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DATE: 6TH MAY, 2021
Let Us Pray!
You are the Mighty God
The Great I am
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
You are the Mighty God
The Great I am
Hallelujah, Hallelujah




Father Almighty, the One who is Higher than the Highest; the Bread of Life, we bless Your Holy Name.
We Thank You for all You have done Particularly since the beginning of this Year.
Thank You for the various times we have had the opportunity of dining with You.
We Thank You that each time we dine with You, something Special happens in our lives.
Accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
Please today again; Your Children has gathered together to dine with You; Please be at the “Head” of the Table, feed us Oh Bread of Heaven till we want no more.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Wave at one (1) or two (2) People and say: Good Evening, God Bless You – Amen.
… And then you may Please be seated.
And you know that our Theme for this Month is: God Bless You – Part 5 (Overflowing Blessings).
And our Bible Text for this Holy Communion Service is to be found in John 6: 5-13:
5 When Jesus then lifted up his eyes, and saw a great company come unto him, he saith unto Philip, Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat?
6 And this he said to Prove him: for he Himself knew what he would do.
7 Philip answered him, Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may take a little.
8 One of his Disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, saith unto him,
9 There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?
10 And Jesus said, Make the men sit down. Now there was much grass in the Place. So the men sat down, in number about five thousand.
11 And Jesus took the loaves; and when he had given thanks, he distributed to the Disciples, and the Disciples to them that were set down; and likewise of the fishes as much as they would.
12 When they were filled, he said unto his Disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost.
13 Therefore they gathered them together, and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves, which remained over and above unto them that had eaten.
My Prayer for you tonight is that as you Partake of this Holy Communion; Your Blessings will begin to Overflow – Amen.
Now, you know the Story that I have read to you – The specific thing that you need to note here is that:
1. When they gave the five loaves of bread and two (2) fishes to the Lord Jesus Christ (The Lunch of a boy); it was small.
2. When Jesus Christ gave Thanks, the five (5) loaves and the two (2) fishes they were still small.
3. When the Lord began to break them, they were still small.
How come then that by the end of the Story, five thousand (5,000) People had already been fed and there was still twelve (12) Baskets over?
Simple – As the Lord broke the bread, He handed over to the Disciples; He broke the fish, He handed over to the Disciples. It was in the hands of the Disciples that the Multiplication began!
What are we then saying?
The Blessings you are going to receive from God today as you Partake of this Holy Communion will begin to multiply in your Life!
It will multiply so Mightily that all your Needs will be met; there will be leftovers and the Blessings will flow to thousands of People.
… The bread multiplied in the hands of the Disciples.
As you receive the bread tonight; the Bread of Life will begin to multiply in your hands – Amen.
Peter received the Bread and he later on wrote in 1 Peters 2:24 – That by the Stripes of Jesus Christ you are healed.
… He received the “Broken Bread” and he received Health.
You received the Bread tonight; you received Healings.
But from now on according to Mark 16:18; you will begin to now Overflow with Healings to Other People – Amen.
Because the Bible says that if you believed; you will lay hands on the Sick and they will recover.
You received Healings when you received the “Broken Bread” and the Healings you received will multiply so much so that when you too lay hands on the sick; you will distribute that Healings and the Healing will begin to Overflow into them.
When you drink the Wine tonight; the Wine which is Symbolic of the Holy Spirit will give you Power as a Person.
Because Acts 1:8 says: You should receive Power when the Holy Spirit is come upon you and you will begin to Overflow to Nations.
When you receive that Wine; it will give you Power. That Power will begin to Overflow and you will become a Testifier of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Who is a Witness?
A Witness is someone who will tell the Judge: I was there when it happened, I know what happened and I can demonstrate to you how it happened.
When you received the Power tonight; you will begin to Preach the Gospel with Power, with demonstration of the Healing Power of the Almighty God.
Peter drank of that Wine and by the time we get to Acts 5: 14-16; like the other Apostles who drank of that Wine, they began to Perform Miracles and Power began to flow to Others
Now of course you can now say: Sir, we understand what you have said: Definitely, it is true. Those who ate the bread never became sick – There was no single record of those twelve (12) ever falling sick.
If they were sick; the Bible would have told us – Afterall, the Bible told us when Peter’s Mother In-Law was sick. If Peter was sick, they would have told us.
The Bible would have say: Thomas had headaches, John had stomach Pain – No, No, No; they were never sick.
But then, the Bible now said that they were Performing Miracles, they were never sick, they began to Minister with Power.
But you will say but I wasn’t there that day. I wasn’t one of those that the Lord said: Hey: Take, Eat; this is My Body broken for you! If I were there, maybe what you said may be true.
I have Good News for you: Paul the Apostle wasn’t there too – As at that time, he was still Saul of Tarsus.
But he was the one who said in the Bible Reading that was read to us – 1 Corinthians 11: 23-34.
He said that what I am giving to you is what I have received of the Lord. That the Lord Jesus Christ, the very night in which he was betrayed; took the Bread and broke it.
… He heard, he wasn’t there then!
But did the same thing worked for him?
Oh, of course Yes – You can read about him in Acts 19: 11-12; how he Performed Mighty Miracles.
He wasn’t there when the Lord started it but later on he Partook of it.
And because he Partook of the bread; he began to spread the Bread of Life.
Do you know that he wrote more than one third of the New Testament.
He drank the Wine of the Holy Communion and his Anointing overflowed to his handkerchiefs and his Aprons.
… He was not there at the beginning. But the repetition of what happened at that very beginning brought the same results to him that it brought to Peter.
That repetition of the same Meal is what we are about to Partake tonight and the results is still the same as when the Lord started it.
So tonight:
1. As you Partake of the Bread; you are eating the Bread of Life – It will bring Healings and Health and through you, it will Overflow to the sick.
2. As you drink of the Wine; you are drinking of the Holy Spirit and the Anointing will begin to flow through you and you will become someone who will have “Witnessing Power”.
That is why I am crying to you: The Holy Communion is a “Sacred Meal” – It carries the same Power as that very first (1st) Meal where Jesus Christ Himself was Present.
Oh, is Jesus Christ Present here?
You better believed it.
He Himself said: Where two (2) or three (3) are gathered together in My Name; I will be there.
You heard my Prayer when we started – “Lord be at the Head of the Table”.
He is already there at the Head of the Table.
… He is at the Head of the Table waiting for those of you who are yet to be Born Again.
So, come to Him so that you can qualify to Partake of the Holy Communion today.
So, even as we are bowing our heads in Prayers now; those of you who might be Present, who are yet to be Born Again – Wherever you are, why don’t you rush to the Almighty God and Call on Him for His Mercy. Ask Him to save your Soul, that His Blood will wash you Clean so that you too can become Partakers.
You too can become worthy to Partake of the Table of the Lord – Not the Table of any Denomination but the Table of the Lord.
The Owner of the Table is waiting for you.
If you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ; Please run to the Altar and Call on Him for Salvation.
And I will Pray for you in a moment – Ask Him to have Mercy on you, to wash you Clean, to make you worthy to become Partakers of His Body and of His Blood and He will grant your request.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
My Father and my God, once again I want to Thank You for reminding us of the “Tremendous Power” that is in the Holy Communion.
And I want to Thank You for all those who are giving their lives to You. Wherever they may be all over the world or even as they read now on the Label of DMC; remember Your Promise that You said whosoever will come unto You; You will no wise cast out.
They have come to You now; Please receive them, save their Souls, let Your Blood wash away their sins and make them worthy to be Partakers of Your Table.
If there is anyone of us Lord God Almighty who have anything against anybody; the Grace for them to forgive straightaway so that they too will be worthy to Partake of this Holy Communion; Please, grant them in Jesus Name.
My Father and my God; I Pray that as we Partake of your Bread tonight; every form of sickness and disease will vanish out of our body.
And that Your Healing Virtues will begin to flow through us to those who are sick throughout the whole world in Jesus Name.
As we Partake of Your Wine tonight; I Pray my Father and my God that we will receive New Power to Witness for you with Signs following us so that the whole world will know that definitely Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Let somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Tonight, daddy (Pastor E.A Adeboye) has Prayed for us and Prayed over all the Elements that we are going to use – The Bread and the Wine.
And I am not here standing in for him but here to deliver his Message as a Messenger.
He could have been here but unavoidably absent due to some circumstances beyond his control.
But he said: Jesus Christ is here and he is as well Praying for us.
So, we are about to take the Holy Communion now:
1. Serving and Taking the Bread.
When you are served the Bread, you can eat the Bread immediately as daddy has told us to Pray over it.
Prayer: Overflowing Health will be your Portion and you will flow to be Healing Others.
And then Overflowing Joy will be your Portion because the Joy of the Lord is your Strength.
Without Strength, the body cannot move and walk – So, you will ask God for Overflowing Joy.
And when it is time to drink the Wine; you won’t take the Wine immediately. You will wait for Others and further directions so that we can drink the Wine and Pray together.
The Lord Jesus Christ in the same night in which he was betrayed; took the Bread and said: Take, Eat; this is My Body broken for you, do this in Remembrance of Me. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit – Amen.
2. Serving and Taking the Wine.
Now, I want us to Pray seriously after we are led to drink the Wine.
We are going to cry to the Almighty God because the Blessings of this time is Overflowing and you are going to have enough in Jesus Name – Amen.
You will ask for Overflowing Joy, Peace, Health, Abundance – Don’t ask for “Small Things” from God tonight. Connect your Faith and ask Him for “Big Things” and you testify in Jesus Name – Amen.
After the same manner also, He took the cup and when he has sup saying: This Cup is the New Testament in My Blood, do this as oft as Possible in Remembrance of Me. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
… Thank You Father.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
And so Father; we say Thank You for setting the Table before us.
We say Thank You for giving us the opportunity to dine and wine with You.
Accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
As Your son, our daddy has Prayed for us; right from now, our Healings will be Overflowing Healing in Jesus Name.
Sickness will become Strangers to us in the Name of Jesus. We shall flow to be Healing the sick in the Name of Jesus. Our Joy will be an Overflowing Joy in the Name of Jesus. Our Peace will be an Overflowing Peace in the Name of Jesus.
In our lives, there will be Peace; in your Church, there will be Peace; in our home, there will be Peace; in our Nation, there will be Peace.
Overflowing Peace in the Name of Jesus; Overflowing beyond Understanding in the Name of Jesus.
Because you have declared Overflowing – Spiritually, we shall Overflow; Physically, we shall Overflow; Financially, we shall Overflow. In every aspects of our lives, Overflowing Blessings will be our Portion in the Name of Jesus.
Thank You for what you have done; Thank You for the Testimonies that will follow and we decreed that it shall be Permanent in the Name of Jesus.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
We now request the Choristers to give us danceable songs as we Package our “Overflowing Offerings” that will lead to “Overflowing Financially” and you will never lack again in Jesus Name – Amen.
… After tonight, you will be swimming in Abundance in Jesus Name – Amen.
Lift the Offerings to the Almighty God so that we can Pray over it
Father, we have lifted our Offerings before You – You are the Source from which all Blessings flow.
And it Pleases you to Titled this Holy Communion: An Overflowing Blessings Holy Communion.
Therefore, we ask that by the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the efficacy of Your Words; You will use this Offering to connect us to Overflowing Financial Breakthrough in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Everyone Giving to You now all over the whole world; will never lack again in Jesus Name and they will begin to swim in Rivers of Abundance in the Name of Jesus.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
The Blessings you have received will be Permanent in Jesus Name – Amen!



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Please don’t forget that tomorrow (Friday, 7th of May, 2021) is another Day for the Holy Ghost Service for the Month of May 2021.
… And so we should all be here on time.
And those concerned should know that after the Holy Ghost Service, there is going to be a “Special Meeting” with daddy.
God Bless You as you go in Jesus Name – Amen!!!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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Open Heavens Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.

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