Sermon by Rev. Dr. Abel Ukachi Amadi Assemblies of God Nigeria The Faithful Man -2
TOPIC: The Faithful Man -2

Key Verse: Proverbs 20:6, “Many people
profess their loyalty, but a faithful person who can find?” (NET Bible)
Today, even in our time, God is in great search of faithful children and servants. One of our spiritual fathers, Rev. P.K Emeaba shared a story with us in a teaching programme. He said while he was a student in the Bible School, he was once sick and could not attend classes. He said when the school was over and the students were trooping out of the classes for their hostels that he got up and came out of his room having regained some strength. He said God spoke to him, saying: “I have seen all these ones and I am yet looking for the faithful ones among them.” God is searching for men and women who will be faithful to Him.
In the Old Testament, we have men who were faithful to God. Joseph was one of them just like Abraham (Genesis 39:7-9). Joseph found grace in the sight of God because he was a faithful man (Genesis 39:4). Joseph was occupying a very high position in the household of Potiphar, his master. It was a position he earned through personal integrity and faithfulness, which he displayed in the house of Potiphar and needed to keep that position faithfully. Then came a temptation through the wife of Potiphar who threatened that position of trust through some sinful enticement. Joseph refused to fall for that allurement and remained faithful to God (Genesis 39).
Faithfulness to God demands that you stand your ground in the face of every sinful enticement. There are a lot of fleshly pulls today on us as Christians to back out from being faithful to God. Joseph was in one of such conditions. Joseph resisted and won that battle and God never disappointed him even though he passed through some crucibles.
Daniel was another man who was committed to his faith and belief as a Jew (Daniel 1:8; 6:10-12). He refused to defile himself according to the Bible with the portion of the king’s meat and wine. Daniel knew that it was coming out of idolatrous practice and he refused to defile himself with it. Daniel’s prayer life was threatened, but Daniel refused to bow.
Some people who were envious of his progress met King Darius with a request to pass a law requiring that no one offers prayer to anyone else except to the king, but the king never knew that they were targeting Daniel.
When Daniel knew about it, rather than giving up, he stood his ground and continued to pray and God never disappointed him. Daniel was faithful even to the Lion’s Den and remained faithful to God.
In the New Testament, there are men — Paul, Peter, Apollos and many others — who were faithful to God. In 1 Corinthians 4:2, Paul said: “Now it is required of stewards that they be found faithful.” Paul made mention that himself, Peter, Apollos and the rest of others were stewards of the mysteries of God (1 Corinthians 4:1). Paul knew that the preaching of the gospel was committed and delivered to him by God and he was faithful to discharge his duty. He was faithful to preach the word of God and he took the gospel to all gentile nations and glorified God. Faithfulness demands that all of us who have heard the gospel should faithfully preach it. Faithfulness demands that those of us who have benefitted from the gospel of Jesus Christ should faithfully pass it on to others.
Today’s nugget: Faithfulness demands that you stand your ground
Prayer: Lord help me to refuse sinful enticement.
Rev. Dr. Abel Ukachi Amadi
General Superintendent
Assemblies of God Nigeria.