your tiredness.
I had to get up and asked for her Problems – She said something was wrong with her head and said that if you touch the head I will be okay.
She got what she wanted because she refused to let go.
In Prayer, you must be Diligent!
So after the Service today, don’t just go back and begin to drink tea. Pray without ceasing and I will hear your Testimony soon – Amen!
But those of you who will say: Lord, I am not a Child of God but you say that I should Pray!
He is not going to open the door if you have not opened the door of your own heart to Him.
Revelation 3:20; He said: Behold I Stand by the door and I knock. If any Man hears my Voice qnd open the door. He said that I will come in.
And you are saying: No, I don’t want Jesus Christ to come into my Life; I just want the Miracles He can give. You will be wasting your Time.
So, I appealled to you – Open the door of your heart to Him now and let Him come in.
And if you want to do so; just bow your head wherever you are and cry to Him – Lord, come into my Life, come and take control and I will serve you for the rest of my Life.
Pray that Simple Prayer – And I will Pray with you now and very soon you will see the difference that Jesus Christ can bring.
Let Us Pray!
My Father and my God, I want to bless Your Holy Name. I want to give You all Glory and Honour for Your Words and I want to Thank You because I know that You are going to answer Prayers here today.
And all these People who has decided to give You their lives – Receive them, forgive their sins, save their Souls, Please receive them into the Family of God. From now on, when they cry to You; Please answer them by Fire and don’t let them ever backslide again.
As for all those who are already Your Children, who have been knocking and Knocking; Please Lord at the next knock, Please open the door to them.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
I rejoice with those of you who have just given your Life to Jesus Christ. I just want to assure you all that from now on; I will be Praying for you.
So, Please contact me as soon as Possible – Give me your names, your Addresses and your Prayer Requests and I Promised you that I will be Praying for you.
And Please contact the Pastor in the Nearest Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) Parish to you and I can assure you that they will teach you what to do next.
God Bless You – Amen!!!