Immortal God
Invincible God
Immortal God
How great Thou art.
The King of Kings
The Lord of lords
Immortal God
How great Thou art. (Immortal)
Father, the Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning and the Ending; the One who was, the One who is, the One who is to come, the Almighty.
The Unchangeable Changer, the same Yesterday, Today and for ever, we worship You; we Magnify Your Holy Name!
We Thank You for Your Children gathered here here today, even for a Mighty Convention – we we will be talking about “A New Wave of Jubilation.”
We Thank You because we know that with You all things are Possible! And we Thank You because You are the One controlling Times and Seasons.
Lord, accept our Worship, in Jesus’ Name!
I am committing Your Children into Your Hands Lord God Almighty; before this Convention is over, let each and everyone of Your children be full of Jubilation.
And let them keep on Jubilating for the rest of their lives.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
… I want to rejoice with everyone of you, for this wonderful Convention:
The Theme of which is: A NEW WAVE OF JUBILATION.
My own Text will be taken from Ecclesiastes 3:1-8;
1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
*… Life is always in waves.
If you look at the wave of the sea, you will find that it would rise, and then fall. And then rise again and fall again.
That’s how a wave moves – Rising, Hill- Valley, and so on and so forth.
So, there is a time for everything – Life moves in waves!
What then do we mean by JUBILATION?
I. To jubilate means to rejoice eenergetically.
II. To be so full of Joy, you can’t hide it;
III. To rejoice loudly, and with all your Strength.
… That’s what is called Jubilation.
For example, in 2 Samuel 6:14-15, the Bible says David danced before the Lord with all his Might. And the whole of Israel was rejoicing, singing, shouting; playing drums and cymbals, blowing trumpets.
That’s Jubilation! – When you are so full of Joy, that you can’t hide it.
So, for someone in this Convention, or reading now on the Label of DMC, the time has come for your Jubilation to come as a Mighty Wave – Amen!
The Season for the Wave of Jubilation for someone has come – Amen!
That’s why I prayed, that by the time you are leaving this Convention, your Joy would be so full, Nobody would beg you before you shout Hallelujah, before you sing, before you dance, before you jump!
1. The Season of Jubilation is a Season of Miracles:
Because when you get a Miracle (that is a real Miracle) there’s no way you will be able to hide the Joy.
For example, in Acts 3:1-8, when a man who was born Lame, who had been a cripple for more than forty (40) years; who had been sitting by the Beautiful Gate of the Temple – Seeing everybody going in, to sing and praise God, while he sat outside immobile, begging people for money: suddenly had an experience that brought him into contact a Major Miracle.
They said when his ankle bones received Strength, he was walking, he was leaping, he was Praising God. His Joy could not be hidden. He was jubilating.
In Luke 17:11-15, when Jesus Christ cleansed ten (10) Lepers; and a Leper in those days was Someone who was incurable – There was nothing any Doctor could do for him.
When he saw that after he cried to Jesus for help the other time, and on the way to showing themselves to the Priests, the Bible says, he returned to give Glory to God, with a loud voice – Not a quiet voice.
When then irreversible has been reversed, he was back rejoicing energetically. He was announcing his Victory from afar off. He was jubilating.
I Decree in the Name that’s above every other Name that before this Convention is over, you will jubilate: because you will experience a Miracle that cannot be hidden – Amen.
2. A Season of Jubilation comes when it is a Season of Victory:
If you have a Big Victory you can’t hide it. You can’t be quiet about it.
Just one example would do – 1 Samuel 17:1-52. For forty (40) days, Goliath terrorised a whole Nation.
Every morning that Great Giant will stand before the People and say: “Any of you who can dare me, come and fight me – If I win, your Nation will become our Slaves. If you win (which is not likely) then our own Nation will become your Slaves.
The Bible says, when this man spoke – Just one man: all the Soldiers of Israel ran into hiding.
And this went on for forty (40) days. Until a young boy (David) came on the Scene and with just one little stone, brought down the Giant. Took the sword of the Giant, cut off his head.
The Bible says, when the Philistines saw that their Champion was dead, they fled!
What did the children of Israel do? They arise, and they shouted!
Jubilation comes when there is Victory; the kind of Victory that cannot be hidden.
Not an Ordinary kind of Victory – Victory that is absolute, Victory that is Total, Victory that has cut off the head of your archenemy.
In the Name of the One who is called the Lord of Host, all the enemies that followed you to this Convention will not return home with their heads – Amen.
… And then, you will be able to Jubilate!
3. Jubilation comes when there is Restoration.
In Samuel 6:1-15, the Bible tells us that David and his People were bringing the Ark of the Covenant of God into Jerusalem (the City of David).
On the way an accident happened, and David became afraid of God. He said, “I can’t keep this Ark to my City.”
And they took the Ark to the house of Obededom. With the intention that if he can die, let him die – he’s not an Israeli. But within three (3) Months, God blessed the house of Obededom so Mightily that a whole Nation heard about him.
When they told David, this is what has happened to Obededom he said, I took the Ark to his house, I’ll go and get it back.
When he (David) got the Ark and he was returning to Jerusalem, this time round he was Jubilating:
I. That’s why he was dancing with all his Might.
II. That’s why the whole Nation was singing and shouting and blowing trumpets.
And that’s why I can Decree, in the Name that’s above every other names: Everything Precious that you have lost, during this Convention you will get each one back, so that you will be able to Jubilate – Amen!
If it is your Health that you have lost, you would get it back – Amen!
If it is your Contact with the Almighty God – May be you have been hearing His Voice before and you are no longer hearing, you would get it back!
If it is your Promotion that had been denied, you would get it back – Amen!
When there is Restoration, there will be Jubilation!
Jubilation comes as a result of Restoration.
4. Jubilation comes when a man has an Encounter with the Almighty God:
You can’t have an Encounter with God and not Jubilate – it’s not Possible!
In Matthew 2:1-10, the Bible tells us that when Jesus Christ was born, Wise men came from the East to look for Him. They travelled a long distance.
If we are to believe Bible Scholars, by the time they arrived where Jesus was, they had been traveling for two (2) years!
So, in the Story you see some People display during Christmas, of the Baby Jesus being worshipped by these Wise men, that one is human imagination.
Why? Because when the King found out he asked, “around what time did you see the Star?” They told him, “it’s about two (2) years ago.” That’s why he ordered that all children, two (2) years and below should be killed.
Now, imagine yourself travelling for two (2) years! And then finally you arrive at the right Place to see the One you have been looking for – You can imagine your Jubilation.
The Bible says, they rejoiced with exceeding Great Joy! Not Ordinary Joy, not Great Joy, but Exceeding Joy – Joy that cannot be hidden.
My Prayer for everyone of you, during this Convention, you will have an Encounter with God – An Encounter that you can’t hide, an Encounter that will cause you to Rejoice, to shout, to jump, to dance, to Jubilate – Amen!
And of course, you cannot have an Encounter with God and your Life will remain the same!
No man can have a real Encounter with God and their Life would remain the same.
Nobody ever come in contact with Jesus Christ who would not become a Brand New Creature.
In John 4:1-30; the Bible tells us about this woman – A Samaritan Woman who came to draw water and came.in contact with Jesus Christ.
Look at the Life of that woman; the Bible says she had five (5) husbands – Married divorced, married again divorced!
So, the fifth (5th) Fellow that she was living with, she didn’t even bother to do any Marriage Ceremony – “Don’t let us even waste time, because if we say we will marry again there will be another divorce. This time, if we are not married, when we go our different ways there will be no issue of divorce.”
Her Life has been a Life of series of Failures – Joy today, sorrow tomorrow all along.
Then she had an Encounter with the Saviour.
How did I know she Jubilated?
The Bible says she forgot her pot of water – She came to draw water from the well, and she was so full of Joy, she didn’t even think of water anymore.
She forgot the pot, as she ran to the Town to go an tell everybody – “I have met the Real Man now! I have been fooling around with different men, but I have met the Real Man – Who has told me everything that I have ever done. Come and see the Man.”
You cannot be Genuinely saved and not Jubilate; you cannot be Genuinely saved and be quiet about it – it is impossible!
So, if you are listening to me now or reading now on the Label of DMC and you claim that you are already saved and you are not Jubilating; the Joy of Salvation cannot be hidden. It is a kind of Joy that is called Jubilation.
Those who have been Genuinely saved would tell you that they would wake up in the night singing Choruses to God; wake up in the morning, Praising God.
You can ask them, “why are you so happy?” And they can’t even tell you. That’s why it is called the Joy of Salvation. It’s a Jubilation.
Years ago I had the opportunity of leading a Professor to the Lord at the University of Ibadan (in Nigeria).
The following Month when I went to see him he said, Sir I have a Question. And I was getting ready for one big Theological Question.
… Because, when you are dealing with a Professor, you are dealing with highly Learned People.
Yes Sir, what’s the Question?
He said Sir I want to ask, “I hope it’s not dangerous to be happy all the time?” He said, because since I gave my Life to Jesus Christ, I just can’t stop being happy!
I said, that’s fine. That is the Plan of God for our lives; it is sin that brought us into sorrow.
Genuine Salvation brings Jubilation, and it is a Jubilation that can last forever.
So, if you are not Jubilating, and you say you are a Child of God, maybe you are backslidden.
The Word of God made it clear: “it is with Joy you would draw from the Well of Salvation.”
This very day, those of you who were once Born Again, but you have lost the Joy of Salvation. You can get it back!
Remember the Prayer of David after he backslided – He said Lord, “Restore to me the Joy of Thy Salvation.”
That’s what he cried for.
I used to know a Joy that made me Jubilate; I have lost it – Please, give it back to me.
That should be the Prayer of some People today.
And then there are some of you who have not even tasted this Joy that we are talking about – This Real Joy that lasts forever.
The Bible says come and taste, and see how Good the Lord can be.
So, I am going to call on those of you who have not given your Life to Jesus Christ; or you said you have given your Life to the Lord Jesus Christ, but you didn’t feel any Joy after you Prayed the Salvation Prayer:
You better come back and seek the Genuine Salvation – Genuine Salvation must bring you to Jubilation.
Those of you who are backslidden and you want that Joy of Salvation.
You knew when you gave your Life to Jesus Christ (which you lost) and you want it back, come too. And the Almighty will restore you.
So, before I ask you to Pray for the kind of Joy that can never be hidden, in every facets of your Life, let me first of all Pray for those of you who want to give your Life to Jesus, and those of you who want to be restored to Him.
I am going to ask you – I can’t see you, but the Lord can see you.
Those of you who would want to surrender your Life to Jesus Christ Stand up on your feet wherever you are listening to me right now or reading now on the Label of DMC.
And those of you who are backslidden and you would want to be restored to the God of your Salvation, Stand up too.
And cry to the Almighty God for Salvation and for Restoration, even as I Pray for you now:
My Father and my God, the Source of every Joy, I want to Thank You for Your Word.
And I want to Thank You for all these People who are surrendering their lives to You now and those who are asking for Your Restoration;
Father Please receive them, save their Souls, let Your Blood wash away their sins. Restore them Almighty God to fellowship with You.
And those who are just surrendering to You Father, take them into the Family of God and let everything become New for each and everyone of them.
Save their Souls today, and from this time onwards, anytime they cry unto You Please, answer them by Fire.
So that from this moment onward, they will be rejoicing in You forever!
Thank You my Father and my God!
Lord, I am going to ask that, when Your children cry unto You today and they say that they want the Jubilation that comes from Miracles, Signs and Wonders. Miracles of Healing, of Deliverance, of Success, Father grant their requests!
Give them Victory that is absolute!
Oh, Almighty God draw them close to Yourself, give them the Miracle of Restoration.
Let each and every one of these Your Children today have an Encounter with You. And let them serve You for the rest of their lives.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Praise the Lord!
I want to Rejoice with those of you who have given your Life to Jesus Christ today; your Pastor will tell you what to do next.
I want to Rejoice even more with those of you who were backslidden and are now restored to the Lord. I Pray that you would never backslide again!
I have already Prayed that when you cry to God today He will grant your request.
So I am going to encourage you that every one of you would spend Quality time crying to God:
I. Ask Him for Miracles that cannot be hidden.
II. Ask Him for Victory, Total and Absolute.
III. Ask God for Restoration of everything you have lost.
IV. Ask God for a Divine Encounter so mighty that you would never forget today.
V. Ask for the Enablement that comes from God, so that you can’t keep quiet about your Salvation anymore.
And God will give you something Mighty, something to Jubilate about, for the rest of your Life – Amen.
… So, make sure you spend Quality Time in Praying: and God will answer you by Fire, in Jesus’ Name – Amen!
Congratulations! Have a very wonderful Convention, in Jesus’ Name – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.