




1. Thank You Father! Daddy says there is someone here or listening anywhere you are or reading on the Label of DMC: That your Progress was steady and fast before. Then all of a sudden, it stopped.

The Lord asked me to tell you: Your Progress shall be faster than ever before – Amen.

2. Daddy says I should tell someone: The one who set your Marriage on fire shall be set on Fire soon – Amen!

3. Thank You Daddy! The Lord asks me to tell someone: You will never again be referred to as an Ex-champion!

You know what that means? – For the rest of your life, you would be a Reigning Champion – Amen.

4. The Lord asked me to talk about this Particular case because, some of you must have wondered: In what ways are so and so better than i!?

I mean, we all know that our God is in the Heaven, He does as He Pleases.

He said: I will be Merciful to whom I will be Merciful; I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.

… And you can’t challenge Him.

And occasionally, when you grumble, somebody would tell you: Don’t you know fingers are not supposed to be equal?

I know fingers are not supposed to be equal; but why am I not the biggest finger?

The Lord asked me to tell you or even as you read now on the Label of DMC that it is the End that matters – Amen!

5. I have Good News for you: Those of you who think how come God has dealt with me like this?

He asked me to tell you specifically tonight: Your End will be better than your Beginning – Amen.

6. And He asked me to tell you a little story – You know I have not been telling Stories tonight because it is a Prophetic Night:

When we were in the University in the Year 1960s (before many of you were born). There was a Group of us who were very, very close.

And you know, as Young boys, we teased ourselves – We looked at the way we were Performing and so we always say: Who is the most likely to succeed? Who is the least likely to be very successful?

There was one of us, almost every Year, he will fail a Paper. So he would have to come back to do reseat.

Finally, he left with a Degree – The kind we call: ‘Let my People Go!’

…. I’m sure you know what I am talking about.

You have First Class, Second Class Upper up to Third Class. The people who are not in any Class – Those are the People we used to call: ‘Let my People go!’

… Just give me something, let me go.

So our friend left with: ‘Let my People Go.

And People like me, we went to do Second Degree, Third Degree.

He was quietly teaching with his Let my People Go.

Then something happened, I had to go and do some work in the Town where he was staying. And I stayed up with him. And his mother died.

So, I was like Ha, my friend – Burial ceremony.

I said, I have five (5) Pounds in my Savings in Lagos. And that was true – That was all I had, with my PhD.

I said, I will go and withdraw it and bring it to you.

He laughed! – He called me by my Nickname ( I won’t tell you)!

He said: You are always kind.

He said: Let me tell you the Truth – My Problem is not money. It is how to spend it.

Why? – God gave him an Inspiration.

By the time I was getting PhD, he was using the Inspiration God gave him – He had built two (2) Giant Buildings when I was still struggling to Pay my rent.

The Lord asked me to tell someone inclusive those reading on the Label of DMC: I will INSPIRE you – Amen.

7. Thank You Lord! Daddy says I should tell someone: Don’t abandon that Project; it is going to turn out bigger and better than you think – Amen.

8. The Lord specifically told me to tell someone (that Fellow would know it himself or herself): You messed up! That’s why you are where you are.

But He asked me to tell you; because of this RCCG Annual Convention 2021, He has forgiven you. And very, very soon, you will say, I have More Than Enough – Amen!

9. There is a Minister of God listening to me carefully, or reading now on the label of DMC.

My Daddy asked me to tell you: Your Ministry will go from Glory to Glory – Amen.

10. But He asked me to tell somebody: Your Marriage became troubled when the Doctors said you have Zero Sperm Count.

He asked me to tell you inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC – I made the Heaven and Earth out of Nothing; your children are on the way – Amen.

11. Thank You Daddy! I want to say Amen to this one (and it will surprise you I’m saying Amen to it).

He asked me to tell someone – Stop doubting Me. I still do the impossible.

12. Daddy says that I should tell someone: Against all odds, irrespective of all the Plans of the enemies against you. You will Excel – AMEN.

13. I want to close! And there is one very interesting thing God asked me to share now.

You know, when we were Young, we looked forward to Christmas (I still do, and I know many People do).

So we begin to count the days to Christmas – So, December 25th is Christmas Day. December 24th is Christmas Eve. December 23rd, is the Eve of the EVE of Christmas Day.

The Lord asked me to tell somebody: Tonight is the Eve of the Eve of your Greatness – Amen.

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Open Heavens Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.

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