DATE: 5TH JULY, 2021
Olorun to da awon oke igbani (The God that created the Ancient Hills)
Eyin ni mo fi ope mi fun (It is You I give all the Praises)
Olorun to da awon oke igbani (The God that created the Ancient Hills)
Eyin ni mo fi ope mi fun (It is You I give all the Praises)
Tani ngo tun gbe ga o (Who else will I Exalt)
Bi ko se Baba l’oke? (If not the God in Heavens)
Tani ngo tun fi gbogbo mi fun? (Who else will I give the Adorations)
Olorun to da awon oke igbani (The God that created the Ancient Hills)
Eyin ni mo fi ope mi fun (It is You I give all the Praises)
Eyin ni Baba tooto Baba (You are the Father that is worthy to be a Father)
Eyin ni Baba to ju Baba lo (You are the Father more than a father)
(Eyin ni o) (You are the one)
The Ancient of Days, we Thank You this morning Sir, for the Miracle of sleeping and waking up. Father we Thank You for Your love and kindness.
Father we Thank You for Salvation, we Thank You for Deliverance. We Thank You for Provision, we Thank You for Your Protection. We Thank You for our enemies that You have put to shame.
Father, take all the Glory Sir, in the Name of Jesus.
As usual, my Father, I want to register my weakness before Your People: “That there is nothing any Man of God can do, without the God of Man.” You are the God of Man. Father use me this morning and bless Your Children.
Every Problems that followed them to this Sanctuary or as they are reading this Message on the Label of DMC; Father, I command them to receive Solutions, in the Name of Jesus!
My Lord and my Father, let our lives advertised You! Let People see Your handwriting in every Departments of our lives.
In Jesus’Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
God bless you in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
Please be seated!
I Thank the Almighty God and our father-in-the-Lord, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG); for giving me the opportunity to stand before the High and the Mighty this morning.
I appreciate God for all our daddies and mummies – I Pray for Good Health, I Pray for Long Life for you. These shall be your Portions, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
Please, help me say: “THANK YOU JESUS” wherever you are watching from or reading now on the Label of DMC!
By the Grace of God, we conquered January, by the Grace of God, we defeated February, by the Grace of God, we overcame March, by the Grace of God, we saw the End of April, by the Grace of God, May did not see our End, by the Grace of God, we Outshined June!
This is July, the Seventh (7th) Month; this July, the Month of Perfection.
This month, wherever you are, I am Praying for you – That the Almighty God will Perfect everything that concerns you, in the Name of Jesus – Amen!
With Authority, I say from this Altar: That before July expires, you and your family shall Testify, in the Name of the Lord Jesus – Amen.
… You are welcome, in Jesus’ Name – Amen!
In 1 Samuel 2:9B, Mummy Hannah said: “… For by Strength shall no Man Prevail.”
The concluding Part of Zachariah 4:6 says: “… Not by Might, nor by Power, but by my Spirit, saith the LORD of Hosts.”
… Human Ability can fail; but God cannot fail.
In John 15:5B, Jesus said: “… For without Me ye can do Nothing.”
This morning, by the Grace of God; I like to focus on ABRAHAM.
‘Whosoever you come across in life; is either a Blessing to you or a Lesson to you.”
Abraham experienced a Divine Intervention, after he took a decision (not before) but after he took a Particular decision.
So, my fathers and my mothers, if you are willing to do what Abraham did; you too will experience a Divine Intervention like Abraham did.
- Words of Prophecy By E.A Adeboye July 2021
… The answer is: HE FIRED LOT!
He fired Lot that he invited – That was the decision!
He fired Lot that he allowed to coexist with him – Genesis 12 and 13 are my Witnesses.
Genesis12:1-4. Now the LORD had said unto Abram:
I. Get thee out of thy Country,
II. And from thy Kindred.
III. And from thy father’s house,
IV. Unto a Land that I will shew thee:
I. And I will make of thee a Great Nation,.
II. And I will bless thee.
III. And make thy name Great.
IV. And thou shalt be a Blessing.
V. And I will bless them that bless thee.
VI. And curse him that curseth thee.
VIO. And in thee shall all families of the Earth be Blessed.
So, Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him; AND LOT went with him: and Abram was seventy and five Years Old when he departed out of Haran.
According to the Passage, God called Abraham. He told him to do Four (4) Things:
1. God told Abraham to get out of his Country.
2. God told him to leave his People – His Kindred.
3. God told him to leave his father’s house.
4. God told him to go to a Land that He would show him!
Genesis12:1 is my Witness
In Genesis12:2-3, God made Seven (7) Fantastic Promises to Abraham:
So Abraham did all the four (4) things mentioned;
– He got out of his Country, as he was
– He left his father’s house, as he was
– He left for an unknown Land, as he was instructed.
Be he failed to carried out the Second (2nd) Instruction – HE TOOK LOT WITH HIM.
… Lot that God did not Call – God told him to leave his People; but Abraham took Lot with him!
… Partial Obedience is Disobedience.
1. So, to Abraham, Lot was an invited guest
… Abraham invited someone that God did not invite.
2. To Abraham, Lot was an Excess Luggage:
And what do you do with an Excess Luggage Brethren? – You drop it!
Matthew 15:13 tells me that, every Plants which my Heavenly Father had not Planted, shall be rooted up.
I Pray for you this Morning or as you read now on the Label of DMC: Anyone God did not Plant in your lives and homes, God will uproot fast, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.
While Lot was with Abraham, Abraham had many Problems:
1. He experienced a Delay in the fulfilment of God’s Promises.
When God makes a Promise He fulfils it – Provided you Play your own Part.
… So he (Abraham) experienced a DELAY.
It wasn’t the fault of God, but the fault of Abraham because he accommodated someone that God did not call.
2. Abraham had Accomodation Problem.
He had Accomodation Problem because he accommodated Lot and his Herdsmen!
3. There was a Strive.
There was a Strive between the Herdsmen of Abraham’s cattle and the Herdsmen of Lot’s Cattle.
So you will notice here that the Story of Herdsmen didn’t just start yesterday!
Initially, Abraham accommodated and tolerated Lot and his Herdsmen. It got to a stage, he could no longer tolerate them.
So what did he do?
He took a decision; He demamded for a separation.
… And that’s why we are here today!
In Genesis 13:9, Abraham said to Lot: separate yourself from me!
That was a welcome decision.
… So, Lot left Abraham.
After Lot departed from Abraham, what followed?
Genesis 13:14-17, the Bible says: as he was instructed. And the LORD said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the Place where thou art Northward, and Southward, and Eastward, and Westward: For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy Seed for ever. And I will make thy Seed as the dust of the Earth: so that if a man can number the dust of the Earth, then shall thy Seed also be numbered. Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for I will give it unto thee.
After Lot departed from Abraham there was a Divine Intervention.
Today, in the Name of Jesus, the Lord shall intervene in your situations – Amen.
Provided you will do what Abraham did – He got rid of Lot!
After Abraham got rid of Lot, God fulfilled His Promises.
Abraham SAW! – You know many eyes look, but few eyes SEE.
Genesis 13:25 says: For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy Seed for ever.
Abraham Possessed his Possessions after he got rid of Lot.
Abraham dropped Lot before he experienced a Divine Intervention.
Is there anyone or anything that represents Lot in your life or in your home? – Excess Luggage!
Brethren, get rid of that Lot now. Otherwise that Lot might hinder you from receiving your Blessings.
Another Problem is that: If you don’t get rid of that Lot, that Lot may eventually get rid of you (God forbid)!
So, what is the Excess Luggage in your own life?
What is it that stands as Lot?
Anything or anyone that God did not call when He called you, is that Lot in your life.
It could be Anger – If you don’t get rid of anger, it will get rid of you.
Look at the case of Judas Iscariot; he was called by Jesus. He was one of the twelve (12) Apostles of Jesus.
Unfortunately for him, he accommodated Lot – His own Lot was Love of Money.
He failed to get rid of it – And it was that Love of Money that later saw the end of Judas.
Brethren, I studied my Bible, and I discovered that James – One of the Apostles, had a Book written after him in the Bible; I saw that Peter had Books written after him in the Bible.
I studied my Bible and I discovered that John, one of the Apostles, had Books written after him. Matthew, one of the Apostles had a Book written after him.
If not what Judas did, he too would have had at least a Book, written after.
By now we would have been saying: “Let’s open our Bible to the book of Judas Iscariot …”
… Unfortunately, he missed it!
Brethren, Judas Iscariot came, he saw, but he never conquered – How are the Mighty fallen!
What happened to Judas Iscariot can happen to anyone – Unless you take that decision now like Abraham.
What about Gehazi?
Gehazi was a Servant of Elisha.
Like Judas, he also accommodated Lot – Greed!
He accepted what his Master rejected. He failed to get rid of that Lot on time.
It was that Greed that finished him and he carried an evil load of Leprosy for the rest of his life.
… You will never be like Gehazi, in Jesus’Name – Amen.
So, my Brothers and Sisters that is it.
It is not how long! Do what Abraham did and God will intervene.
By the way, how many of us want God to intervene in our lives?
How many of us are ready to get rid of the Lot in our lives?
So you accept that there is something called Lot in your life?
Brethren, you can no longer coexist with that invited Guest.
The moment Abraham got rid of Lot, there was a Divine Intervention.
I trust you, that you will do what Abraham did; I trust God, that He will intervene – He will intervene in our lives, He will intervene in our families, He will intervene in His Churches – Amen.
God will intervene in His Church, and the Gates of Hell will not Prevail against His Church – Amen!
God will intervene in His Church, God will fight for His Church, God will fight for His People; He will Paralyze all the activities of the Enemies – Amen!
As a matter of fact: The Enemies will carry their evil loads – Amen.
Any arrow shut at anyone in the Church will go back to its Senders, in the Name of the Lord Jesus – Amen!
And whether you believe it or not; God will intervene in Nigeria. This is the Appointed Time, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.
So, how many of us wants a Divine Intervention?
Let me see your hands up!
Of course, that’s the reason you are here or reading this Message now, on the Label of DMC.
And I Prophesy; before July 2021 expires, People will congratulate you – Amen!
He says: “I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is there anything too hard for Me?”
Can you answer that question? – Is your own too difficult for God to do?
This God that we are talking about: He can kill and He can make alive; He can Heal and He can wound; He can create a Way where there is no Way.
I’m talking about God!
He can bring out Something out of Nothing. Who can query Him?
And what God has finished, it can no longer finish you – Amen!
Brethren, wherever you are, can you just rise and let us Pray!
1. The first Prayer Point is a Prayer of Thanksgiving.
You want to say: Father; I Thank You for everything You have done for me. And I Thank You for everything You have done through me. Please, take the Glory this morning, in the Name of Jesus Christ!
… I know God has done so may things for you in the Physical and in the Spiritual. Let gratitude be your Attitude.
Also Thank God for what He has done through you!
Many of us, God has so blessed us that we are a Blessing to other People. If God had not blessed you, it would have been difficult for you to be a Blessing.
Please, join me to appreciate the Almighty God!
Thank You Father!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have given Thanks – Amen.
2. You are going to say: Father; I uproot anything You did not Plant in my life and in my home. In the Name of Jesus!
Brethren help me uproot it! You are not commanding.
Thank You Father!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have given Thanks – Amen.
… Brethren you are not begging, you are commanding.
3. You are going to Command and say: Everything or Anyone that represent Lot in my life, now depart from me today!
Brethren go ahead: Command Failure, Poverty, Sickness, Sinful habits – Anything that represents Lot, anything that God did not call when He called you, command it to depart from you today!
Thank You Father!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have given Thanks – Amen
4. You are going to help me Pray and say: Father; that Red Light that has limited me, I Command it to turn Green!
Go ahead, Command that Red Light – It is a Sign of Limitation, it is a Sign of Stagnation, it’s a Sign of Delay. Command it to turn Green!
Thank You Father!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have given Thanks – Amen.
… Can I hear a louder Amen in the house Please? – AMEN!!!
5. So you are going to say: Father; I need a Divine Intervention.
Please, intervene in my life, intervene in my Marriage, intervene in my Finances, intervene in my Business, intervene in my Ministry, intervene over my Health, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ – Amen.
Thank You Father!
In Jesus’ Name we have given Thanks – Amen.
My fathers and mothers, when God turns to your side, then it becomes your turn.
This morning or anytime is it that you are reading this on the Label of DMC; God will turn to your side! As a matter of fact, the Set Time to favour you has come! And now is that time – Amen.
You want to help me Pray this Prayer.
I may not explain this Prayer in full but we do it Outside and we get results.
And I trust the Almighty God, that before this week expires, you too will get Results – Amen.
6. You are going to say: Father; before July 2021 expires, let me receive many Pleasant Alerts – Credit Alert, Favour Alert, Good News Alert, Contracts Alert, Joy Alert, Pleasant Surprises Alert.
… Go ahead, tell the Lord!
Thank You Father! Blessed be Your Name O Lord!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have given Thanks – Amen.
The Last Prayer Point – I Prayed this Prayer, and I didn’t know I was inviting Blessings and it worked for me. And if you should Pray the same Prayer, it will work you, in the Name of Jesus – Amen!
7. Just say: Father; wherever my Helpers are, Command them to locate me now. And let them Help me, in the Name of Jesus.
Thank You Father!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have given Thanks – Amen
Wherever you are, the Lord will Command your Helpers to locate you!
The Lord will Open New Chapters for you, in the Name of Jesus Christ!
I Pray for you now – That you will never have a “Better Yesterday” in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
With Authority I say on this Altar, that none of you will be hungry in the Kitchen, in the Name of Jesus!
I also Pray that your tomorrow will be better and not bitter, in Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank You Father Lord! Blessed be Your Name Oh Lord.
My Father Your Children have come – They are here because they want to Encounter the God of Man – Not necessarily the Man of God.
And without any doubt, they have encountered You this morning – Father Please, intervene in their lives, intervene in their situations.
My Lord, Perfect everything that concerns every Individuals here in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank You Father Lord!
In Jesus’ Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Let Somebody say a better Amen – AMEN!!!
Please be seated!
Thank you for clapping for Jesus Christ – Amen.
Thank you for taking that Quality Decision.
There is another Decision I want you to take quickly!
Somebody invited me to the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) Ebute-metta Lagos Nigeria (National Headquarters Parish of RCCG).
It was on a Thursday evening, and I went.
Guess who was speaking? – Our Daddy-in-the-Lord – Daddy GO was speaking.
It was a very short Sermon.
And he said something – He said: “Those of you who would want to surrender your lives to Jesus Christ, decide for Him now.”
I felt like not going out at that Point but a Particular Spirit said: Go!
Another one said: Don’t Go.
I was a New Person there. So, I didn’t know anybody except the the gentleman that took me there.
I looked at him, he looked at me – I was like: Should I go? Should I not go?
But because the Man of God said, decide! So, I took that decision.
You know what happened? Thank God I went forward!
We were not many that Night. As we were about to go on our knees; he said: “My Daddy says: All of you who came out today to surrender your lives, your Problems are over.”
And I had a Problem in the office!
Ladies and Gentlemen, by the time I got back to the office on Monday, the Problem was over!
I say to Somebody here today, your Problems will be over – Amen.
Let me say is three (3) times: your Problems will be over! Again, your Problems will be over!! Your Problems will be over – AMEN!!!
… Provided, you decide for Jesus Christ!
Now, assuming I never went out to surrender that day; I never took that decision to surrender my life to Christ, the Problem would have lingered. Maybe it would have led to my exit in that Company.
I want to offer you the same opportunity – If you are in this gathering today, or reading now on the Label of DMC, you want God to intervene in your life; you want God to reverse your ugly situations, let me see your hands up!
… I can’t see you, so Put down your hands.
If you want God to intervene for you; like the Man of God said that day – Give your life to Jesus!
And if you want to rededicate your life to Him, you are welcome!
So, if you want to surrender your lives to Jesus Christ, or you want to rededicate your life to Jesus Christ; wave your hands.
God bless you – Amen!
Can you just rise to your feet? – Those of you want to surrender, those of you who what to rededicate your life, those of you with me here, come to the Altar.
We are grateful Oh Lord (we are grateful Lord)
We are grateful Oh Lord,
For all You have done for us (Hallelujah)
We are grateful Oh Lord.
I just want to say, Baba O, E se (Thank You),
I just want to say, Baba O E se(Thank You)
Lori Aya, lori Oko (On the Wife, on the Husband)
I just want to say, Baba O E se (Thank You),
I just want to say, Baba O E se (Thank You).
Brethren, if you are there and you have not yet decided. I want to appeal to you today, take that Quality Decision and you will never regret it.
Brethren shall we stretch our hands toward these Mighty People surrendering their lives to Jesus Christ and begin to Pray that the Lord will Perfect everything that concerns them.
That the Glory of God will manifest in their lives.
That the Lord will go to the Foundations of their families and He will right their records.
Remember, no Medicated Soap can wash away sins – It is only the Blood of Jesus that can do it.
… Let’s bring our Prayers to a close!
For in Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Father we say Thank You to You, for Answered Prayers!
These Your children have come to decide to follow You – My Lord Please, accept them, have Mercy on them, wash them with the Blood of Jesus Christ, write their names in the Book of Life.
And Lord, let them finish Strong, and let them finish Well.
Every Good things they need, Please my Father, Provide for them!
In Jesus’ Name we have Prayed – Amen.
I want you to Please, open your eyes!
I congratulate you this morning and I Pray for you: That you will reach your goals, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.
Thank You Lord.
Brethren, it’s time to take our Offering: When you load the Cloud, your rain will fall.
Let us load the Cloud with our Substance and I trust the Almighty God that He will give us more than what we require – Amen.
When you scatter, that is when you Increase. When you Give, that is when you Receive. When you Plant, that is when you can Harvest.
That Seed is not supposed to be in your Pockets and bags; it is supposed to be in the Ground -You have to Plant it, before it can Germinate, you have to Plant it before you can Harvest it.
Any Seed that is not Planted cannot bear fruits.
As you are Planting this Seed, it will Germinate, it will bear fruits and you will Harvest the fruits in Jesus’ Name – Amen.
Let us Pray!
Father we Thank You for the Privilege to Give; Please, accept this little token from us.
Use this Offering to further Your work on Earth, and bless Your People in return.
In Jesus’ Name we have Prayed – Amen.
… So let’s give Cheerfully!
Brethren, you know what? You have started dancing. And throughout this Year, in the Name of Jesus Christ; you will dance! What will make you dance, God will do for you, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.
And so Father we want to Thank You for the opportunity we have this morning to Give.
My Lord, I Pray that You will remember us; You will Open New Chapters for us and all our Mockers will soon bow to our Maker.
In Jesus’ Name we have Prayed – Amen.
In case you have written to Daddy GO that you wanted him to Pray for you; or you desire certain things (like me) and you want God to intervene.
Can you Please, come before the Throne of God?
Speak to God and God will speak to you also.
Commit it to God – Tell Him and then He will answer you.
In the Name OF Jesus Christ, you will not know Shame, He will open doors for you, He will recommend you to People that will favour you, He will Silence your Mockers, He will put your enemies to shame, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Ameb.
Tell it to Jesus – He said: “If you shall ask anything in My Name, I will do it!”
When He turns to your side it becomes your turn! – This morning, God will turn to your side.
He has turned to your side, what exactly do you Need? – Tell Him!
He says: “I am the God of all flesh, is there anything too hard for Me?”
Let God hear your Voice – Your cry will never go into the voicemail, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen!
Thank You Father!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Father Almighty God, we want to say Thank You to You, because we have You as a Father.
Lord we are grateful because You love us! – You love us and You gave us Your Only Begotten Son (The Best Gift that money cannot buy).
And if You could Give us Jesus, is there any other thing that You cannot Give?
You gave us Jesus and You gave us ALL.
My Lord Sir, Please answer us today, in Jesus’ Name!
Every desires of our heart that is Good, Father Please, grant unto us, in the Name of Jesus!
My Lord, Please Sir, all those who gathered against these Your Children, let them fall for their sakes, in Jesus’ Name.
Every doors that the Enemies have shut: In the Physical, in the Spiritual, against these Your children, I open it now, in the Name of Jesus.
Is there any arrow shut at anyone here, I command it to go back to Senders, in the Name of Jesus.
Is there anyone carrying evil loads, I Command the Owners of Loads to carry their Evil Loads, in the Name of Jesus.
The Lord will Supply your Needs – The Lord will bless you, the Lord will enlarge you, the Lord will answer your Prayers, the Lord will Perfect everything that concerns you.
Nobody will take the Glory! – God Only will take the Glory.
People will see God’s handwriting in your life and your life will advertise Jesus.
It shall be well with you! – God’s Glory will manifest, your Joy shall be full, you will celebrate, and you will be celebrated. The Lord will enlarge your Coast, no evil will befall you, no weapon fashioned against you will Prosper.
Those of you who must travel, wherever you go, the Presence of the Lord will accompany you, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Father we Thank You (repeatedly)!
Blessed be Your Name Father. Thank You for Answered Prayers.
For in Jesus’ Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Ibukun ti mo ri gba (The Blessings that I have received)
Ma mu dele (I will take it home)
Ibukun ti mo ri gba (The Blessings that I have received)
Ma mu dele (I will take it home)
Ayo ti mo ri gba (The Joy I have received)
Ma mu dele (I will take it home)
Ayo ti mo ri gba (The Joy I have received)
Ma mu dele (I will take it home)
Iwosan ti mo ri gba (The Deliverance I have received)
Ma mu dele (I will take it home)
Iwosan ti mo ri gba (The Deliverance I have received)
Ma mu dele (I will take it home)
Ore-Ofe ti mo ri gba (The Grace that I have received)
Ma mu dele (I will take it home)
Ore-Ofe ti mo ri gba (The Grace that I have received)
Ma mu dele (I will take it home)
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