Well let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Let Us Pray!

Magnify Him
Magnify Him
Magnify Christ the Lord
Ancient of Days, we Magnify Your Holy Name. Our Beginning, our Ending, the One who never grows Old, the One who is always the I am that I am. Glory be to Your Holy Name. Accept our Worship in Jesus Name.
Thank You for all You have done for us since we are in our Mother’s Womb, Thank You for Your Presence that has been with us till now. Thank You especially for the Youmg Ones and Lord Thank You also for the Old Ones.
Thank You because You are always there for all of us. Please, acceot our Thanks in Jesus Name.
Light of the world, Please Shine into our lives once again. And then the Grace to Shine forth release unto us in Jesus Name.
Thank You Father. For in Jesus Marvellous Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Now, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Now, shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: Good Evening, God is going to surprise you tonight – Amen!
And then you may Please be seated.
Open your Bible to: Matthew 5: 14-16.
14. Ye are the Light of the world. A City that is set on an Hill cannot be hid.
15. Neither do men light a Candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a Candlestick; and it giveth Light unto all that are in the house.
16. Let your Light so Shine before men, that they may see your Good Works, and Glorify your Father which is in Heaven.
Tell the fellow next to you – I am the Light of the world by Divine Decree. It is Jesus Christ who said it and you can’t argue with that.
Our Theme for our Youth Convention 2022 is: “SHINE FORTH”.
Now, Shine Forth could mean several things:
1. For one, it means Radiate, show your Light.
Which is another way of saying: Show your Stuff, show us what you have got.
For Example in Acts of Apostle 3: 1-8; when that beggar was asking Peter for money. Peter said: Silver and Gold have I none but what I have I give unto you.
I don’t have money but I have Power and I want to show you that Power. I want to Shine for God, I want to radiate Light unto you.
2. Another meaning of Shine Forth of course is: Fulfill your Destiny.
In Jeremiah 1: 4-5; the Bible says that before you are born, God knew you and Sanctified you, Ordained you to be a Prophet to the Nations.
… You are born for a Purpose, I fulfill that Purpose – Shine Forth!
For Example, you know Samson. You can read the Story of Samson in Judges 13: 1-25.
God told the Mother – You are going to bring forth a son who will be a Judge and who will begin to deliver my People.
And the Bible says that as soon as the boy was born; the Spirit of God began to move him at times.
You are born for a Purpose – You did not come into this world accidentally!
And so when in Judges 14: 1-6 – When Samson said that I want a child, I want a wife from among the Philistines; the Bible said that the Parents didn’t know that God was giving this boy an opportunity to Shine Forth.
But God was setting up the Philistines for an Encounter with Somebody who has something within him.
And so when the Lion roared against him, I think that the Lion Probably realised that this is not an “Ordinary Fellow”. So, let me finish him before he could achieve his Purpose.
Samson Shone Forth – He grabbed the Lion and tore it into two (2).
And I just want to Decree tonight that: Any Force that may want to terminate your Destiny will be torn to Pieces – Amen!
In Judges 15: 11-16; when Samson began to deal with these People because they gave his wife to Somebody else and they got his Relatives to cooperate with them.
At a time they brought him bound to the enemies, he showed what he has gotten – He Shine Forth and the enemies who came rejoicing, thinking that they will now terminate his Destiny; they were the ones who got terminated.
So, Shine Forth means: Fulfill your Destiny!
That is why the Holy Communion of tonight is a very, very Special One – An Extraordinary Special One because it is going to be your Beginning of fulfilling Destinies (Amen)!
For Example: In John 14:12; the Almighty God spelt it out Clearly.
The Destiny for all His Disciples inclusive; He said the works that I did, you shall do also and Greater works than this shall you do.
The works that I did – I win Souls, I healed the Sick, I opened blind eyes, I raised the dead. He said these works that I have done, you will do also and you will do Greater works.
So, that is the Destiny of those who believed in Him!
Then of course, He said because I go to my Father and then the Disciples were waiting for when is He going to go to the Father?
And it was at the Holy Communion, the Last Supper in Mark 14: 22-25 that He told them clearly: The Time has come now. He said that I am drinking this Wine with you for the Last Time. I am going now – The beginniny of the fulfilment of your Destiny is beginning now.
So that Last Supper started a Chain Reactions that led to the fulfilment of the Destiny of His Disciples.
For Example:
I. It was at that Holy Communion Service that the Destiny of Judas Iscariot became manifested and fulfilled,
That was the very Night that he went out to go and betray the Lord Jesus Christ.
II. It was also that same Meal that began for the Other Disciples, a Life of Divine Health – This is my Body broken for you, do this in Remembrance of Me.
From that moment onwards, read your Bible very well – Not a Single one of the Disciples ever fell sick again – Not one.
As a matter of fact, if you read 1 Peter 2:24; Peter said: By His Stripes ye were Healed.
And with the Stripes that followed that Holy Communion Service, check it very well – None of the Disciples died of Sickness. The only one that died of what we will call a Natural Death was at a very, very ripe Old Age.
That is why when you come to the Holy Communion Service, I want you to come expecting to be Healed, expecting never to be Sick again – Amen!
And then, it was at that Last Supper, that they drank Wine with Him. And the Wine is Symbolic of the Holy Spirit.
Ephesians 5:18 says: And be not drunk with Wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is the Wine of God!
That is why on the Day of Pentecost, when the People were filled of the Holy Spirit; People thought they were drunk.
And Jesus Christ said in Acts 1:8 – You shall receive Power wnen the Holy Ghost is come upon you and then you become my Witness. Then you will be able to tell everybody who Jesus Christ is and then you will be able to do what I Promise – Greater works than I have done shall you do.
When Jesus Christ was here on Earth, Someone touched the Hem of His Garment and got Healed.
After He (Jesus Christ) left, Peter full of the Holy Spirit was healing the People by his Shadow – They didn’t touch his dress, his Shadow has enough Power radiating, Shinning Forth to bring Healings and to bring Deliverance.
I thank God for the Testimony that we heard about two (2) Months ago – Of one of my daughters who said: She was at the Ministers’ Conference 2022 and then she got a Phone Call that her Grandchild was dying in Abuja – He was under Oxygen,
She took one of the Handkerchiefs that we have anointed, took a Picture of it and sent it by her Telephone to her daughter. And the daughter took the Picture of the “Anointed Handkerchief”, laid it on the Grandchild and Healings followed.
… Now, that is Greater works!
The Almighty God will take you to a Level that you will take an Handkerchief that has been anointed here, cut a little bit of it and attached it to another Handkerchief and send it anywhere in the world and you will hear Testimonies – Amen!
So, the Holy Communion of tonight is to set in Motion the fulfilment of your Destiny!
I. The Bread is going to set in Motion not only your Healings but that the Healing Virtue of God will radiate through you – Amen!
II. The Wine is going to lead you to Fresh Baptism in the Holy Spirit – Baptism with Power, Baptism with Fire; so that everything you need to do for the Almighty God will become easy for you.
That is why the Holy Communion is not a joking matter – It is an Extremely Powerful Meal, Powerful enough to heal, Powerful enough to give Power!
And that is why it is not for Sinners – It is only for Discples of the Lord Jesus Christ, those who are Living in Holiness, those who are Living in Purity!
So, in case there is anyone here and you are not sure of your Salvation, you are not sure the Blood has already washed away your sin, your Life is not different from the way you used to live, you are still finding it enjoyable to sin.
But now, you want to begin to live as a True Child of the Living God; I am going to count from one (1) to four (4). You should be Standing before the Altar, crying to Him for the Salvation of your Soul.
And then, we will join our Faith with yours and Pray that the Almighty God will save your Soul and then you will be Free to Partake in the Holy Communion.
So, I’m Counting now!
Now, those of you already infront and those of you on the way; cry to the Almighty God now – Ask Him to Please have Mercy on you, ask Him to Please save your Soul, ask Him to wash you with His Blood, ask Him to come into your Life and become your Lord as well as your Saviour.
Cry to Him!
And the rest of us, let us stretch our hands towards our Brothers and Sisters infront of the Altar. Pray that the One who save your Soul will save their own Souls also.
Intercede for them, that God will give them Genuine Salvation.
Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Saviour, I want to Thank You – Thank You for Your Words and Thank You for these People who has responded to the Altar Call.
Father, P,ease receive them, have Mercy on them, save their Souls, forgive qll their sins, let Your Blood wash away all their sins, write their names in the Book of Life, receive them into the Family of God and let them become “True Children” of the Living God.
Lord, I Pray that from now on; everything that Children of God can Partake in, these People will become Partakers too.
Anytime that they cry unto You, Please answer them by Fire.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
I rejoice with those of you who has come forward. I want to Promise you that from now on, I will be Praying for you.
So, I need your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.
If you will turn to your left, you will see Someone carrying a Placard – I want you to follow that Person. He will take you to where some Pastors are waiting for you. They will collect the information that I want and they will bring you back very quickly.
God Bless You – You can begin to go!
The Bible says that “The Just” shall live by Faith.
Jesus Christ says: According to your Faith, be ye unto you.
Again and again, He said: Your Faith has made you Whole.
It is what you expect from a Service that you will get!
I. Tonight, as you take the Bread, expect Healings and expect that not only will you be Healed, Health will begin to radiate through you – Amen.
II. When you drink the Wine, expect to be filled with Power – Power to Set the Captives Free.
III. Expect from tonight Holy Communion Service the Beginning of the Fulfilment of your Destiny.
Ans so shall it be in Jesus Name – Amen!
The Lord Jesus Christ; the very Night in which He was betrayed took the Bread and when He has given Thanks, He broke it saying: Take, Eat; this is my Body broken for you; do this in Remembrance of Me.
So, you take the Bread and you expect Healings and the Healing Virtue.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit – Amen!
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
So, when you drink thev Wine today; you are going to cry to God for Power – Power to fulfill Destiny.
After the same manner also; He took the Cup when He has sup, saying: This Cup is the New Testament in my Blood, Please do ye as oft as you drink it in Remembrance of Me.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit – Amen!
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
And so shall it be in Jesus Name – Amen!
We remain in an attitude of Worship – We sit down and take your Offering, you give the Offering with a Grateful Heart.
Beginning from now, there will be a Chain Reaction that will lead you to the fulfilment of your Destiny.
And so we want to say Thank You to God with your Offering to Him.
With Joy in your Heart, you dance to the nearest basket and drop your Offering. And then celebrate by shakings hands with as many of your Brothers and Sisters as Possible because a New Journey begins tonight in Jesus Name – Amen!
Over to you Band!
RCCG JULY 2022 HOLY COMMUNION SERVICE(Opens in a new browser tab)
In the Name that is above all names, you will fulfill your Destiny, you will Shine Forth, you will Radiate Good Health, you will Operate in Power, you will have a Testimony before tomorrow.
The Lord will bless your Offerings, He will sanctify it, He will use it for His Glory. Very soon, you will be Lending to Nations
So shall it be. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.